Three days have passed since the day Symons encountered the car. During these days he has received signs and vivid dreams as a reminder of his covenant, to produce two bodies for possession. Covenants are very powerful spiritual binding deals. A covenant is an accepted decision between two parties. It could be more than two. It can be described as an agreement between two or more beings to establish a relationship in which promises, responsibility and punishment for breaking the covenant are made. Covenants are legally binding. It is irreversible. It is a final irrevocable commitment. It is like a chain binding two people together. The covenant makes the two to have one thing in common that keep them together.

The devil, demons and evil gods have corrupted the original intentions of a covenant. pathogens have created a replica covenant called an evil covenant. This covenants are deceitfully done. The host could be conscious or unconscious about the evil covenant.

Words are very vital for forming a covenant whether silent or loud, verbal, written or just thoughts. There is a powerful connection between words in a covenant.

The feel of a covenant is emanating and obvious cause the thought of it is naturally reoccurring in the mind. You must have memory of it once about to over step its boundaries

For Symons to escape from his contract he will have to fulfill his promise, their other options to escape this wager. For Example, fighting fire with fire. By seeking the aid of God, or other higher gods for protection.

Symons makes the phone call and pretends to be interested in buying the Golf. The driver suspect nothing and gives Symons a viewing date in three days’ time. They agree to meet half way as the two of them leave in towns distant from each other. They decide to rondeau on a road off a popular cemetery at six o clock sharp. As Symons claims he will finish work at five o clock. A night before the rondeau date Symons falls into a vivid dream where he is enlightened on how to carry out the possession. The date finally presents its self; Symons arms himself with a very quality portable Swiss army knife. Symons arrives at the meeting point sixty-six minutes earlier, even at six the car has not arrived. Symons decides to take a walk into the cemetery. As he walks though the cemetery Symons begins to see rouge spirits and dammed souls warding around him in the cemetery. Symons has attained this ability due to his possession. He hears their whispers he feels their pain. Symons finally stops in front of a grave of a well-known late business tycoon. He sees his soul being pulled down into the ground as he as he pealed for mercy for his sins. What Symons is doing, is peering into another dimension. A dimension that exists as the middle point between life and death, planets and space, commonly referred to as limbo. Symons begins to focus until he is tapped on the back by an old man. He responds in fear and shock, the man claims to be the grave warding. Symons stands with him; the old man is unable to see the spirit. Symons is sure of that because he does not seem to be shocked, at what he sees. They have a short chat as Symons claim to be a relative to the desist.

Symons phone begins to ring, it’s the golf driver. The old man excuses him and goes about his business. Symons instructs the driver to leave his car and meet him inside the cemetery. Upon sighting him Symons discovers the person approaching him is not the original golf driver but the man who sat at the passenger side on the day of the incident. He introduces his self as Ralph. They begin to discuss and bargain on the car’s price. The driver is non suspicious unknowing that Symons is only engaging him in condensation to delay time, allowing the day to grow darker. They begin to round up their discussion and embark on the road leading outside the cemetery. Ralph leads the way, as he knows the position of the car. While heading towards the car from inside the cemetery. Symons is walking behind Ralph. Symons says to him why have come without your friend the one wearing the red shirt from the other day. Ralph responds: his busy that’s why I have to fill in for him. Ralph begins realizes who Symons is and say how do you know us. Upon turning his back, Symons rushes towards him pulling out his Swiss knife. Symons raises the knife and stabs Ralph deeply on his top left shoulder. Ralph spits out blood and falls to his knees. Symons then takes the knife and least’s a line across his four fingers. Symons starts to bleed while Ralph slowly dies and pleads for mercy. Ralph is about to fall flat faced on the floor. Symons grips him by the shoulder before he falls. The possession begins as Symons blood flows into Ralph’s body, through the shoulder’s fresh cut wound. Through Symons blood the tick black substance containing the viral type pathogen flows into Ralph’s blood stream. Same black substance that entered Symons during incident, Ralph’s eyes turn black and red as the blood flows through Ralph’s body. The Pathogens flowing into Ralphs veins begins to colonies cells and replicate cells in their own form. The pathogen has taking full control of the body and brain. Not even retaining any memories or thoughts of Ralphs. The spirit is fully alive in him. Ralphs soul is beside his former body in a less dematerialized spirit form. Everyone on the seen can see Ralph’s soul. Symons feels a free empty space in his mind and a greater control of himself. The spirit in Ralph’s body stands up. Balaam the spirit in Ralph’s body and Symons begin to conversant with Ralph’s soul. They try to convince him to give them the location of his friend wearing red on the day of the incidence a fellow who goes by the name Fitch. Ralph refuses and is reluctant to give them information as he knows their plan. Ralphs soul is astonished as the two men, who stand before him happen to be Symons and his material body, conversing with him though the medium of thought. The pathogens begin to convince Ralph that they can grant him safe passage into heaven if he agrees to give them the required information, flashing him thoughts of evil he had done during his life time. To Ralph this felt very much like a reaper situation. He doubted them but still complied with the plan and revealed the location of Fitch. An angel spirit of pure light begins to decent toward them from space. The angel came to do his duty of passing Ralphs soul into the afterlife. The pathogens knowing that this process will occur, begin to make hast to leave the seen knowing the forth coming spirit could foil their plans. Symons and Balaam begin to leave the seen.

Ralphs soul calls on to them don’t leave me what about your promise. Symons turns around; the second spirit within him speaks to Ralph. You can’t believe everything a spirit tells you simply cause a spirit, our knowledge and powers have limits and boundaries. Spirits are subject to choice are very capable of deception. Spirits don’t know everything neither are they all capable of performing such miracles. Your position in the afterlife is determined by the eternal and perfect laws of God that govern the universe. Am sorry to deceive you but such is life of the ignorant and naive. The two men make way to the golf in hast and watch in a distance Ralph’s soul being euchred into the afterlife. As they begin to drive away from the seen. Symons begins to grasp a grave understanding of the situation and the magnitude of his actions. While driving to a safe point Balaam and Cresol the second spirit still within Symons begin to convers ate through the means of thought. Balaam is driving while Symons is in the passenger sit. The plan was to find a place to strategies the next possession. It was obvious that the next possession had to be carried out soon because Fitch would soon realize his car had being gone for too long. Although it was obvious the pair were withholding information from Symons.

Exchanges in times and lives

They arrived at a bar close proximity to Fitch’s house. The conservation was quiet and coded in secluding area in the bar. Only soft drinks ordered; you know how the saying goes not a lot of words when planning a hit. They left the bar and arrived in front of Fitch’s house. Balaam decides to gets out the car, to check if the cost is clear in the house before he will return to let Symons in. Fitch has already sited the car from the window of his room; he recognizes Ralph but not the second person in the car. He is hesitant but still makes his way down the stairs. Opening the door to Ralph. Begins to speak to him, telling he how long he has been waiting for him. He claims his late. He says to Ralphs are you forgetting the deal is going down today. I thought you might have gotten rid of that car. It’s a good thing you haven’t we need to be at the eight o eight crap yard. Balaam immediately starts to play along in order not to alert him that he is not Ralph. Fitch asks him who the guy in the car is; he replies it’s an old friend of mine, his interested in buying your car. Fitch replies can’t we drop him of; I can’t have him witness this deal. Balaam, suggest they should take him along because he has the money for the car now, it would be better if you gave him strait after the exchange don’t worry we can trust him, we have been friends from day one. The two of them gets back into the car. Fitch takes the wheel and starts the engine. Cresol says to Symons in his mind what is going on. Symons immediately notices a gun tucked in on Fitch’s waist. held by his belt. He says to Balaam why does he have a gun nobody said anything about guns. Balaam says to him don’t worry its cool Fitch is the man he knows what his doing. Fitch says who this immature fool is. How can he be you friend from day one and don’t know what you do? This gun is a rule in my commandment, never go to a drug exchange unarmed. They begin to drive towards their location. There’s a lot of talk through thought between Symons and the pathogen, because Symons is panicking and threatening to blow theirs cover. Fitch begins to ask Ralph questions and Ralphs answers don’t seem to correspond as usual. Fitch has a hint of suspicion but still thinks Balaam is Ralph. It’s very unbelievable to admit a possession especial if the possessed still attains his normal physical form. The scrap yard they were heading towards is a regular place where Fitch transacts business and is usually unman at this hour of the day. While getting very close towards their destination Fitch begins to ask Balaam questions about Symons. He says the face looks familiar and wonders how come they have never met if Symons and Ralph happen to be childhood friends. He then asks Ralph a couple of questions about his family, Ralphs is unable to remember names of his siblings. Fitch panics and pulls his gun out and points it to Symons while still driving. He says what is going on I feel like I don’t know any of you. He starts to shout at Balaam is this a setup? Is this guy police? I can afford to compromise this deal I have a package in the boot and clients who wouldn’t take a drug burst likely. This is a hazard to my buyer. If his police I am going to have to shoot him, who put you up to this I never classified you as a snitch. Were you cut by the feds while trying to sell the car? Balaam shouts don’t shoot him his not a cop. Fitch then looks back at Symons again and recognizes him. He shouts out this is the guy from the accident, is that what this is about; revenge. Fitch then removes the gun from safety, just before he’s about to pull the trigger, Ralph drags the steering wheel the car begins to swerve out of control. There is a power struggle for the steering between Fitch and Balaam. Fitch fires two shots at Symons but he misses. The golf is driving out of control as they go through the gates of the junk yard at about fifty miles per hour; really fast. A few more shots were fired but went through the roof of the vehicle. The power struggle for the wheel continues, until the car hits a large piece of metal junk and begins to spin round. The car then hits an anvil at the passenger middle door frame. The car then tumbles and flips in the air, it hits the floor hard. The air bags deploy and knock Fitch and Ralph out cold. Symons suffers list and gains consciousness almost immediately. Cresol the pathogen within Symons says to him get a grip this is a minor incident compare to what happen on the bridge. Quick get Fitch out of the car before he gains consciousness’s, the possession has to take place now if he dies before the possession the body will be useless. Symons then gets out the car and pulls Fitch out. Fitch has suffered multiple glass cuts caused by the windscreen. Symons then rests Fitch’s body against the car. Fitch starts to gain consciousness, he says what do you gain from such revenge; it was an accident I didn’t mean to run you over. Please have mercy upon me, spare me. Symons get the Swiss dagger out of his pocket, he says to Fitch you deserve this. I spent two weeks in a comma cause of your hit and run stunt, you don’t know about the spiritual pain you have caused me. You changed me into this monster; I was a God abiding person before you that incident. Symons raises the dagger and stabs Fitch in the shoulder; He takes the knife and recuts the wound on his palm. The possession begins as the black pathogenic fluid follows through Symons blood and into Ralphs body. Then Cresol begins to shout out in Fitches body I am alive, I am alive. He gets up and goes to the passenger side of the car and pulls Balaam’s out of the car. Balaam is alive but injured, as he also suffers multiple injuries from the crash but is still alive. He says to Balaam we did; our mission will commence soon.

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