The Soul of Scarlet's Lost Tears
Love of thy brother I will share

As the leader; keeping his composure, kept his eyes on him (the one who spoke) he slowly raised his right gloved hand, using only one finger above his head, flexing it a couple of times pointing forward, soon fallowing afterwards was a ram horn sounding off.

Like hawks sounding before they strike, as the entire brigade started to advance their way down the valley wall. Startled, those who were still standing in the center of the valley (the men in black armor).

The sound of men roaring, while their horses provided the sound of groundless thunder that echoed through the wide-open valley, while they all rushed down, closer and closer they got, I could feel the sweat run down my forehead, until I brushed it away with the back of my right-hand I find that it was more than one bead of sweat.

Whipping the sweat off my brow without no end in sight, not knowing what was going to happen, I was grasping every vine of grass in my left hand and pulled it out by the root. Hearing what a battle was like, is a whole lot different than watching happening in front of you at that time, from the sights and sounds.

Arrows being released in both directions, weather hitting the ground or hitting whoever it was targeting as it bared down on those who stood, or rode on horseback, followed by the clanging of armor.

But amazingly enough, as fast as it started, it was over, once the hoard of men on horses over powered the black armored men to retreat and fall back away from where they stood.

They were not happy, as they scattered over the many hills of the valley walls. While watching, them scurry like field mice from a fire, when one to only a few of the men stopped as the leader for a moment lifted his face guard giving a little snarl baring his teeth as he looked back at the men who chased them off the field and away from the opportunity of many prisoners to be taken.

For those either on horses or on foot gave chase for a short distance until they too were stopped, where they soon heard them being called back to regroup with the others by the result of the ram horn sounding off.

Once the men soon returned, cheers soon erupted, as I couldn’t even contain myself, as I immediately jumped to my feet and ran down toward my men as fast as my feet can carry me, a few times I almost tripped going down the hill.

The five o’clock shadow came to the valley floor, I reached the group of cheers, and my men were shaking hands with those who were once on horseback as they all were now on their feet, all, except the leader who strode in the group still on his horse, looking so nonchalant, as he made his way through the crowd toward the young prince, and the princess two guards as they (the guards) came nose to nostril with the leader’s horse as it snorted heavily.

One of the guards that stood on the princess’s right side, took a hold of the reigns that dangled loosely, so the horse or the rider wouldn’t go anywhere.

With a strong personality, the young prince stood firmly as he stated, “first I would like to thank you for your assistants, and second, I would like to know who I am addressing”, “Who you are addressing, that’s real mature of you to say,” the man that was on the horse, who wore the helmet that had a face guard, until he raised the guard fallowed by him taking off the helmet completely, a hush came over the crowd.

When the expression was written over the princess’s face.

“Surprise, little brother, to see me here, well don’t be, I been fallowing you since you left”, “but, but, but” the younger prince, followed by the one sitting on the horse saying “but, why, you ask, well because you get yourself into situations that are sometimes to all the time, way over your head, and

I’m always seem to be the one digging you out”.

When he said that, the princess’s older brother Elias dismounted off the horse, as he landed with a deep thud due to the slight weight of his metal boats hitting the ground.

Handing the reigns over to another solder that stood next to Elias and the horse, once handed he then bowed his head down slightly, then bringing it back up, looking at both Elias and his younger brother, as the solder slowly walked away from them pulling the horse that fallowed shortly behind.

“Now, where was I” Elias soon replied “oh yeah, so my young brother, where are you off to with half of our dad’s men?

You were only instructed to go east of the far side of the towns that lays in the neck of the woods, which this is apparently not it”.

Ch a that’s what he knew, I knew better since I was given other orders handed to me a parchment at the same time I was mounting my horse, on the day of leaving by one of our father’s guards.

Who handed it to me, once I received it, I saw him make a bout face, then started to walk back up the stone steps, then once the main door open, then continued into the castle. Once the door closed behind him. I broke the waxed seal of a folded piece of paper, that’s when I began to read the small note that was addressed to me from my father who instructed me too; describing that there is a small farming/ fishing village.

On the outskirts of our forest that he would like me to take a group of men, to go with me and check out the magistrate, and ask if there is a chance to make trade agreements, skimming the rest of the orders in very fine print was the somewhat disappointing words of, “help your brother out”.

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