“Wake up Violet!” I heard Nayr singing.

“Huh! Is it morning already?” I replied my eyes still shut.

“It is for you!” I heard Cordum say in the distance.

“What’s going on?” I opened my eyes to see Nayr standing nearby with a sly look on his face. It was barely day break and Cordum was busy arranging the supplies.

“On your feet ,Violet! We have work to do!” said Census.

“Did the gnomes find us? I sprung to my feet and quickly scanned the perimeter of the forest.

“There are no gnomes. It’s time to begin training.” said Census. I took one last look around to make sure it was safe. I eyed Census suspiciously. I wasn’t quite sure I heard him correctly.

“Training? What training?” My mat was calling to me. I glided back onto the mat and hid my head under the blanket. “Is this your new way of torturing me Census sleep deprivation?” I groaned.

“Yes, it is actually.” He joked but he was not laughing. “Come on, wake up!”

“What is going on?” asked Tem awakened from the noise. “Can’t you guys keep it down. It’s not even day break.”

“They are up to something.” I said as I sat up again and rubbed my eyes.

“Census, it looks like we have a few more volunteers to help Violet with her training,” added Cordum.

“Huh! What is he talking about?” said Josili.

“I don’t know, let’s see!” I said as we followed them drowsily to the center of the camp.

“Alright, line up,” ordered the captain. Tem, Josili and I although annoyed and half asleep humored him by lining up in an imperfectly straight line, but our patience was running out. The Captain shook his head with disapproval as he examined the uneven line.

“Are you going to tell us, what this is all about?” I asked finally as Cloud, Nayr and Cordum joined us near the fire.

“Violet, if you are going to face Julian you need to know more than just magic. You need discipline. You need to know how to devise a strategy. You need to be trained in combat and self defense. Cordum, Nayr and I have decided to undertake your military training.”

“Captain?” I was suddenly awake. “My military training? But, I thought that I was going to Nevele today.”

“I changed my mind,” he said with an ounce of regret.

“Really?” said Cloud and I in unison. We shook our heads in agreement that we were still on the mission but somewhat skeptical of the impending boot camp.

That day we began a rigorous training schedule with Cordum and Census, Nayr used his tracking device to locate the second piece of the casing. He found a match to the unique characteristics of the casing located in the city of Neves. While we trained we headed in that direction. In the mornings Cloud led us on a long morning run. Then we had a class in strategy with the captain. In the afternoon Cordum taught us weaponry. After that I practiced using my powers with Josili and Tem. We continued this grueling schedule for the next couple of days as we made our way to Neves. On the last night I crashed onto my mat. I didn’t have a single ounce of energy left as we tried our best to cram for the ultimate test, my impending battle against Julian. For the first time I started to feel fearful of Julian and I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t know how I would make it through the next days. Somehow, when, I can’t remember I fell into a deep sleep and I started to dream. I could see the garden where I first met Celestia and there she appeared to me in a vision.

“Celestia!” I cried. She was glowing and she seemed to walk on air over the grassy field. “Celestia? Where have you been?”I asked her.

“I am sorry Violet. I wish that I could have come back sooner.” She had a sad look in her eyes.

“Are you alright?” I asked. Then her expression changed, she smiled at me as if she wanted to put on a brave face.

“I am fine, but I came to see how you were doing.”

“You’re not going to disappear again so soon. I have a lot to tell you and I have something important to ask you?”

“I will be here for a little while,” she promised.

“We found the first part of the casing and we know where the second one is? But it won’t mean anything if you’re not here. Can’t you give me a clue as to where you are?”

“I don’t know,” she sounded tired. “I’ve never seen this place before. And, Julian he is blocking my powers.”

“Well what do you see around you?”

“I am in a room with no door. Julian uses his ring to enter it. There is a window at the top.”

“Can you see out of it. What do you see when you look out the window?”

“It’s high up. He doesn’t know I can but I sometimes fly up there and look out.”

“Wow, you can fly? No way!” I said amazed and then I remembered that I needed to get as much information as I could about her whereabouts.” Tell me more about what you see out the window.”

“Its very rocky everywhere. Julian is building a large army. You have to warn my father.” She then changed the subject.”Violet, have you figured out how to use your powers yet?”

“I am making… some progress. I do a great force field and I moved some rocks but I still have so many questions. I don’t understand how I have this power. I held the crystal in my hands. She then took it from my hand. “My friend Tem says that I would catch on faster if I knew where my powers came from. Celestia I have to know … How am I connected to this crystal?”

“Violet,” She interrupted me. She was about to say something when it seemed as if she were watching out for something or someone. She turned again to me but she looked as if she were holding back tears. “I don’t know all of the answers right now.”

“Can you tell me what you do know?” I cried in frustration.

“I was desperate to find a way to stop Julian, and by accident I came across information about you. I didn’t have much time before Julian invaded my kingdom to investigate fully.”

“I just don’t understand all of this.” I sighed. I was angry with her. I knew that she knew much more than what she was telling me and purposely avoided talking about my connection to the crystal.

“I promise Violet, I want to know the truth as much as you do, and when I get out of here. We will find the answers.” I turned to look at her.

“When I found out that you had been kidnapped I wanted to go home, but the crystal would not let me return.

“I never meant for that to happen. I don’t know why the door won’t open. Sometimes the stones act strangely.”

“So you don’t know how to help me get home?”

“Unfortunately there is not much I can do from in here, but don’t you see Violet, I think that you were meant to be here.” She said. I didn’t respond . She then paused for a moment. “

What is earth like?”

“Earth,” I was surprised that she wanted to chit chat instead of talking about how we were going to rescue her.

“Come on!” she motioned me over to the bench.” I am really bored in here. Tell me about earth, about your mom.” I sat down on the bench.

“My mom is probably very worried about me. I hate that I put her through this and if I ever get back. I’ll never leave again.”

“I’m sorry Violet.” She sounded sincere.

Celestia and I sat and talked for what seemed like a long while. I told her about my mom and our home back on Earth. She talked about Enos and her father but I found it hard to ask her the question I really wanted to ask. I was afraid to know the answer. We then talked about Cloud and her relationship with Census and I told her about how we met Tem and Josili and their never ending antics. She found them most amusing.

“Did Cloud tell you about his girlfriend?” she asked.

“Cloud has a girlfriend?” I said surprised. “He never mentioned that to me.”

“Yes, she’s adorable, but quite a handful.” We laughed.

“I will have to ask him about her. You know Census is really worried about you?” I tried to get some more information about her whereabouts.

“He must have been shocked to see you.” She smiled but did not offer any other clues.

“Yeah!” I sighed. I didn’t want her to know that we fought constantly.

“How do the two of you get along?” She asked almost reading my mind. I hesitated before answering.

“Oh, we had sort of a rocky start because I reminded him so much of you, but we are better now.” I tried to sound optimistic.

“You don’t like him?” She asked directly.

“I, uh, you know.” I struggled to find the right words. “He is teaching us about military strategy and combat and he is very serious about stopping Julian and more serious about finding you.” I smiled hoping that would satisfy her. Celestia gave me a concerned look. She could see I wasn’t telling her everything. “Okay,” I confessed, “He gets on my nerves sometimes but I think he’s a good guy.”

“Really!” she smiled.” Well I’m glad.”

“Yeah.” I shook my head. She all of a sudden looked even more tired.

“There is something that might help,” she said. There is a mystical rock east of where you are on a hill under the moonlight. If you meditate there it may help you with your powers.”

“But how will I find it.” I sighed. “It’s pitch dark.”

“You’ll find it!” She then seemed as if she were fading away. “Violet, I have to go now!”

“Celestia! No! Don’t go.” I cried.

“Your power comes from within Violet!” She said and in an instant she was gone. I found myself wide awake on my mat looking up at the stars. I remembered what Celestia had said about the enchanted rock and I knew I needed to get there soon. I stood up from the mat and tip toed across Tem who was fast asleep snoring. I was about to tip toe over Josili when I realized that she was awake her fairy eyes startled me.

“Josili!” I shouted in a whisper.

“And just where are you going?” she asked.

“Sshh.” I tried to quiet her. I looked around to make sure that the others were still asleep. “I have something I have to do. I will be back in a little while.”

“You are going out there in the middle of the night, what for?” she pressed. I was extremely nervous I knew that we would be leaving this area tomorrow and this was my only chance to find Celestia’s rock. I also knew that this was something that I needed to do alone.

“Look, don’t wake the others and don’t tell the captain!” I huffed.

“And just why shouldn’t I?” she laughed.

“Please, I’ll tell you when I get back!”

“Fine, I won’t tell, but there is something you should know.”

“What is it?” I asked impatiently.

“Tem and I are leaving.”

“Leaving?” I repeated sadly. There was really no reason for them to come with us we already had the first piece of the casing, but I guess I had gotten used to them being around. “Oh,” I sat down by her on the mat disappointed at the news. “Where will you go?”

“Probably back to Xis.” She said almost regretfully.

“Well, I am going to miss you two.” She looked surprised when I said that.

“Well,” she replied uncomfortably. “I hope everything works out and you find your way back home.” I stood up from the mat.“ And,Violet,” she said.


“I am sorry?”

“Sorry for what?” I couldn’t believe she was apologizing for something especially something that I couldn’t remember.

“Sorry for what happened when we were fighting the slug.”

“The slug, you and Tem saved our lives.”

“No, I mean when we were on that rock.” Her voice became quieter. I shrugged.

“Oh,!” I thought. “I am just glad you came back. So what if I almost got eaten by a slug monster. What’s a little slug monster between friends.” I smiled. She smiled too.

I walked over to Cloud and woke him up.

“Cloud I need your help.” I told Cloud what Celestia had said and he hasten to get up. I climbed on his back and we road off into the woods.

We followed the moonlight which seemed to lead us to our destination just as Celestia had said. The light shone down on a small hill. On the top of the hill, a large rock protruded. The moon shone down on the rock and it seemed to glow. I dismounted Cloud and walked slowly toward the rock that was surrounded by large purple flowers that reached my knees. I walked through the flowers and climb on top of the rock. I sat down with my legs crossed. There was a sweet scent from the blooms and the air felt so fresh and pure. I inhaled and exhaled taking in every breath. The sky was full of light. The stars seemed closer and shined brightly all around me. I closed my eyes and felt very relaxed on the rock, time seemed to stand still and I felt at peace there. My mind was open and clear I started to feel something I had never felt before like the awakening of a sixth sense. The flowers seemed to come to life and dance all around me. The flowers and stars seemed to come together and they swirled around me. I felt stronger, I felt peace. I was light.

Cloud had waited at the edge of the field and now I barely heard him calling my name. “Violet, Violet.” I looked at him but he was so far away so far down. I then realized I was floating. I looked at him and he had a look of worry on his face and I started to sink. I slowly landed on the rock my legs still crossed. Cloud rushed towards the rock.

“Violet, you were glowing and floating.” I was so scared. He cried.

“It’s alright Cloud.” I felt a chill come over me from the fear on his face.” I slowly stepped off the rock and headed towards him. I petted him on the shoulder. “It was an amazing feeling.” The flowers seemed to return to their places and the stars looked their normal distance in the sky. I felt like I could breathe as if I had never breathed before. I was not sure what had happened. The forest was now quiet the way it was before I stared at the rock awestruck.

“What happen to you?” asked Cloud .

“I’m not sure. I feel as if something that was missing all of a sudden returned.”

“Try your power.” said Cloud. I spotted a medium sized rock on the ground. I tried to move it, but to my disappointment it moved but with the same difficulty as before.

“I don’t understand.” I all of a sudden became very depressed. “I don’t understand why my power is no more effective than it was before. I know I feel more powerful. You saw it.”

“Yes.” Cloud agreed. “Something definitely was happening to you.” I shrugged my shoulders in bewilderment. Cloud and I headed back towards the camp. I barely spoke to him. I felt so frustrated and angry. I didn’t understand why I didn’t understand. I wandered had I did something wrong. I thought that maybe I should have stayed longer. I stumbled along kicking up dirt with my boots. I followed the patterns on the ground in the moonlight until my eye spotted something shiny on the ground shaped like a large dew drop. I picked it up and dusted off the hard shiny object. I noted its smooth texture and hypnotizing glow.

“We had better get back to the camp, before the others wake up,” said Cloud when he saw I had fallen behind.

I slipped the stone in my pocket and ran to catch up with him. I would examine it better in the morning. I jumped on his back and we road back through the forest the rest of the way to the camp sight. When we came near the camp, I jumped off Clouds back and we tried to creep quietly back to the mat. Cloud curled up into his normal spot and I was almost to my mat when I heard a voice call my name and on came a light. I dropped my blanket on the mat and stared into the woods.

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