The murder card
Chapter 12

Dear diary, my two days doing the EasyTell service have passed and it has been a journey. Sometimes it bad, upon hearing some deeply disturbing things. Sometime it was lighter, when a customer was merely describing the Basic card. I was shaken up by some things, some chilled me to my bones. But still, I do not feel as tired as I do when I come home from working the cash register. Which I will have to do again tomorrow. It is still more stressful, demanding that listening to murders. In the store you are constantly surrounded by loud noises, loud and obnoxious people. When you are on EasyTell, you are in a quiet room, sitting in a comfortable chair, and you just sit and listen. No one is preventing from doing your job, no one is taking their anger out on you, no one is making fun of you, it’s just you and the customer and nothing else. The shift lasts eight hours, one appointment last forty-five minutes, meaning one meets ten clients per shift. The questions are standard, the same for every customer. My first appointment was a man named Daniel Griffin. “Hello, sir. Please sit down.” I said. He obliged and we quickly got started. “Your name please.” I say. “Daniel Griffin.” He confidently responded. “What is your age and profession?” Was my next question. He was a twenty-one-year-old chef. “Which card did you chose, and for whom was it intended?” I asked dark haired and eager Daniel. “A premium card. Intended for one of my professors.” He answers. “What was the reason for the card purchase?” I ask. “Well the guy was a nightmare, he liked to antagonize the students, you know, mess with them and stuff. My grade in his class would decide if I would get a grant for opening up my own restaurant. I worked really hard, harder than I worked in my life. I really gave it my all, you know. But still… I got a lousy grade, like my meal was bad. But it wasn’t. It was good, really good. And I knew I deserved better than what he gave me. So I tried to do something, you know. I explained to him the whole situation, but he wouldn’t listen. I fought with him because my dish was really good and I was convinced I deserved better. But no, he didn’t budge. It was because of him, that my childhood dream got crushed. So I got rid of the guy, you know. Carrier sabotage, was the reason provided for the card.” My next question would be to explain the reason, but as he already did so, we moved on. The next question was, if his selected person filled a complaint. He did not. “Please describe your murder process.” Was the question I dreaded the most, while in some way looking forward to hear. I was curious. Not just about how he did it, but also because I wanted to see if and how much I would be bothered by his answer. If I’d get so grossed out like Diane that I couldn’t go on anymore, or if I wouldn’t mind it. A moment of silence passed before he spoke. He seemed to be gathering his confidence. But as soon as he started he, told the story proudly. “All right babe, listen to this.” Was actually the sentence he chose to start with. He was one of those guy who just think they are god’s gift to the world. “I invited the guy up to my apartment, that’s where it happened, the murder you know. It was his last supper, you know like Jesus had.” I saw no similarities between these two stories, but somehow he did. For him it was biblical. “I made an excellent dinner, one I do the best. I prepared baked potatoes seasoned with flower seeds, but before that, I buttered them nicely, so they went down smoothly. They were a side dish for the duck. That was the main course. I baked the thing for six long hours, I really put in the effort. You would have liked it. Maybe sometimes you can come over and I can make you dinner, what do you say babe?” I did not like his comment. For starters, so I kindly declined his invitation and just wanted to go on. “Are you sure babe, I would show you a real good time.” He said with a dirty smile.” I am certain Daniel. Let’s just continue. “ I said, this time with a stricter voice. “All right, all right. Where were we? Oh yeah, the duck. Well I baked it for six hours and stuffed it with a special stuffing, I made from scratch. All those things were special, one of a kind, made especially for him. You see, the duck had needle pins it. I made him eat the whole thing. The potatoes, they had peroxide in them, for the extra kick. The stuffing did as well. It took about twenty minutes for peroxide to burn his intestines. And the needle pins, they didn’t help either. They pierced his throat, making the peroxide burn even more. The bastard was choking, coughing up blood, vomiting food, which made the situation for him even worse. The needle pins he did swallow came back up again causing even more wounds. But as you know, a meal is not complete without a drink, so I had to offer him one, you know, to be a good host. I thought salty water was a good choice. I told him I would stop and call for help if he just admitted he was wrong and my final meal for class was good. But he wouldn’t do that, he was so stubborn. At that point, it was time for our finish. I escorted him to my bathroom, where I have prepared my bathtub, especially for his death. It was filled with salty water; you know the kind that is in the ocean. The bastard loved the ocean. So for his final act, he got to die in it. Or in the closest thing I could get to an ocean. I don’t know how long it took him to die, but it wasn’t long, just few minutes. And that was it. He was gone.” He explained his action in detail. He was a very vengeful person, convinced he was right. I must admit, I was shaken up, so I needed a moment to gather myself, before I could continue. “Did you feel better or worse after the deed was done?” Was one of my follow up questions. He looked me straight into my eyes when he gave me an answer. “It felt good babe, it felt good. I just wish I could do it again.” Maybe someday that will be possible, I think to myself, when I asked him the next question. “Looking back, would you change your process, or would you keep it the same? Explain your choice, please.” He thought about his next question for a while, unsure what to answer. He thought about his answer out loud. “Well I like the needle pins. So I would keep them. The peroxide to, I really liked that. But I think my finish could have been better. Adding another scene, now I see it was pointless. I should have ended things with a dessert. Yes, that’s what I should have done. That would be better. Damn, now you got me thinking and regretting my way. Why would you do that?” He asked, as if it were my fault he didn’t do it right. “Sir, I don’t make the questions, I just ask them.” I replied, annoyed. “So you would change it then, your process?” I asked because I needed a solid answer, not just thinking out loud. Again he took a while to answer, thinking about his actions. “No. I wouldn’t. And you know why?” He looked at me as if I was supposed to know the answer. “Because I used all the things he loved the most to end him. Food and ocean. But maybe I can use the dessert for the next time. Who knows, we’ll see.” That was the answer I was looking for, so we were able to move on. “Would you recommend the Murder card to a friend or a relative?” I thought that question was a bit of point, but I needed to ask it anyways. In return I got a definitive yes. “How would you rate the card from one to ten? One being the worst and then being the best.” After some consideration he told me, he would rate it with a nine. The follow up question required and explanation. He told me it could be cheaper. That was the final question. After that, I uploaded the ten percent coupon for his next purchase on his chip. I thank him for coming in and politely said goodbye. Just before he left, he asked again if I am sure that I don’t want to have dinner with him. Never have I been so certain about not having dinner that I was right then. The next client quickly came and I needed to put Daniels’s appointment out of my mind and focus on the next. The next client was Michelle Been. She was thirty-five years of age, a seamstress. She killed a man she loved, a man who did not return the love. She was blonde and her body was very muscular. The man she murdered was named Michael. Since their names were so similar, she was convinced they were destined to be together. He was thirty, married and a father of two. They took the same train to work, that’s how they met. She approached him, as she felt instant attraction towards him. He was nice and they started chatting. They soon became friendly and she considered him one of his friends. He felt the same, but that was as far as he was willing to go. He loved his wife, which Michelle found it hard to believe. She tried to convince to leave his wife and the idea was absurd to him. Something he never thought about and would never do. She got angry when he refused. She started threating his wife, trying to force her to leave him. But she wouldn’t budge. This behavior landed her a six months of jail sentence and was also obligated to go to therapy. The therapy helps, and when she got out of prison, she was over him. For two years, everything was fine. She even had a boyfriend during that period, they were together for over a year. She wanted kids, he didn’t, so they broke up. She was of course devastated and faith wasn’t on her side. Just around the time she broke up with her boyfriend, Michael had just had a new baby with his wife. That event devastated her more as she was reminded of the love she had for Michael. She suppressed that love, it never actually went away. She didn’t care about her former boyfriend anymore, to her, he was suddenly irrelevant. Michael was all she had on her mind. She contacted him and he was not pleased with that. Neither was his wife. When she was rejected by him, so badly, she decided to end his life. He felt he was rubbing his fortune in her face, purposely trying to make her feel bad. Showing her, what she will never have with him. That was the reason she put on the card. A complaint was quickly filled, but as it obvious at this point, it got denied. The battle was fierce and passionate, the wife begged and begged the judge to deny her the murder. She was heartbroken when the judge didn’t. But Michelle claims she never felt bad for the wife, not even for a second. As she is very good at her job, she has a lot of money. She isn’t one of the richest people in the world, but she has saved her money and she was able to purchase a custom made card which cost her six thousand Euros. She purchased a twenty-four long murder process. The events of it happened recently, they started on a rainy evening. It took place in a five-star hotel, one of the best in the city. She booked the sixty-sixth room on the sixth floor. She was very fond of numbers and is convinced they hold a special meaning. She came well prepared and organized. First she numbed his body with Tetrodoxin, a poison I did not know before. It is usually found in sea creatures, she extracted it from putter fish. She made him lay on the bed and while the poison was doing its job, she got her sewing supplies ready. The poison only numbs the body, making one unable to move, but the person who was injected can still feel everything. She started by sewing the edges of his body to the hotel bed. She was quick, thorough and she finished just under twelve hours. Bleeding in agony, he begged her to stop, to change her mind, to show mercy on him, mumbling and slurring his words of pain. “You should have thought of this sooner!” She yelled at him. At that point, the poison was starting to wear of, so she fed him some more, up to the point where he was no longer able to speak. He was still trying to however, so she cut off his lips. What was left of his mouth, she sewed together. She told me his eyes have never been more beautiful than they were that night. The tears made them sparkle, the pain made them alive. She watched his eyes while she ate her meal, regathering her strengths, while taking a break. When she was done, his reproductive organ were next. She sew his penis onto his stomach, because according to her, that was the part that got him in trouble. By then, they were on their sixteenth hour. Now all there was left, was the décor, something she has always liked. Those small details that made everything feel special and look pretty. It was her eye for details and sense for style that got her well known in seamstress community, so naturally, she had to leave the body nice and pretty. She flipped over his body, ripping every stich that was holding him on to the bed. He let out a scream, but a tiny one, because that was all he was able to do. All of a sudden, she felt bad for him. He was in pain and miserable. She almost stopped, but then though of his wife, if she stops, he`ll just go back to her. So if she can`t have him, no one can. She concurred her moment of weakness and continued. She sewed her initials on her back, so he would forever be marked by her love. When that was done, her time was almost up, and he was still breathing. So she shot him in the back of the head to end him once and for all. She did not regret her actions. She does however wished Michael would have fallen in love with her and that they could be together, but since that didn’t happen, this was the next best things. She hopes they can be happy in the afterlife. She was a pleased customer of the card and promised to use many of them. I wasn’t so sure that was a good thing. He murder was brutal and in my opinion the guy did not deserve it. But I wasn’t there to state my opinion, I was just there to collect the data. I can form an opinion later. To me, her story was one of the harshest and is definitely something I will never forget. So far, she was the only one who had a special card made just for her. So far everyone I had spoken to got their wish granted and were able to kill the person they most wanted, except for one lady. Her name was Shelly McQueen, she was older lady, close to her sixtieth birthday. Her hair was naturally grey and she looked wonderful for age. She recently lost her husband due to Murder card, so took revenge on his killer. He filled a complaint and it was granted, so she was unable to kill him. Fueled with revenge she decided to pick another victim. She chose the kill the sister of her deceased husband. They never got along and neither did her and Shelly’s husband. She could never prove it, but somehow she felt that she had something to do with the murder of her husband. She was different from all the others, as she was the only one who regret her actions. She was disappointed with herself and felt shame. At that time, she was dealing with a lot of pain, and could not see anything else but revenge. But when she killed Laura, she immediately felt regret and more sorrow. She realized what she has done and wishes she could take it back. Although her victim wasn’t a nice person, Shelly now feels she didn’t deserve an early death. Her voice was quiet and I could she was in a lot of pain, but I didn’t know how to help and our time was running out. So I quickly gave her a discount, which she didn’t want to take at first, but she was obligated to. She told she wouldn’t use it anyways. Just before she left, I had to ask, why did she even come them if she didn’t need the discount? “I needed the world to know my story. They need to know that what they are selling to us is basically destroying us. I was a happy person before, but now thanks to EasyWay, my life is ruined. And they profit from my misery. If we are not careful, they will slowly ruin us all.”

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