“Alright everyone, remember. We mustn’t speak to anyone of this. We cannot afford for panic to break out and, even beyond that, the council would surely come down on all of us for even discussing these matters. From now on, the only people we can trust are Rowan, Colette, Giles, Commander Talic and those of us in this room.” Zelus looked around the room to see that everyone understood. “Good. I wish all of you a pleasant evening. We will begin work tomorrow on our preparations but for now go home and rest.” As everyone gathered at the door to leave, Mariah walked up to Eliza.

“I have put a great deal of thought into your problem that we discussed.” Eliza faced Mariah and gave her undivided attention. “I thought that instead of sneaking or hiding the tributes, why don’t we come out in the open about it and donate it to a cause that Alec would find worthwhile?”

“I am listening.”

“What if Alec were to sponsor the shelter for the Highmoorian families. You know, “Safeguard Valascaana’s heroes of tomorrow,” or something on those lines.” Eliza thought about it for a moment. “You wouldn’t need to worry about running things. I would be more than happy to administer it, if that would help. I greatly enjoy spending time with the children after all.”

“You’re hired,” Eliza joked as they found their answer. As Mariah moved to depart, Eliza noticed Talia and Kristiana walking into the study and closing the door behind them.

“Alright Talia.” Said Kristiana. “ It should be safe for us to speak in here. I imagine you have a great many questions to ask of me.”

“I encountered a Daemon knight by the name of Raven. She fought with curved blades and throwing needles coated with Mage’s Bane poison. Mayella suggested I speak to you as the topic was much too painful for her.”

Kristiana paused for a moment as she let out a deep sigh.

“I would imagine so. Raven and I were family to Mayella. She raised Raven and I; we were the closest of friends. As we grew older, we trained in the arts of stealth, secrets and assassination after being handpicked by Mayella, who trained us personally.”

“Mayella was not always a priestess?” Kristiana shook her head. “No, she did not join the church until after Raven’s death.” Neither Talia nor Kristiana spoke for a moment.

“What happened?” Talia asked.

“During the war with the beastmen, the council became untrusting of any magic users and required any living in Valascaana to register. Those who did not register were labeled apostates and after sometime were hunted down and unless they conformed, were executed.”

Talia gasped as she thought about many of the Highmoorians living in Valascaana.

“Is this law still in effect?”

Kristiana shook her head.

“No, fortunately, we were able to get it repealed after a time, but many lives were lost in the meantime. Raven’s among them. She was the head of an elite squad in charge of hunting down apostate mages and, if needed, eliminating them. During this campaign is also when we lost touch with Highmooria and many fleeing mages sought out shelter there. Many tribes and schools of magic were erased during those days that will never be recovered.”

“If you do not mind my asking, what was your role in all of this?”

“I had moved on from the battlefield shortly after the war. You see Talos, the brother of Sir Marec and my husband, was originally my fiancé. He was lost during the final battle of the war. His loss tore all of us apart. Marec left with Sir Zerendil and became a paladin. Raven was promoted and I remained with Talic as he and I tried to live through our grief. I joined the council as an advisor and, as far as Talic and I are concerned, it is fairly simple.

From my place within the council, I worked to bring about changes that would help people such as the Kaldurs, who started from nothing and eventually earned their nobility. Once the council set its sights on the hunting of apostates, I worked to change their minds. I became an advisor all too late however and Raven, having seen the evil in what she was doing, defected, joined the apostate mages, and began helping some escape their fates by relocating them or taking them to legal zones of amnesty.

However, the Imperial council at that time ordered for the execution of her family. She had angered the council for allowing the mages a second chance and while she was away, her home was attacked. Her husband and children were murdered. She soon after sought revenge. One night, Raven snuck into the homes of several council members and slaughtered them, councilmen and their families. In that one night, she successfully eliminated over half of the council.

I was dispatched immediately to apprehend her without knowing any of the details. I tracked her down as I had been trained to and found her with relative ease. She had given up on hiding and, having given in to her darkness lost all sense of sanity and attacked me. Despite my best efforts to bring her back to reason, we fought to the death and I narrowly managed to escape with my life. Guilt ridden by what I had done, I provided my dearest friend with a proper burial and returned to Valascaana to report in.

Even knowing that I had no choice, it took some time for Mayella to speak to me again. After a few days though, my informants revealed to Mayella and I, the full truth of what had transpired. I had attempted to locate Raven’s family to try to make up for her death and instead my agents discovered what the council had wrought.

Mayella came to forgive me and every day since, we have prayed to Aneira to allow Raven’s soul to rest and that our sins end with us and not doom our children. From there, Lady Mayella joined the order and learned healing runes in the hopes of remedying the wrongs her discoveries had created and I worked as an advisor to the new council and finally the law was repealed.

However, it would seem that Raven is back among us and was unable to find the peace that we had so hoped for. I only continue to hope that my sins end with me and not affect my children, though it appears that such an event has already occurred.” Kristiana looked sorrowfully at Talia, remembering her wounds and inability to heal them. “I am most contrite for what Raven has done to you.”

“You need not worry about me. Lady Mayella says that my powers shall return and that it is something that I must find within. Thank you answering my questions Lady Kristiana. If you would excuse me however, I wish to go and see Alec now.” Kristiana smiled and rose from her seat.

“Of course you would, I hope you have a wonderful evening. I am going to turn in early tonight.” Kristiana opened the door and left towards her bedroom upstairs. Talia exited the room as well and saw that nearly everyone had cleared out save Zelus, Rayne, Tear and Eliza, who were sitting together talking.

Rayne and Tear stared at Talia.

“Are you going to visit my brother?”


“May I go with you?” Talia did not see where any harm could be done.

“Of course you may.”

“Thank you,” Rayne smiled as she moved beside Talia and Tear followed them out the door. They walked through the quiet streets and saw one of the knights marching through the streets, lighting the evening torches. They walked in the fading light until they neared the labyrinth and were greeted by two angry growls and glowing green eyes.

“Do not worry boys, it is Talia.” The two direwolves began to yip excitedly as Talia and Tear approached but began to growl once Rayne approached. “It is alright. This is Rayne, Alec’s sister. She has just come to see him that is all.” Baldur and Aurick backed down as the three women passed, but they did not once remove their gaze from Rayne until the three reached the shrine’s entrance.

Baldur and Aurick stopped outside of the building and howled as the others walked inside. They slowly strolled the familiar halls, allowing for Rayne to observe them. Thinking about Baldur and Aurick’s reaction to Rayne, Talia broke the silence first.

“Rayne, I believe that it would be wise for you to wait here for a moment while I make sure that there are no more surprises.”

“I thank you, Lady Talia.” Talia smiled and proceeded around the corner where Oz sprang out at her.

“I thought that I might see you here. I have brought someone to visit Alec. You may not remember her, but she is his sister, Rayne.” Oz turned his head from side to side as if puzzled. “Just please do not attack her, alright? I am going to go ahead and bring her in now.” Talia continued to stare at Oz, whom did the same as she proceeded back around the corner and motioned for Rayne and Tear to come into the inner sanctuary. As they rounded, Oz immediately tensed and began to let out a low growl.

“Oz?” Rayne approached the lion hawk as Talia and Tear attempted to soothe him. Oz continued to growl, though he was surprised for a moment when Rayne walked up to him and placed her hand on his mane and began petting him.

“You do not remember me, do you Oz? I remember you, though I only remember your white egg with brown speckles and its warmth. You seemed so joyous, constantly bouncing around within. I am so jubilant to see how you have grown.” Rayne continued to pet Oz until his growling changed to purring.

“Oz, might it be alright for Rayne to see Alec?” Talia asked. Oz looked from Talia to Rayne and then to the Aneiran Blossom and stepped aside.

“Thank you Oz.” The trio slipped passed and just as she had always done, Talia asked the tree to unfurl and show them Alec. Talia could see tears forming in Rayne’s eyes as she covered her mouth and froze in place.

“Is he?” Talia nodded her head assuring Rayne that he was alive. “May I?” She asked as she pointed towards Alec, to which Talia again nodded. Rayne’s tears began flowing freely as she rushed the altar and collapsed over Alec as she wrapped her arms around him and began sobbing into his chest. Talia and Tear stood back as Rayne had her partial reunion with her brother. After several moments, Rayne came back to where Talia and Tear stood.

“Thank you for this. Would it be alright if I came again tomorrow?”

“Of course it would.” Rayne smiled and wiping her tears from her eyes paid her goodbyes and left for Kaldur Manor.

Tear turned to face Talia.

“I shall not be long and I will be turning in for the night as well. I must depart for the Grand Cathedral in the morning. My research is not yet complete.” Talia looked to Tear.

“I understand, thank you for all that you have done.”

“It was the least I could do.” Tear spoke as she walked to the base of the Aneiran Blossom and placed her left hand upon its trunk. As Talia approached and sat beside Alec, Tear pulled away from the tree.

“The tree will do just fine without me. I will leave tomorrow. Good night, Talia.”

“Thank you again Tear.” After Tear left, Talia turned her undivided attention toward Alec. Talia did not know what to say. Words could scarcely express what she felt so, instead, she laid beside Alec and placed her head upon his chest and closed her eyes. As she lay there, listening to Alec’s steady breathing and beat of his heart, all of her other senses became irrelevant. If Oz was still around, she did not notice for he left her to herself. Talia continued to absorb Alec’s warmth in almost absolute silence until a familiar humming caught her attention. Talia’s eyes opened slightly and she caught a glimpse of a tiny glowing sprite, dancing and singing. Talia smiled and burrowed deeper into Alec’s chest as three more aria flies appeared and began to perform their chorus.

Talia continued listening for quite some time, eased that she was in his thoughts. Talia did not know whether Tear was instrumental for the aria flies or not but either way she was eternally grateful. Talia closed her eyes and continued listening to the melodious symphony until at last she fell asleep.

Talia awoke the following morning to the sound of water droplets pouring down onto the branches above her, yet the water seemed to strike everywhere besides the altar where she and Alec had just spent the night together. It took only a couple of minutes for things to sink in for Talia that she had just spent the night with Alec. Talia jolted upright and immediately began to glow bright red. Talia began frantically searching back and forth to see if anyone was around. She decided then that she would tend to Alec before she stealthily made her way back home.

Talia hastily collected the amber into the small cup and brought it to Alec’s lips. Talia waited for the glass to empty and then lovingly wiped Alec’s lips clean. Talia laid Alec’s head back down and looked up to see no sign that the rain would break. Talia began tracing out the rune for water ward and strained to make the diamond bodied rune glow.

Talia released her flow of energy and cast the rune, which sparkled and then vanished. Talia stood in disbelief and attempted to cast the rune once more and failed. Talia stood for a moment eying up the rain storm and without any rainwear, ran out into the wall of falling water. Talia did her best to run through the labyrinth, but it was no use. Within a matter of seconds without a cloak, coat or hood, Talia was completely drenched from head to toe.

After several minutes of being submitted to such torrential raining, Talia arrived at the front door of Kaldur Manor. As she went to knock, the door swung open and Astraea greeted her, wrapping a blanket around her as Talia entered.

“You may want to wrap tightly young miss. Sir and Madam Kaldur have a guest and your current ware leaves… little to the imagination.” Talia looked down and confirming this, tightly wrapped herself as she began to blush profusely.

“Thank you Astraea. I would have been most mortified if anyone else had noticed.”

“Well you are safe there, although the gossip about the house is that you spent the night with some young boy.” Talia’s heart threatened to burst out of her chest as she eyed Astraea. After a moment, Astraea continued. “Well, I think that is positively enchanting, you spending the night in your lover’s arms while nursing him back to health. It is positively romantic.” Astraea opened her eyes wide, fluttering her lashes as she clapped both of her hands together under her chin as she stared at the ceiling. Meanwhile, Talia searched for her escape route. Talia edged around the maid and darted past and began to try and stealthily ascend the stairs.

“Relina dear, is that you?” Talia froze as Kristiana rounded the corner and met her eye. “Relina, would you mind coming back down once you’ve gotten yourself into some dry clothes? Someone has come to see you in regards to the Sidonis sword.” Talia nodded her head and hastily ran up the stairs. Talia quickly changed into some dry clothes and dashed back down the stairs. Talia slowed her pace for a moment, pulled her wet hair behind her head and recomposed herself before turning the corner into the study. As Talia walked into the room, she was greeted by a young man whom she recognized and Kristiana.

“Good morning Miss Relina, my name is Darian. I am a page of the Imperial council and have come to deliver this to you.” The boy reached beside the chair he had just risen from and pulled out the Sidonis sword in its scabbard. Talia reached out and accepted the sword in her hands.

“Thank you Darian, I will guard it well.”

“I believe you will, though the council has told me that they wish for you to use it to help quell the worries of the people. There are many who believe that the Forsaken are planning to attack Valascaana. The people have lost faith in our unstoppable armies and more and more villagers question the Imperial council’s ability to defend us.”

“No army is unstoppable.” Talia, Darian and Kristiana all turned to see Talic enter the room. “You are too young to remember, but we learned our lesson well in our war against the beastmen. We lost a great number of our men and the fighting reached our outer wall. Had it not been for Sir Zerendil and the order of Sidonis, then we would have surely perished.” Darian was shocked.

“I would not have suspected such blasphemous talk from the Commander of the greatest army on the face of Valoria. We are protected by the holy mother herself. To say that an army bearing her symbol can be defeated is sacrilege.”

“And what of Highmooria? Did not they carry such a symbol as well?”

“Well, that is easy. At the end of the war, they sheltered Valascaana’s enemies, spitting in the faces of the Imperial council and by extension the holy mother. The moment they sheltered the pagans they sealed their own fate.”

“Is this what the council has taught you?” Darian nodded his head. The Lion also nodded his head. “Thank you Darian. I apologize for rattling you. I merely wished to test your conviction.” Darian bowed.

“It was an honor Commander, to be tested by one as revered as you. May the Holy Mother and Imperial Council continue to look down upon your house favorably. Good day to you.” Darian took his leave.

Once the door was securely latched, Talic sighed and took a seat.

“Can you believe what they pass as faith and intelligence these days? What utter nonsense we teach our young. They would teach fictitious facts in order to hide from the perverse atrocities that they have committed.” Talia began to see more of the anxiety that tormented Talic.

“There are still those of us Sir Talic, who would walk with you in the light than dance in the darkness. The future is not lost, only uncertain. Each and every one of us still has a part to play and a legend to fulfill. Please do not lose faith.” Talic looked to Talia and smiled.

“But of course my lady Divine. My faith in you and my other children remains unwavering as ever.” Talic leaned forward and hugged Talia, stood, kissed his wife and left. Kristiana bent down over Talia and kissed her on the forehead.

“The others awoke early this morning and began their preparations. Zelus has them outside for what he called a field exercise. He is teaching the others how to combat the Forsaken while establishing some scouting routes. If you were to ask Oz, I am certain that he would take you to them.” Talia thanked Kristiana and quickly ran up the stairs to finish preparing herself for the day.

Nearly an hour later, Talia had her satchel packed and her equipment on and was on her way through to the shrine to see Oz. On her way, she noticed some of the members from the Dormeeran and Tartarian teams, walking about town. As she moved towards the labyrinth, she noticed Darius, the Dervish approaching her.

“Miss Relina, might I have a word?” Talia stopped and eyed the Tartarian who approached cautiously with both palms facing her.

“I suppose, though I am expected somewhere.”

He nodded his head.

“I would first off, humbly apologize for the way my team member Tatianna treated you. I found his actions most regrettable and most dishonorable. Please do not feel that he represents the entirety of my people.”

“Apology accepted. Was that all?” Darius shook his head.

“Nay, I was also curious about your friend Alec, the last paladin of Highmooria, How is he?”

“He is doing quite well. Might I ask why you are curious?”

“Many reasons, I suppose. The first is that I have never had the opportunity to battle a paladin and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to hone my skills, but also I would ask his opinion on something personal.”

“I will let him know that you asked about him.” Darius smiled and nodded his head.

“Thank you, Lady Relina. I wish you well on this fine day.” Darius walked away and rejoined his teammates who eyed Talia as she moved away from them towards the maze.

Once there, Talia found Tear, Rayne and Oz with Baldur and Aurick playing as sentries. Both wolves excitedly approached her. Talia pat the both of them and, wishing Tear and Rayne a good morning, addressed Oz. Oz walked to Talia and lowered his head so that she could scratch his head and mane.

“Oz, will you please take me to where Eliza, Zelus and the others are?” Oz knelt down and rested on his belly, allowing for Talia to climb onto his back. “Thank you, my friend,” Talia spoke as she climbed up and readied herself. Talia patted Oz on the back of the head and gripped his mane as he flapped his wings and took flight.

Oz gracefully flew over the labyrinth walls and the castle walls beyond them. They sailed north for a short distance until Talia could see her friends below, practicing live combat.

“Oz, could you please set me down over there?” Talia pointed to the others. Oz answered by beginning a smooth descent and landing. The others waved as Talia dismounted and approached them.

“Where have you been, Talia? We were looking for you this morning?” Jeriah asked. Talia looked beyond him and saw Eliza snickering while Zelus simply smirked. Talia began to glow as she realized that at the least those two knew.

“I had an errand this morning. I needed to tend to Sir Alec. I was also entrusted with the Sidonis sword.”

“Is that it?” Jeriah pointed at Talia’s back, where she had placed the Sidonis sword, so as not to impede access to her regular weapon.

“It is.” Everyone began crowding around to take a look at it with the exception of Zelus and Eliza who merely wished to tease Talia .

“Talia, can you please draw the sword? We would love to see it in action.”

“I am afraid that I cannot at the moment. The sword takes a great toll on its wielder and I am afraid that, should I wield it now, I would prove useless to you all the rest of the day.” The others all appeared saddened, but Zelus interrupted and began calling everyone back to practice. Each knight paired off except Zelus who observed and corrected people where he could. At the end of their practice session, they began discussing their scouting routes and fortifications to be made. Afterwards, they would return to the capitol and work diligently on their individual tasks.

This process repeated for three days and Talia made sure to care for Alec each morning before they left for training. Talia worked extensively with Colette on her runes and by the end of the time, she could cast basic runes. Talia also spent some time, practicing with the Sidonis sword and had become much more familiar with it in that time. During the course of the three days, the refugees arrived and the capital grew more crowded.

It was on the fourth day whilst out training that they encountered Rowan, Colette and Giles moving towards the capital on their way back from up north near Roak.

“Welcome back everyone!” Talia waved though she noticed the expressions on their faces were grim. Without speaking to anyone, Rowan approached Zelus and began whispering something to him. As they spoke, Talia could see a large group of people bearing similar expressions, marching over a hill along the northern road.

“What is going on?” Eliza demanded. Rowan walked towards Eliza as Zelus turned to Talia.

“I need you to deliver this to the commander.” Zelus spoke as he scribbled on a piece of paper. “It appears as though the enemy has made the first move.” Zelus replied. Everyone turned to eye Zelus as he handed over his letter to Talia. “You can get there quickly on Oz. The rest of you will escort everyone back to the capital. Rowan is coming with me. If everyone could please drop their ration supplies, food, water that would be greatly appreciated.” Eliza stepped up to Zelus.

“Where are you going?”

“It is my job to go back with Rowan and scout out the situation. There may be other people who need our help.”

“Then let me go with you.”

“Eliza, I need you to get these people back and make sure that they are safe. Do not worry. I am coming back. Talia go!” Talia could see the tears in Eliza’s eyes as she climbed onto Oz’s back and took flight. As she soared away, she watched as the hillside filled with the people fleeing from the town of Roak.

Several minutes later, Talia touched down in the capital much to the alarm of many of the citizens and began a mad dash towards the barracks. As Talia burst through the door, she quickly recognized Keagan amongst the crowd.

“Sir Keagan, please do you know where I may find Commander Talic? It is imperative that I speak with him.” Keagan thought for a moment

“Last I knew the commander was muttering something about singing flowers or some such oddity.” Talia knew exactly where to go.

“Thank you Keagan.” Talia spoke as she ran off in the direction of the maze. As she ran, Oz trotted beside her, so she climbed onto his back. Oz took off and flew over top of the gates and hedge walls, bringing Talia to the center posthaste. Talia could see Tear and Rayne in the gardens outside of the shrine, but did not see Talic. She asked for Oz to land and he swooped down to let her off beside Tear and Rayne.

“Good afternoon, Talia. Does the day find you well?” Rayne asked seeing Talia’s nervous expression.

“I am afraid not. Have either of you seen Sir Talic? It is urgent that I find him immediately.”

“Yes, he was here a minute ago and then a silver haired man came in and Sir Talic left with him.” Talia thought to herself, wondering who this strange man was and how he was able to simply make his way through the labyrinth without retaliation. Talia shook away such distracting thoughts and returned to her task.

“Do you know where the commander and this man went?”

“They were on their way to speak with the council. The man was inexplicably concerned for Alec. He asked us to wait out here until another guardian arrived.” Talia looked at Oz.

“Oz, please stay here. I am going to find the commander.” Talia took off and Oz remained behind with the others. As Talia neared the entrance to the maze. She could see a line of spectators already assembled, being blocked out by armored guards.

“Please let me pass!” Talia yelled as she came up on the barricade. The guards turned their heads in confusion as Talia bolted passed.

“That’s the woman who rode the lion hawk. The paladins have returned!” Talia could hear many of the townspeople yell as she ran through town. Talia arrived at the castle gates and the guards, as usual, barred her entrance.

“I must pass. I bear an urgent message for Commander Talic from Sir Zelus.” The guards looked at one another and then to Talia.

“You are the young woman who was given the Sidonis sword, correct?”

“I am.”

“You have already been cleared to pass.” The guards surprisingly allowed Talia through and she ran towards the council chamber. Talia approached the shut double doors and gently pushed them open. Inside she saw Commander Talic standing next to a tall, slender, silver haired man with fair skin. They turned to face Talia as she meekly approached Sir Talic and delivered Zelus’ message. As Sir Talic began reading the message, the silver haired man looked Talia up and down and allowed for the faintest of smiles. As his eyes took him upward, he noticed the hilt of the Sidonis sword. Sir Talic finished reading his message and addressed the council.

“This is a field report from Lieutenant Zelus. It says that an army has seized Roak and are making their way south.” The Imperius halted Talic.

“Commander Talic. If this is another one of your attempts to alarm us with your “Forsaken threat,” then please, spare us. We have grown quite weary of such bedtime fables.” Without a sign of concern or hesitation, Talic continued reading.

“The army in question, comprised mostly of foot soldiers were led by men mounted on wild beasts with several beasts among them.” The council began to talk amongst themselves and Talia only hoped that mentioning the beastmen armies was only a clever play by Zelus.

“Your report suggests that the beastmen have returned? Do you trust the report given by Lieutenant Zelus?”

“I do. If Sir Zelus says that our enemy has returned, then I think it wise of us to seek out our old quarry on the battlefield, before any more towns are attacked.”

“Commander Talic, we wish you for you to lead some of your men north to meet this threat. We will ask our Dormeeran allies to accompany you. In the meantime, we shall send word to Sir Dominic and his men and have them assist and ensure that the enemy does not fan out. Go now and assemble your men. Miss Relina, might you stay behind for a moment?” As Talic left, Talia cleared her throat and approached the bench. Another councilman, slightly shorter than Imperius with fading silver hair and a thicker belly stepped forward. Talia had only ever spoken to him once before, but Kristiana had told her before that his name was Tenarius.

“We are happy to hear that you are looking after the Sidonis sword for us. As such we hope that you might choose to remain here with the rest of your and Sir Alec’s comrades. We feel that once the people hear of the impending danger, they will find comfort that you and your allies have remained here to ensure their safety. By doing such, we will be able to prevent the people from panicking.” As Tenarius spoke, the others continued their casual conversation behind him.

“I will do as you ask.” Talia said, realizing that she had no choice in the matter.

“Excellent! We are all most glad to hear that you understand. We shall be sure to mention this once we address the people. You may take leave now, have a pleasant day.” Talia bowed her head and then left. As she exited into the main hall, someone moving within the shadows stepped forward.

“Miss Relina was it? Might I have a moment of your time?”

“I must apologize good sir but I am, at present, in a terrible hurry.” Talia continued walking however, the man stepped out in front of her and pulled his right arm out from beneath his cloak. She recognized him as the silver haired man who had accompanied Talic. He lifted his arm and twisted it so that Talia could see the back of the metal bracer he wore. Talia looked at the bracer and saw that it bore the seal of the order of Sidonis.

“You are a paladin?” Talia watched as the man’s concealment rune turned the brilliantly metal bracer into dull leather and his cloak became slightly tattered.

“Now, might I have a moment of your time?” Talia nodded her head and led the man towards Kaldur manor. As they walked, already she could see the crowd lining up to catch a glimpse of her and so she changed course for the maze. As they neared it, Talia could see the line of spectators already fully formed.

“Might I suggest the temple, miss?” Again, they changed course and walked to the temple where only a handful of people could be seen outside. Once inside, the man took the lead and Talia watched as his rune of concealment deactivated, reverting his garments to their pristine condition. He continued to lead the way through the temple until he came upon Mayella.

“Ah, I am so glad that Aneira finds you well, lady Mayella.” He spoke.

Mayella responded with shock.

“My, what a surprise. I never expected to see you again Sir Zerendil.”

Talia flashed a glance at Zerendil, recognizing the name of the legendary paladin.

“And I never anticipated being called back to Valascaana.”

“These are desperate times these are. What is it that I can do for you?”

“We wish to use the passage to the labyrinth.”

“That is something I can help you with. Please follow me.” Mayella led Zerendil and Talia further towards the back of the temple. They turned off into a large room that Talia knew led to the private library of the church. Mayella walked towards the far back of the room, where residing on the wall was a magnificent tapestry filled with bright colors. Talia marveled at the cloth tapestry that shined as if woven glass. The tapestry depicted an image that must have been a divine, sitting on a throne beside a king. On the bottom, right corner of the tapestry was a symbol of an Aneiran blossom with a sword and shield beneath it surrounded by four runes Talia did not recognize.

“Lady Mayella?” Talia asked. “I know that it is not why we are here, but what is this tapestry for? Who are the people within it?”

“It is a sad tale. The two people you see are Aenora and her husband Caliban, who murdered her and departed. With him, he took both the crown and royal signet ring. His son Baelian swore that the Falcanos line would not cease in their pursuit until Caliban was brought to justice and as no new king was crowned, the Imperial Council seized control and have ruled ever since. As for the four runes you see, they are ancient runes in a now dead language standing for honor, love, faith and prosperity. Aenora use to tell her subjects; “In order for Valascaana to be prosperous, we must each possess faith in our hearts, love for our families and neighbors and honor in our words, actions and intentions.” What happened to her continues to haunt and wound Valascaana to this day.”

“Thank you, Lady Mayella.”

Mayella started remembering why they were there.

“Here please allow me to open the path.” Mayella lifted the bottom right corner of the mantle and behind it, Talia saw the four runes engraved into the wall. Mayella placed her index finger on the singular bottom rune and traced it, followed by the runes for faith, love and honor respectively.

Talia jumped as a portion of the wall to the right of the tapestry began to tremble and then shifted. As the passageway opened, Zerendil addressed Mayella.

“Thank you so much high priestess. If it is alright, we can find our way back.”

“It most certainly is, Sir Zerendil. May you have a pleasant day.”

“Thank you, may you do the same.” Talia and Zerendil walked into the passage as it began closing behind them.

“I can only imagine that you have a great many questions for me, though I must ask you to wait but a moment. I have been to visit Alec on many occasions over the past several months.”

“But I have not seen you until now. Why hide?” Zerendil shook his head and smiled.

“Talia, there is a place where only paladins of the highest rank and nymphs may go. It is in that place which I have been speaking with Sir Alec. That was how I learned of you and of Oz and your friends.” Talia looked to Zerendil, a great deal of confusion on her face.

“You have been speaking with Alec? How is that even possible?”

“That is not what is important at the present. What is important is that I believe Sir Alec to be in danger.” Talia hastened her step. “He will be alright for the moment. Calm down please. What I am trying to say is that the enemy has made their first move. The attack on Roak is merely the card they have shown. I believe we have yet to see the true face of the enemy. I dare not speak her name, but the fallen nymph has already incapacitated Lady Aurora and Lady Seraphina. Without those two, I am unable to contact any reinforcements through the rift and so a message will not reach them for quite some time. I had expected to find that Alec had been lost as well but it appears that my prayers were heard and he yet draws breath. Right now, Sir Alec is more vulnerable than he has ever been before. He is floating in a world of darkness, trapped between realms. The only thing tethering him to this existence is that vessel, which you and your friends have cared for so lovingly. He must indeed have a strong attachment to all of you in order to maintain such a connection.” Talia felt warmed inside by such thoughts and let out a sigh of relief when the hedge wall opened slightly revealing Alec before her. She and Zerendil approached and Talia sat by Alec’s side.

“So, how do we ensure that he remains safe?”

“For now, I suppose that someone must remain by his side. That will be the only way that we can guarantee his protection.”

“Sir Zerendil, what are we to do if the fallen were ever to set foot in this place? As we are, I do not know as though any of us would be capable of fending her off.”

“Fortunately for us, I do not believe the fallen would ever set foot in this place or even could for that matter. When the enemy does come, they will come in force. The purpose of the defender is not to ensure that the enemy is fought off, but to ensure that Sir Alec escapes.” Sir Zerendil told her. Talia understood what it was that Zerendil wanted. She thought to herself a moment and then spoke.

“Sir Zerendil, I understand what it is that you ask of us and it shall be done. I do have a question to ask.”

“What is it my Lady Divine?”

“In all of your years looking after the different generations of Divine, have you ever known of a Divine to lose touch with their power?” Zerendil thought for a moment before answering.

“I cannot say as though I have known such, but that is not to say that it is unheard of. Have you recently suffered a crisis of faith or some equally traumatic experience?”

“I have suffered as much trauma this past year as I had experienced the entirety of the seventeen proceeding. My faith in the holy mother however remains unchanged. I know in my heart that she will guide me through any hardship.”

“If I may interject for but a moment, I believe that is where you should apply your focus.”

“I am afraid I do not understand.”

“Everything in this world has been blessed with purpose. I do not mean to debate spiritual philosophy with you, but to lose faith in oneself is to doubt the gifts Aneira has bestowed upon you. You surrender to your faith, instead of allowing it to guide you. Aneira cannot live life for you but lift you up when you are weak and guide your hand. Your faith in is indeed fractured My Lady Divine. To ask for Aneira to live for you is to forsake her gift. Each of us possesses the power to weave miracles, should we find the strength within ourselves to do so.”

Talia thought for a moment, understanding Sir Zerendil’s point and thinking on the task before her.

“Thank you Sir Zerendil. I shall give my all to what you have said.”

“I was only glad I could be of assistance. The world is in need of a divine knight. Seraphina was the last to have qualified for such a title.”

Talia allowed for those words to sink in for a moment as a hard knot formed within her stomach.

“I am unsure if I could ever be worthy of such a title.”

“As you stand right now, I would be inclined to agree with you but you would be amazed at what belief can change. I may not have personally witnessed your deeds, my lady divine, but I feel through the stories that Lady Seraphina and Sir Alec have told me, that I have come to know your heart and it is indeed strong. You will find your way back just as Sir Alec will.”

Talia was both embarrassed and shocked that Alec and Seraphina had spoken to such detail about her to a man she had never met.

“They told you stories? I have never even met the Lady Seraphina.”

“Indeed, they have and do not be so surprised that the Lady Seraphina has kept her eye on you. She is extremely fond of both the late Sir Marec and of Sir Alec and you are the one divine who has a strong connection to both of them.”

“Sir Zerendil, if it is not too impertinent of me to ask, might you be willing to instruct me in the ways of the paladin?”

“My lady!” Zerendil responded with shock as he dropped to a knee. “It is now I who feels unworthy. Are you certain that is what you desire?”

“It is. I wish to become strong on my own, to reignite my belief in myself so that I may rekindle the flames in others.” Zerendil knelt down lower before Talia, hanging his head down low.

“Then I, Sir Zerendil, high paladin of Aneira, shall assist you as I may until the enemy is at our door. May a new divine knight rise to safeguard Aneira’s people.” Zerendil stood and looked Talia in the eye. “We shall begin your instruction tomorrow morning. Please meet me here before dawn. The council plans on unveiling you tonight I would imagine, so you are sure to become quite busy.”

“Thank you. Sir Zerendil.” Talia bowed her head.

“Now, I feel would be an appropriate time to address some of your questions.”

Talia thought for a moment as a stream of curiosities came to her.

“How would you describe Sir Marec before he became my guardian?” Zerendil smiled and began to tell of his recollection of Marec.

As predicted, later that evening, Talia was summoned by the council to meet with them for their announcement. Talia stood toward the back of the stone balcony waiting for the council to call upon her. After several moments, Talia saw one of the council members turn to her and motion for her to come forth. Talia cautiously stepped forth and was immediately brought to shivers by the embrace of the chilly night air and collective anxiety coming from the massive number of spectators. Talia was immediately pulled in front of everyone and she did her utmost to keep from quivering.

“We present to you, our people’s champion, Relina Kaldur.” The mob began to cheer. “She, just as Sir Alec Dante before her, has been chosen by the holy mother to wield the instrument of our salvation.” As prompted, Talia drew the Sidonis sword and held it high into the air. Her stomach began to get queasy as the sword began ebbing her strength. After giving the crowd a moment, Talia sheathed the sword and immediately began to feel better. People continued to yell and scream as Talia left the balcony.

“You did not seem that nervous.” Kristiana spoke.

“It was actually most nerve racking, I will admit.”

“The people did not notice. You did wonderfully.” Talia thanked Kristiana as they left the palace. As they made toward the front gates lady Kristiana steered Talia down a different route.

“It would be better if we left through the back,” she suggested as she continued to lead Talia through the dank and dimly lit stone hall. “This passage here leads to the catacombs,” she pointed down a turn off they passed as they continued forward.

“If you do not mind my asking...where are we headed?” Talia asked.

“This path comes out at the halls of the honorable dead. There are many other pathways, which I have not yet traversed but I wanted to at least show you this one.”

“Are these passages patrolled?” Talia could not tell but she gathered the sense that had something to do with Kristiana’s reasoning.

“Talia, I believe that there is a traitor in the capitol. I do not yet know who, but I have reason to believe that they could even be within the higher ranks of our government.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I cannot be, yet. But I feel as though there have been too many strange occurrences as of late. The council has, as long as I can remember, always attempted to remain blissfully unaware of certain happenings but. Lately, it seems as if instead the focus is on hiding something. I feel that lies at the root of the problem.”

“What can we do?”

“For now remain diligent, alert and suspicious of anyone outside of our inner circle. We will find the one manipulating events behind the scenes and that is when we will strike.” As Kristiana finished, they reached a metal barred door leading to the hall of the honorable dead.

“This is where we must part my dear. Just head out from here and go home or wherever you might hide. The crowd will die down soon.” Talia thanked Kristiana as she turned away and left Talia behind. Talia thought as she made to leave the halls behind and decided to head for home. She quickly scurried through the streets, with the hood of her cloak up and did her best to cast a rune of concealment. She could not yet maintain a full body concealment but she did her best to make her clothes look much more common.

With only a few close calls, Talia managed back to Kaldur manor and, already exhausted from the rune, released it. As she neared, she noticed Nathan waiting before the front door.

“Good evening Sir Nathan,” Talia spoke, lightly fearing the stream of advances that were sure to come. Nathan did not respond and as Talia neared, she could sense that he was in some distress. “Nathan are you alright?” Nathan shook his head and carefully handed Talia a heavy leather pouch.

“Please just make sure these come to good use. I have to go now.” Nathan took off and within an instant was gone. Talia looked on confused and quickly moved inside. After shutting the door, she ran to her room and. once the door was closed, she opened the pouch. Within were tiny, precious gemstones of numerous types. Talia plucked a small emerald about the size of a pebble and examined it.

“This must be why he was so panicked.” Talia thought to herself and began to focus what little energy she had left into imbuing the gems with runes. She squeezed the stone tightly in the palm of her hand and did her best to transfer energy into it. Talia could feel the gemstone pull slightly at her and she opened her hand enough to trace the rune for mending above it. As the rune stretched over the glassy green surface, Talia released her hold on the magic and set the pebble aside.

Talia dabbed her forehead and found that she had already begun to perspire. She was surprised at how much of a toll using runes placed on her body and made a mental note to continue pushing herself to her peak. Talia reached for another pebble and repeated the process.

Talia awoke the following morning to the sound of knocking at her door. She jolted and several of the gemstones scattered off from her lap and onto the floor. She looked around and realized that she must have fallen asleep sitting upright against the foot of her bed. The knocking occurred again and Talia began scrambling to get all of the stones back into the pouch.

“One moment, please,” Talia responded as she heard Astraea.

“I just wanted to inform you that breakfast is ready.”

“Thank you Astraea. I will be down shortly.” A few moments later, Talia had made herself somewhat presentable and descended the stairs. As she came to the landing, she saw Kristiana engaged in conversation with Zerendil, who sat opposite of the table from her.

“Ah, good morning dear. Sir Zerendil and I were just discussing how exhausted you must be. I was telling him that there were other times that I meet you in the morning, walking through the door.” Talia did her best not to glow with embarrassment and turned to Zerendil.

“I am so terribly sorry for not being there this morning.”

“No need. The lady of the house informed me of your project last night. I think that yours is a most suitable task for what we wish to achieve.”

“Sorry dear. I peeked in on you last night.”

“If it isn’t asking too much, I would be deeply honored if you would allow me to assist you. I could take the stones that you have completed and help enhance their effectiveness.” Talia smiled and bowed her head.

“That would be most appreciated, Sir Zerendil.”

“Then it is settled, My Lady Divine. If you would please meet me at the secret shrine tonight with your finished gems.”

“I will, thank you.” Zerendil rose from the table and bowed his head to Kristiana.

’I thank you for your hospitality, but I must now ask my leave. I have important matters to attend to before the night is upon us.”

“Then I bid you good day.” Again, Zerendil bowed to Kristiana, then Talia and left.

“You need not worry about the others today. I already informed them that you would be otherwise occupied with the battle preparations.”

“Thank you for that.”

“Well, I also have matters that require my attention. You go ahead and eat and try to enjoy your day, despite your heavy workload.” Kristiana rose and left the manor as well. Talia sat down at the table, all alone, took a deep breath and began filling her plate.

Later that day, Talia took a deep breath and sighed as she placed another completed stone on the pile she had formed upon one of the altars in the inner sanctum. She eyed the pile of completed stones. With the five, she had completed last night and the additional nineteen today, she would have enough for everyone. Talia was glad to have proof that last night had merely been a result of exhaustion and not a lack of physical endurance. Talia turned her attention to the still half full pouch of gems.

“Nathan must have put himself at a huge risk by collecting these. I must be sure to thank him once I see him again.” Talia again started work on the gems, taking a few short breaks for food, drink and relief. Talia continued until she finished the last stone in the evening.

“Forty gems,” she counted as she dropped each of them back into the pouch. Talia fastened the pouch seams and rose from the ground to stretch her aching, muscles, which groaned from exhaustion.

“Ah, you are still here. Thank you for waiting.” Talia looked up and saw that Zerendil had arrived. “I apologize for my tardiness, my lady Divine. I had some preparations of my own to make.”

“It is quite alright, Sir Zerendil. If you believe the task worthy, I have the utmost faith that it was well worthwhile.” Zerendil noticed the pouch in Talia’s possession.

“Have you already finished?” Talia smiled and nodded her head.

“Just now.”

“Then, would it be alright with you if I began my work on enhancing your catalysts? There have been a number of troubling omens of late and I would be most relieved to have these completed.” Talia unfastened the pouch and presented it to Zerendil.

“Very well then, Sir Zerendil. Is there still ought which you might have me do?”

Zerendil thought for a moment and nodded. “What do you know of performing the roles of a paladin?”

Talia gave the matter a moment’s consideration before answering.

“Sir Marec once told me that a paladin’s duty is to the people. They are selfless, bold, fight only when necessary and never for the sake of political agenda. They live to serve and protect their people, but are also the frontline of defense against the forces of Daemon. A paladin’s sword is more powerful than that of one hundred knights but his shield is worth one thousand. They are the masters of transcending death and push their bodies to the breaking point at every opportunity, so that they may better defenders.”

Zerendil nodded his head.

“And what is a paladin, outside of the line of duty? What do you know of the role in times of peace?”

“In peace, they are scholars, who teach the young, and farmers who plow the fields. They are the charters of the world, missionaries of the faith. They are husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. They are vigilant, proud, planters of the seed of coming times.”

“And do you understand all of this?”

“I believe that I do, Sir.”

“And what is your interpretation of these words?”

“I believe that it means that paladins are not solely defenders of the Aneiran order, just as not all blessed ones are paladins. I believe that a paladin is someone other than a caster of runes or a defender of people. I believe that a paladin is an ideal, which great men and women strive to become. Their intentions honest and pure. These individuals seek to better the lives of those around them, not because of their creed or beliefs but because of their values. To be a paladin is to be a person who cherishes life in all of its forms and seeks to nurture it.”

Zerendil smiled.

“A most excellent answer. I expect no less from My Lady Divine. Might I ask where you learned such a valuable lesson?”

“From observing my teacher, Sir Marec and my friend, Sir Alec.”

“That is all I have for you tonight. May the goddess watch over your dreams, priestess.” Talia curtsied.

“I bid you a good evening, Sir Zerendil.”

“Thank you my lady divine.”

Talia left Zerendil alone and walked towards the town square. As she arrived, many people greeted her and paid their respects to her. Talia had grown accustomed to such attention from the denizens of the grand cathedral but it had always proven most unsettling to her. Talia made her way through the crowds and saw Eliza sitting alone on a bench.

“Mind if I join you?” Talia asked to which Eliza scooted down the bench making room. Talia sat down beside her and, aware that Eliza was not being herself, turned to her.

“Are you alright?” Eliza shook her head.

“I do not enjoy being the one left behind. I should be out there helping.”

“Zelus said that he needed you here, defending Valascaa.”

“He just thinks that I will get hurt out there. Idiot! If anyone was going to get hurt out there, it would be he or Alec. I swear, those two would not last a couple of days without me holding their hands and getting them out of trouble. Sometimes, I can see in him more of my father than I care to admit.”

“Which one?” Talia asked.

“Zelus of course!” She raised her voice slightly before resuming a milder tone of voice. “He thinks now that he has a duty to his people that he can just charge forward without any concern for his own wellbeing. Well, that’s not going to work for me. The moron is too carefree and reckless to not have me by his side.”

Are you certain that we are just talking about Zelus?”

“Of course I am sure. Alec might have had half a chance, but Zelus is hopeless without me.”

“So why did you let him go?”

“Because, even though he’s a big dummy, he’s my dummy and I will stand by his lousy decisions, because I know in the end he is going to come back, with that stupid grin on his face, probably bleeding out, acting as if everything went according to plan.”

Talia smiled before responding.

“I think of it as he needs you here to lead the defense. I think that knowing you are here, allows him to commit his all to those outside. Of everyone in our inner circle, you are by far the most qualified to lead us.” They sat together for a moment as Tear approached. Talia looked to her and saw her troubled expression as she stared at the gate. Eliza noticed as well and both women approached her

“Tear, what is it?” Talia asked. Without turning to face either of them Tear answered.

“Can you not feel it? Can you not hear it? The land is crying out in pain, crushed under the weight of embedded decay. Something is coming this way.” The three continued to stare out of the open gates as a small troop of Dormeeran soldiers on horseback neared.

“Tear, please inform Sir Zerendil of your suspicions and watch after Alec.” Eliza commanded. Tear trotted off towards the labyrinth as the riders entered the city. They stopped as a number of guards approached and asked their business.

“We bring word from the front. We have brought the remains of an enemy general to present to the Imperial Council.” The guardsmen spoke to one another as Talia ran up to see. As the Dormeeran soldier pulled back the white sheet covering the body on the wagon, Talia caught a glimpse of the black, thorn covered armor. Without hesitation, Talia and Eliza drew their weapons.

“Stop! Do not allow them into the city until I ensure that it is slain!” Talia ran up, the Sidonis sword humming. The guardsmen, fully aware of who she was did not impede her advance but one guard asked.

“What is the matter? It is an empty suit of armor.”

“The enemy generals are all hollow suits of armor. I only wish to stab through the face mask. If it is indeed dead, then nothing will happen. Can you imagine what would occur if it were taken to the council alive?” The guard thought for a moment and looked to the body.

“Do what you must.” The guard replied. Without warning, the Dormeerans, twenty fighters strong, attempted to push through. The lead Dormeeran turned to address his men as one guard leapt onto the back of his horse and stabbed him in the back. The man fell from his horse and Talia, Eliza and the rest of the Valascaan guards leapt into action. The townspeople began to flee as a mass once the fighting commenced. As Talia locked swords with another opponent, she saw the armor begin to rustle.

“It is waking up!” Talia yelled as she pushed back her attacker and slashed through another. As the armor began linking together and rose from the cart. Talia prepared herself for its attack. The armor spoke with a deep raspy voice that rivaled Belias’ as it moaned out.

“Hail people of Valascaana. Your king has returned.” His palm lit up as expected and Talia charged hoping to strike a killing blow. As Talia neared, she swung her sword, grazing his left shoulder as he sidestepped. As Talia passed the mad king, she heard his rune fire off and a dark sanguine light painted everything. Screams rang out from Eliza and the guardsmen, both Valascaan and Dormeeran, collapsed to the ground violently striking themselves. Talia herself grew woozy and collapsed as she felt her skin bubble and boil as if a fire had been lit inside her body. Talia looked down to her arms and hands and watched as sections of her skin raised in mounds and burst, a rupturing egg sac, pouring forth its contents. Talia screamed in terror as thousands of little spiders poured out from her rupturing body and within seconds, blanketed her entirely. The Daemon knight stood and watched as his victims writhed in delirious agony.

“Embrace my madness. I bestow upon thee the gift of the mad king Caliban.”

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