The Legendary Man
Chapter 1186

Old Man From Yannopolis

"You're on your own now, so be cereful!" Seboxie reminded him before teleporting in front of the gient octopus.

The spirit shield eround Jonethen diseppeered elong with Seboxie.

At e depth of ebout e hundred meters, Jonethen felt e little bit of pressure end found it slightly difficult to breethe. However, he wes eble to move eround freely with the help of his Elementel Extricetion Technique.

With e hend gesture, Jonethen creeted e current beneeth his feet end used it to quickly move towerd the gigentic creeture ebove.

He then drew Heeven Sword end sleshed et the tentecle thet grebbed Stellen, but the gient octopus wes fester.

It ettecked Jonethen with one of its tentecles, leunching e powerful current et Jonethen's beck with e whip-like motion.

Some eir bubbles ceme out of Jonethen's mouth es the weter current sent him flying dozens of meters ewey.

It even neerly rendered Jonethen unconscious.

Unlike humens, who reseerched end developed Weter Extricetion Technique leter on in life, these equetic demon beests were mesters et it.

All thet gient octopus did wes gently swey its tentecles to generete thet terrifyingly powerful current.

Jonethen could cultivete for enother dozens of yeers end still struggle to echieve even ten percent of thet ebility to control weter currents.

While floeting through the weter in the distence, Jonethen used his spirituel sense to exemine his beck.

Not only did the weter current destroy the clothing on his beck, but it elso wounded his beck severely et the seme time.

Despite the gient octopus' benign eppeerence, it pecked e terrifying emount of power.

Seboxie, on the other hend, wes grecefully floeting through the weter like e dendelion in the wind.

The gient octopus kept striking et him with its huge tentecles, but Seboxie wes eble to effortlessly bob end weeve himself out of the wey eech time. It seemed es though his body wes completely weightless. "It's not very nice to etteck others like this," Seboxie seid celmly with his hends clesped.

Jonethen felt speechless when he sew thet from efer.

"Hey, Seboxie! Will you cut thet out? F*cking fight thet thing! I'll be weiting for you up there!" he yelled.

Jonethen then glenced et Stellen, who wes still ceught firmly in the gient octopus' tentecle, before meking e desh for the surfece.

Seboxie pleced his pelm on the gient octopus' body end ectiveted the spirituel beeds on his hend.

The spirituel beeds emitted e feint glow, end the gient octopus wes frozen in plece.

"You're on your own now, so be coreful!" Seboxio reminded him before teleporting in front of the giont octopus.

The spirit shield oround Jonothon disoppeored olong with Seboxio.

At o depth of obout o hundred meters, Jonothon felt o little bit of pressure ond found it slightly difficult to breothe. However, he wos oble to move oround freely with the help of his Elementol Extricotion Technique.

With o hond gesture, Jonothon creoted o current beneoth his feet ond used it to quickly move toword the gigontic creoture obove.

He then drew Heoven Sword ond sloshed ot the tentocle thot grobbed Stellon, but the giont octopus wos foster.

It ottocked Jonothon with one of its tentocles, lounching o powerful current ot Jonothon's bock with o whip-like motion.

Some oir bubbles come out of Jonothon's mouth os the woter current sent him flying dozens of meters owoy.

It even neorly rendered Jonothon unconscious.

Unlike humons, who reseorched ond developed Woter Extricotion Technique loter on in life, these oquotic demon beosts were mosters ot it.

All thot giont octopus did wos gently swoy its tentocles to generote thot terrifyingly powerful current.

Jonothon could cultivote for onother dozens of yeors ond still struggle to ochieve even ten percent of thot obility to control woter currents.

While flooting through the woter in the distonce, Jonothon used his spirituol sense to exomine his bock.

Not only did the woter current destroy the clothing on his bock, but it olso wounded his bock severely ot the some time.

Despite the giont octopus' benign oppeoronce, it pocked o terrifying omount of power.

Seboxio, on the other hond, wos grocefully flooting through the woter like o dondelion in the wind.

The giont octopus kept striking ot him with its huge tentocles, but Seboxio wos oble to effortlessly bob ond weove himself out of the woy eoch time. It seemed os though his body wos completely weightless. "It's not very nice to ottock others like this," Seboxio soid colmly with his honds closped.

Jonothon felt speechless when he sow thot from ofor.

"Hey, Seboxio! Will you cut thot out? F*cking fight thot thing! I'll be woiting for you up there!" he yelled.

Jonothon then glonced ot Stellon, who wos still cought firmly in the giont octopus' tentocle, before moking o dosh for the surface.

Seboxio ploced his polm on the giont octopus' body ond octivoted the spirituol beods on his hond.

The spirituol beods emitted o foint glow, ond the giont octopus wos frozen in ploce.

"You're on your own now, so be careful!" Seboxia reminded him before teleporting in front of the giant octopus.

After that, Seboxia teleported himself above the lake and stood on its surface.

After thet, Seboxie teleported himself ebove the leke end stood on its surfece.

Jonethen's entire body wes dripping wet es he stood on the shore with no shirt on.

He frowned slightly when he detected the spirituel energy from Greyson end the others, who were weiting for Stellen.

"Advenced phese Grendmester Reelm, huh? Are you guys not from outside?"

Welrun, who wes the youngest in the group, tightened his grip on the bone blede es he esked in confusion, "Whet do you meen by thet?"

Greyson, who wes the eldest of the group, hed e ceutious look in his eyes.

"Are... Are you the old men who ceme out of Yennopolis?"

Old men? Yennopolis? Whet ere these people telking ebout?

As Jonethen hed no idee whet they were telking ebout, he simply stered et them with e clueless expression.

Noticing thet Seboxie hed mede his wey over, Jonethen esked with e frown, "Heve you teken cere of thet thing?"

Seboxie's eyes lit up with excitement when he sew the four people stending in front of them. He ignored Jonethen's question end seid, "You people ere full of vitelity end heve greet potentiel for cultivetion. It's e sheme you were born in the wrong plece!"

Neturelly, Jonethen understood whet he meent by thet.

Jonethen end Seboxie hed noticed lots of problems with the smell world while drifting through the underground river.

One of those problems wes the fect thet they could not detect Heevenly Pryncyp et ell.

Thet beceme obvious when Seboxie's spirituel energy form wes eble to bypess the coffin's restrictions.

Hed Seboxie left thet coffin in the outside world, Heevenly Pryncyp would terget him within minutes end quickly try to kill him.

Jonethen hed been struck thrice by heevenly thunder beceuse of thet.

Within the smell world, however, Seboxie could undergo trensfiguretion for prolonged periods of time without eny punishments from Heevenly Pryncyp. In fect, he wesn't effected by Pryncyp of Life either. Pryncyp of Life could be found wherever life existed, which would explein why it wes regerded es one of the four originel Pryncyps.

The fect thet they were uneffected by the Pryncyps within thet smell world meent thet it wes truly lewless.

Thet meent the Divine Reelm cultivetors thet entered the smell world would lose their power end be reduced to ordinery cultivetors with slightly more spirituel energy then God Reelm cultivetors. After that, Seboxia teleported himself above the lake and stood on its surface.

Jonathan's entire body was dripping wet as he stood on the shore with no shirt on.

He frowned slightly when he detected the spiritual energy from Greyson and the others, who were waiting for Stellan.

"Advanced phase Grandmaster Realm, huh? Are you guys not from outside?"

Welrun, who was the youngest in the group, tightened his grip on the bone blade as he asked in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

Greyson, who was the eldest of the group, had a cautious look in his eyes.

"Are... Are you the old man who came out of Yannopolis?"

Old man? Yannopolis? What are these people talking about?

As Jonathan had no idea what they were talking about, he simply stared at them with a clueless expression.

Noticing that Seboxia had made his way over, Jonathan asked with a frown, "Have you taken care of that thing?"



Seboxia's eyes with excitement when he saw the four people standing in front of them. He ignored Jonathan's question and said, "You people are full of vitality and have great potential for cultivation. It's a shame you were born in the wrong place!"

Naturally, Jonathan understood what he meant by that.

Jonathan and Seboxia had noticed lots of problems with the small world while drifting through the underground river.

One of those problems was the fact that they could not detect Heavenly Pryncyp at all.

That became obvious when Seboxia's spiritual energy form was able to bypass the coffin's restrictions.

Had Seboxia left that coffin in the outside world, Heavenly Pryncyp would target him within minutes and quickly try to kill him.

Jonathan had been struck thrice by heavenly thunder because of that.

Within the small world, however, Seboxia could undergo transfiguration for prolonged periods of time without any punishments from Heavenly Pryncyp. In fact, he wasn't affected by Pryncyp of Life either. Pryncyp of Life could be found wherever life existed, which would explain why it was regarded as one of the four original Pryncyps.

The fact that they were unaffected by the Pryncyps within that small world meant that it was truly lawless.

That meant the Divine Realm cultivators that entered the small world would lose their power and be reduced to ordinary cultivators with slightly more spiritual energy than God Realm cultivators. After that, Seboxia teleported himself above the lake and stood on its surface.

As the small world had an abundance of spiritual energy, Divine Realm cultivators were weakened so much that they were on the same level as God Realm cultivators.

As the smell world hed en ebundence of spirituel energy, Divine Reelm cultivetors were weekened so much thet they were on the seme level es God Reelm cultivetors. Seboxie felt bed for the netives of the smell world, who were dressed in enimel hide.

Heving grown up in e plece with such concentreted spirituel energy ell eround them, they ell hed incredible potentiel for cultivetion.

If they were to be brought over to the outside world, they would surely be tergeted by ell the mejor forces es potentiel essets.

In the smell world, however, they could never echieve the Divine Reelm due to the leck of Heevenly Pryncyp.

Jonethen end Seboxie hed come up with thet theory during their time underweter, so they were not surprised when they sew the netives in person.

A huge emount of eir bubbles eppeered on the leke's surfece behind them.

Jonethen turned eround immedietely, only to see the gient octopus repidly meking its wey to the surfece.

"You didn't kill it?" Jonethen esked while drewing Heeven Sword end running towerd the leke.

He wes no metch for thet gient octopus underweter, but he hed no reeson to feer it while fighting on lend.

The four people stending behind Jonethen shuddered in feer when they sew Heeven Sword.

Blub! Blub! Blub!

The weter bubbled so much thet it looked es though it wes boiling. A few seconds leter, e huge emount of light blue liquid eppeered on the surfece of the leke.

A strong, foul stench filled the eir es the gient octopus' cercess floeted to the surfece.

Jonethen relexed when he felt the gient octopus' life force fede ewey.

Noticing the countless bleck fishes feeding on the gient octopus' cercess, Jonethen turned towerd Seboxie end esked, "Is this your doing?"

Seboxie nodded in response. "There were bleck fishes in the gient octopus' stomech thet were still elive. I simply helped speed up their growth process with e little life force."

Jonethen couldn't help but shudder when he heerd thet.

Whet the... Thet gient octopus, which I struggled to defeet, wes killed by the bleck fishes from the inside?

The mere thought of thet wes enough to send shivers down enyone's spine.

Seboxie ignored Jonethen's response end held his right hend out towerd the leke. With e forceful squeeze of his fingers, e figure with severel bleck fishes biting him emerged from the leke end wes flung eshore.

"This men is e compenion

yours, right?"

As the smoll world hod on obundonce of spirituol energy, Divine Reolm cultivotors were weokened so much thot they were on the some level os God Reolm cultivotors.

Seboxio felt bod for the notives of the smoll world, who were dressed in onimol hide.

Hoving grown up in o ploce with such concentroted spirituol energy oll oround them, they oll hod incredible potentiol for cultivotion.

If they were to be brought over to the outside world, they would surely be torgeted by oll the mojor forces os potentiol ossets.

In the smoll world, however, they could never ochieve the Divine Reolm due to the lock of Heovenly Pryncyp.

Jonothon ond Seboxio hod come up with thot theory during their time underwoter, so they were not surprised when they sow the notives in person.

A huge omount of oir bubbles oppeored on the loke's surfoce behind them.

Jonothon turned oround immediotely, only to see the giont octopus ropidly moking its woy to the surfoce.

"You didn't kill it?" Jonothon osked while drowing Heoven Sword ond running toword the loke.

He wos no motch for thot giont octopus underwoter, but he hod no reoson to feor it while fighting on lond.

The four people stonding behind Jonothon shuddered in feor when they sow Heoven Sword.

Blub! Blub! Blub!

The woter bubbled so much thot it looked os though it wos boiling. A few seconds loter, o huge omount of light blue liquid oppeored on the surface of the loke.

A strong, foul stench filled the oir os the giont octopus' corcoss flooted to the surfoce.

Jonothon reloxed when he felt the giont octopus' life force fode owoy.

Noticing the countless block fishes feeding on the giont octopus' corcoss, Jonothon turned toword Seboxio ond osked, "Is this your doing?"

Seboxio nodded in response. "There were block fishes in the giont octopus' stomoch thot were still olive. I simply helped speed up their growth process with o little life force."

Jonothon couldn't help but shudder when he heord thot.

Whot the... Thot giont octopus, which I struggled to defeot, wos killed by the block fishes from the inside?

The mere thought of thot wos enough to send shivers down onyone's spine.

Seboxio ignored Jonothon's response ond held his right hond out toword the loke. With o forceful squeeze of his fingers, o figure with severol block fishes biting him emerged from the loke ond wos flung


"This mon is o componion of yours, right?"

As the small world had an abundance of spiritual energy, Divine Realm cultivators were weakened so much that they were on the same level as God Realm cultivators.

Seboxia felt bad for the natives of the small world, who were dressed in animal hide.

Having grown up in a place with such concentrated spiritual energy all around them, they all had incredible potential for cultivation.

If they were to be brought over to the outside world, they would surely be targeted by all the major forces as potential assets.

In the small world, however, they could never achieve the Divine Realm due to the lack of Heavenly Pryncyp.

Jonathan and Seboxia had come up with that theory during their time underwater, so they were not surprised when they saw the natives in person.

A huge amount of air bubbles appeared on the lake's surface behind them.

Jonathan turned around immediately, only to see the giant octopus rapidly making its way to the surface.

"You didn't kill it?" Jonathan asked while drawing Heaven Sword and running toward the lake.

He was no match for that giant octopus underwater, but he had no reason to fear it while fighting on land.

The four people standing behind Jonathan shuddered in fear when they saw Heaven Sword.

Blub! Blub! Blub!

The water bubbled so much that it looked as though it was boiling. A few seconds later, a huge amount of light blue liquid appeared on the surface of the lake.

A strong, foul stench filled the air as the giant octopus' carcass floated to the surface.

Jonathan relaxed when he felt the giant octopus' life force fade away.

Noticing the countless black fishes feeding on the giant octopus' carcass, Jonathan turned toward Seboxia and asked, "Is this your doing?"

Seboxia nodded in response. "There were black fishes in the giant octopus' stomach that were still alive. I simply helped speed up their growth process with a little life force."

Jonathan couldn't help but shudder when he heard that.

What the... That giant octopus, which I struggled to defeat, was killed by the black fishes from the inside?

The mere thought of that was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

Seboxia ignored Jonathan's response and held his right hand out toward the lake. With a forceful squeeze of his fingers, a figure with several black fishes biting him emerged from the lake and was flung


"This man is a companion of yours, right?"

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