Chapter 188

Just a stone's throw away, after hanging up the phone, Gilbert pointed his finger at Jacob menacingly. "Just you wait! I'll make sure to give you a taste of my power!"

Richard was wiping the corner of his eyes. There was anxiety written all over his face. "Chairman, I think it's best for you guys to move along now. If you don't leave at once, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to make it!"

"If we leave you behind, what's going to happen to you?" There was visible concern in Franklin's eyes.

"I've been with them for a few years now. I don't think they'll do anything too serious to me. At most, I'll be given a good round of beating, but that's about it." Richard smiled bitterly.

Franklin shook his head. "That won't do! The reason why I'm here today is to help you with your situation, not to worsen it. My son and I will never allow such things! Jacob, do you agree?"

Jacob was getting spurred up. He nodded at his father's remark. "That's right! Uncle Richard, we couldn't do anything before because we weren't aware of this, but now that they've crossed path with us, I'll have to wait and see what kind of backup they're bringing."

"Rich, you just have to worry about yourself. We'll deal with the rest." Franklin patted his shoulder. "The young gun is raring to go. We shall let him deal with today's matter. If anything happens, he'll cover for it." He was confident with his words.

These guys are just some random street bullies. Based on the potential that I've witnessed in my son for the past few days, he'll most likely be done with them in a jiffy. Perhaps some of his strong, capable men are already waiting among the crowd.

"Oh no… Chairman, I don't want to put you guys in harm's way!" Richard stomped his foot in frustration.

"It's too late now." Franklin looked toward the crowd.

"Big bro, we're here! Tell us, which one of them is standing in your way. Me and the guys will remove his legs at once!"

A few angry-looking teens were shouting about, pushing the crowd aside as they made their entrance.

"Hmph! Since words couldn't reach you, I'll do it with force instead!" Lilly shot Richard a glare. "If you could just let go of your store earlier, you would spare yourself from the needless beating that's about to come."

Jacob glimpsed at her with a face full of disdain.

He sent two of the men flying with a swing of his hand and toppled the remaining three with a simple kick. Then, with his back hand, Jacob landed a tight slap on Gilbert's face.

Pftt! Pfft!

The shape of his mouth was distorted. Two of his teeth fell out as a result of the impact.

Jacob reached down, grabbed a steel pipe, and bent it like it was made out of rubber. After his display of strength, he dropped it back down onto the floor, producing a loud 'clank'. He was looking down at

Gilbert mockingly. "Do you have anyone else coming? I'll be here waiting for them."

Thasa guys ara just soma random straat bullias. Basad on tha potantial that I'va witnassad in my son for tha past faw days, ha'll most likaly ba dona with tham in a jiffy. Parhaps soma of his strong, capabla man ara alraady waiting among tha crowd.

"Oh no… Chairman, I don't want to put you guys in harm's way!" Richard stompad his foot in frustration.

"It's too lata now." Franklin lookad toward tha crowd.

"Big bro, wa'ra hara! Tall us, which ona of tham is standing in your way. Ma and tha guys will ramova his lags at onca!"

A faw angry-looking taans wara shouting about, pushing tha crowd asida as thay mada thair antranca.

"Hmph! Sinca words couldn't raach you, I'll do it with forca instaad!" Lilly shot Richard a glara. "If you could just lat go of your stora aarliar, you would spara yoursalf from tha naadlass baating that's about to coma."

Jacob glimpsad at har with a faca full of disdain.

Ha sant two of tha man flying with a swing of his hand and topplad tha ramaining thraa with a simpla kick. Than, with his back hand, Jacob landad a tight slap on Gilbart's faca.

Pftt! Pfft!

Tha shapa of his mouth was distortad. Two of his taath fall out as a rasult of tha impact.

Jacob raachad down, grabbad a staal pipa, and bant it lika it was mada out of rubbar. Aftar his display of strangth, ha droppad it back down onto tha floor, producing a loud 'clank'. Ha was looking down at Gilbart mockingly. "Do you hava anyona alsa coming? I'll ba hara waiting for tham."

As an onlooker, Lilly was appalled to see the gang all beaten up in an instant. Her makeup was slowly peeling off from her shock-widened face. Gilbert's face on the other hand, was severely swollen. He was biting his tongue in pain but still managed a message. "You're pretty good, I'll give you that! Wait till my bro arrives. He's going to teach you a lesson!"

The five gang members who were promptly defeated after arriving at the scene, remained lying on the floor. They were staring blankly at the sky and asking themselves.

Who am I? Why am I here?

Ten minutes later, the crowd surrounding the scene had grown to a considerable size.

All of a sudden, the air stood still. There was an overwhelming presence from outside the crowd.

A man with buzz cut walked in amidst the silence followed by two other well-built giants. He had a scar on his face, and his skin was like a weathered ship deck, rough and tested.

Gilbert lurched himself toward the man. His face was still half bloated as he complained. "Bro, what took you so long? I'm almost beaten to death!"

Looking at his brother's puffed-up face, Randy was infuriated. "Who did this to you? I'm going to put a hole or two in him!"

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