The Bird and The Dragon -
Old Major Ranito
Some pieces of technology survived the end of the world. The old weapons and their parts are considered both horrible and desirable. The systems don’t work or if they are in operation, they are unreliable, making their use, transport, and disassembly dangerous. In most cities owning such artefacts is strictly forbidden.
Old Major Ranito is trusted with the weapons of the past. She was a woman from the space corps, who traveled the planet after the war deactivating the automatic weapon systems gone mad after losing their controls. Old Ranito used to put an inspection stamp on her work and searching for this mark is the first thing when anything weapon-like is uncovered from the ruins. A painted replica of this symbol is believed to keep the old weapons safe.
Luring Old Major Ranito’s protection and blessings has spread everywhere where there are any weapons, even the simple blades and modern guns. The gifts to the old are kept close to the weapons, sometimes even fixed to them, most taking the form of a feather for Ranito was said to like feathers.
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