The Alpha Wants Everything Book 1 The King's Queen -
Chapter 63: Man servant!
They were all in the office when Kane walked in, he too got cleaned up and put a fresh shirt on. He wasn’t sad when the pink shirt got blood all over it. Fucking Johnny! He walked over to his desk and started looking through the stack of pictures, one had caught his eye before and he never thought anything of it until he saw the third nutcase wearing her hat. When he found it he looked closely at it. They all watched him waiting for him to say something.
“Right idea wrong nutcase, meet nutcase number 3. That’s who White is doing this for” he handed the photo to Johnny, who passed it to Kenneth.
“We thought it was Magnus taking her stuff, but we found nothing in his loft that was hers other than the artwork he commissioned and photos of her. Alpha Thomas showed us a video of Wednesday night, nutcase number three went to the warehouse, he was wearing her hat, the black one she lost a few weeks ago.” Kane explained when he saw Damon’s confused look.
“He was there a long time, like almost all night long, he left when Magnus showed up. We think he was the one that took her demon’s out, but not to scare her, to destroy them.” Kenneth added.
“Ok, why would he do that? And who the fuck is he?” Damon asked,
“Look at the photo and tell me what you see,” Kenneth said, handing him the photo.
“Family!” Damon huffed, about to hand it back,
“Look closer Damon!” He wasn’t in the mood for this, but he did what he was told. Same five people, a year older now. The three adults in the back, Carl on the left, Maria in the middle and the mystery woman on the right. The two boys in front one smiling brightly, one not smiling at all standing on either side of a little girl with hair as white as snow. He focused on her for a second longer then something caught his eye.
“Why is the smiling kid holding her hand?” Damon asked, he looked closer, not only was he holding her hand he was looking at her.
“If she’s supposed to be Magnus’s, why is that kid touching her and looking at her, like I look at Lydia?” He asked another question.
“Exactly!” Kane said.
“Magnus’s emails talk about her like she’s a possession, she’s his. But not once did he declare any feelings for her. Claimed Carl broke her, like she was a toy and now he needed to fix her. Thinking back to the email about the fire, he didn’t care that she got injured in it, just that she survived it.” Kenneth added,
“Something she said to me the other day didn’t make sense, she said about the same time her first hat went missing so did one of her sketchbooks, it turned up a few weeks later.” Kane said,
“So nutcase 3 took it and then gave it back, why the fuck would he do that?” Damon asked,
“Because she lost a commission when she couldn’t find it. Nutcase 3 doesn’t want to hurt her, he has no desire to.” Kane replied,
“Why?” Johnny asked,
“He thinks she’s his mate” Kenneth answered,
“Please tell me this nutjob isn’t a wolf” Damon said,
“He’s not, but he thinks she was put on this earth for him and in his own twisted way he loves her.” Kane answered.
“Marco’s right, she has more nuts in her life than a jar of peanuts and my head hurts” Kenneth complained, slumping into one of the chairs.
“Where is Marco and Carter? I could use some comedy relief right now” Damon asked, slumping into the other chair.
“They started fighting on the way out of the medical ward and we had to deal with them” Kenneth answered
“Deal with them! We put them in a fucking time out until they could fucking behave themselves” Johnny stated exasperated.
“You put them in a time out?” Kane asked, Johnny nodded then started laughing.
“I lectured them the way dad and Odin used to lecture us all the time. I even think I ran my hands through my hair half a dozen times” Damon started howling.
“Good practice for later in life, when Johnny junior drives the tractor through the barn” He choked out.
“I want to hear the lecture when Johnny junior talks the panties off a nun” Kane laughed, causing Damon to laugh louder.
“I did that one fucking time” Johnny said holding up one finger.
“That’s cause you had to explain it to Edward and my dad why you did it in the first place” Kane howled,
“Do you remember what he said?” Damon asked Kane,
“I just wanted to see if I could and clearly I can. It didn’t win him any brownie points” Kane said to Kenneth who was laughing.
“You heard?” Johnny asked, flabbergasted.
“Oh we were standing on the other side of the door, trying not to piss ourselves laughing” Damon said,
“Fuck! I should have told him you bet me $50” Johnny huffed,
“Appreciate you not selling me out” Damon laughed.
“Bet you have stories,” Damon said, Kenneth nodded.
“None that I’ll tell” Kenneth said,
“Bet Marco knows them, they grew up together.” Johnny smiled,
“We should get Marco in here, he’d be more than happy to tell stories.” Damon suggested. Kenneth just shook his head.
“You’d have to understand him first” Kenneth sat on the couch looking at Damon smuggly, for the first time he was glad his friend’s English was broken.
“Kane can command that he speaks English” Damon fired back with his own smug look.
“Alpha Kane can try, but if he can’t speak it he can’t speak it” Kenneth countered.
“Carter has that app on his phone,” Johnny suggested. Damon’s smile widened.
“Don’t you dare” Kenneth hissed,
“Oh! They’re good stories, now I’m intrigued” Damon’s eyes lit up. They all cracked up laughing. After the day’s events they needed it. When the laughter died down, Johnny got serious
“We should actually go and check on them” he said, Kane arched a questioning eyebrow at him,
“We put them in the library and told them to alphabetize it. They either did it, or they killed each other” him and Kenneth shared a look.
“Sì, we better go” they both got up and ran out of the room.
“I hit him once!” They heard Carter protesting,
“Un libro, un fottuto libro! (A book, a fucking book!)” Marco complained,
“Carter you just can’t hit people, I thought you had better control than that” They heard Johnny saying.
“Mi ha colpito con un grosso libro del cazzo (He hit me with a big fucking book)” Marco huffed,
“He pushed me first” Carter said,
“Te lo sei meritato! (You deserved it!)” Marco fired at him,
“You deserved to be hit with a big fucking book,” Carter fired back. They walked back into the office and Marco had an ice pack held to his face. Kenneth dragged Marco to one side of the room and sat him in a chair and Johnny brought Carter to the other side sitting him in a chair.
“Now you two sit, stay and shut up” Johnny said,
“Toccherà le mie cose (He’s will touch my stuff)” Marco huffed,
“I’m not gonna touch your stupid stuff” Carter huffed back,
“Kenneth, Kenneth tell….him….digli di non toccare la mia roba (Tell him not to touch my stuff)” Marco said to Kenneth,
“I’m not gonna touch your stupid stuff” Carter repeated, growing frustrated,
“Don’t touch his stuff Carter!” Kenneth said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I’m not gonna touch his stupid stuff” Carter said, his fists were clenched and he was trying hard to keep it together.
“What part of shut up are you two not understanding?” Johnny asked them, running his hands through his hair.
“Kenneth, Kenneth sta toccando la mia roba (He’s touching my stuff)” Marco said grabbing Kenneth’s arm,
“I’m not touching your stuff, this is touching your stupid stuff” Carter pushed his laptop across the table. Marco’s eyes went wide.
“Kenneth, Kenneth ha toccato la mia roba (He touched my stuff)” Marco grabbed Kenneth’s arm again as he jumped to his feet.
“It’s fine Marco, he didn’t hurt it” Kenneth was trying to keep control of Marco as he kept trying to get at Carter. Carter too was on his feet waiting for Marco to make a move on him.
“No, Carter!” Damon grabbed Carter by the shoulders and turned him to face him. “Simmer down, apologize and don’t touch his stuff anymore.” Damon said,
“Ok! Sorry I touched your stuff Marco and that I hit you with a book.” Carter apologized,
“Scusa….I….push….you” Marco said, accepting and apologizing in return.
“That’s ok!” Then they both sat there quietly waiting to be told what to do.
Kane sat at his desk, resting his head on his hand watching the scene unfold and diffuse in his office. They’re completely out of their fucking minds acting like petulant 4 year old boys! Ky howled in his head.
“No more tranqing them, next time we’ll just sedate them.” Johnny stated shaking his head. Kenneth nodded as he sat on the couch beside Marco keeping an eye on him.
“You have to admit though it’s been highly entertaining.” Damon commented with a shrug. None of them could deny that. A wry smile crossed Damon’s face.
“Hey Marco, can I ask you something?” Damon asked, catching his attention. A grin spread across Johnny’s face, he knew what he was gonna ask.
“Sì!” Marco looked at him
“You’ve known Kenneth a while?” Damon said,
“Sì,” Marco replied,
“Don’t you dare!” Kenneth growled at him,
“I just wanna ask one question” Damon said, Johnny was laughing
“Quale domanda? (What question?)” Marco asked,
“Don’t!” Kenneth repeated, getting to his feet, moving towards Damon,
“What’s with Kenneth and rats?” Damon blurted, as he quickly moved away from Kenneth,
“Don’t answer that Marco” Kenneth turned to him, even Johnny was on his feet moving out of the way.
“Answer that Marco!” Johnny said, laughing as he got a hold of Carter’s phone.
Marco sat there staring at all of them, he was given two very different orders and he was stumped on which one he should follow. Even Kane couldn’t hide his smile, he was curious as well.
“Answer the question Marco” Kane ordered, Kenneth threw his hands in the air, knowing full well Marco wouldn’t be able to deny an order from his Alpha.
“Ok! New York has….ratti, lo sanno tutti. Non lo hanno mai infastidito quando eravamo più giovani fino a quando forse aveva 12….13. Eravamo fuori vicino ad alcune….case abbandonate. Suo padre ci ha detto di stare alla larga, ma puoi trovare delle stronzate piuttosto interessanti. Quindi eravamo in una casa in cucina, quando il pavimento ha ceduto. Salto sul bancone, ma Kenneth è caduto nel... seminterrato. Brulica di ratti, loro ovunque. Ha iniziato a urlarmi contro di portarlo fuori di lì, cazzo, ma ero bloccato sul bancone... non riuscivo a raggiungerlo.” Marco spoke
“New York has rats, everyone knows this. They never bothered him when we were younger until he was maybe 12….13. We were out near some abandoned houses. His dad told us to stay away, but you can find some pretty cool shit. So we were in one house in the kitchen, when the floor gave way. I jumped onto the counter, but Kenneth fell through to the basement. It crawled with rats, they were everywhere. He start to yell at me to get him the fuck out of there, but I was stuck on the counter….I couldn’t get to him.” Johnny read the translation.
“You fell through the floor into a basement full of rats?” Damon asked, he thought this was going to be a funny story. Kenneth just nodded.
“I understand the rat thing now.” Johnny said,
“Oh, c’è di più! (There’s more!)” Marco said,
“There’s more?” Johnny asked wide eyed,
“Sì! Chiamò suo padre perché venga a prenderci. Kenneth mi urla di non farlo, ma mi sono bloccato sul fottuto bancone, non posso aiutarlo. come credo di aiutarlo? Suo padre si fa vivo ed è fottutamente pazzo. Interrompiamo il suo incontro con qualcuno, lo sentivamo imprecare e imprecare in italiano da fuori.”
“I called his dad to come get us. Kenneth yell at me not to, but I stuck on the fucking counter, I can not help him. How am I supposed to help him? His dad shows up and he’s big fucking mad. We interrupted his meeting with someone, we could hear him cussing and cursing in Italian from outside.” Johnny continued with the translation.
‘Fottuti ragazzini non ascoltate quando gli dite una merda’ All time….he….say….all time” Marco went on,
“Wait, what does that mean?” Damon asked, a grin spreading on his face
“You fucking kids don’t listen when you tell them shit” Kenneth replied.
“Mi fa scendere dal bancone ma deve prendere una corda per portare Kenneth fuori dal seminterrato, mentre ci maledice in italiano per essere stupido. Kenneth è in piedi su una scatola per allontanarsi da tutti i ratti che li prendono a calci per impedire loro di strisciare su di lui. Suo padre lo fa uscire dal seminterrato. “Ho detto a entrambi di stare lontano da queste case”, ha detto. Inizia a urlarci contro mentre ci sediamo nel retro dell’auto, poi Kenneth inizia a contorcersi sul sedile, e suo padre inizia a urlargli di stare fermo e lui inizia a urlare che non può, qualcosa nei pantaloni.” as Marco continued, the grins on their faces got bigger and bigger,
“He lets me off the counter but has to grab a rope to get Kenneth out of the basement, while cursing us in Italian for being stupid. Kenneth is standing on a box to get away from all the rats kicking them to keep them from crawling on him. His father takes him out of the basement. “I told you both to stay away from these houses,” he said. He starts yelling at him as we sit in the back of the car, then Kenneth starts squirming in the seat, and his dad starts yelling at him to stay still and he starts yelling that he can’t, something in his pants.” As Johnny continued reading the translation Kenneth’s face got redder and redder.
“Volò fuori dal sedile posteriore e colpì il suolo come se qualcosa l’avesse morso e gli tolse i pantaloni. Un fottuto ratti striscia fuori dalla gamba dei suoi pantaloni. Non si è rimesso i pantaloni anche dopo che suo padre di lui si è assicurato che non ci fossero più ratti nascosti dentro, rifiuta. Ha fatto... .incubi... .brutti sogni per settimane di ratti nei suoi pantaloni di lui, e controlla ancora prima di indossarli per assicurarsi che nessuno si nasconda lì dentro. Odia stare vicino a loro e va fuori di testa se uno lo tocca.” Marco finished.
“He flew out of the back seat and hit the ground as if something had bitten him and pulled off his pants. A fucking rat crawls out of his trouser leg. He didn’t put his pants back on even after his father made sure there were no more rats hiding inside them, he refused. He’s been having ... Nightmares ... bad dreams for weeks of rats in his pants with him, and check again before wearing them to make sure no one is hiding in there. He hates being around them and freaks out if one touch him.” The room erupted into laughter.
“I’m sorry brother, but holy fuck!” Damon howled out.
“You still check?” Johnny laughed,
“What about you Damon? What freaks you out?” Kenneth snapped,
“Nothing!” Damon replied, Kane and Johnny shared a look and started laughing.
“When he was younger he wanted to be a fireman, Titan has a thing for sirens. He had just turned 16. We were all in the dining hall having a celebration and waiting on his first shift. That night a barn caught fire and the fire truck drove past the pack house, some of the other wolves started howling, but not Damon. Oh no not Damon. He shifts right in the middle of the dining hall in front of 300 wolves, breaks three doors and starts chasing after it howling. Odin and My dad lost their shit laughing and sent Kane to go get him” Johnny laughed telling the story,
“That was your first shift?” Kenneth asked laughing, even Damon had to laugh at that one,
“Kane had to tackle my ass to get me to stop chasing the fucking truck. Titan still has a thing for sirens, I just have better control now.” Damon finished the story.
“What about the doll?” Kane asked, the look on Damon’s face encouraged Johnny to tell the story.
“Don’t tell that story!” Damon said looking at Johnny,
“Oh tell that story Johnny” Kenneth replied,
“We were in the attic of my parents house fucking around. I knocked a box over and it fell on Damon, this doll fell out of the box and landed in his lap. I think he was sixteen. He starts freaking out, the doll hits the other side of the room and disappears, Damon damn near falls down the attic stairs.” Johnny began, Kane was already laughing.
“They were assholes!” Damon shook his head.
“Lacey had a bunch of dolls, so being the little assholes we were we set them up all over both houses. None of them ever seemed to bother him. Kane gets this idea to find the doll from the box. Took us a few days but we found it. He trashed the bathroom when we hung it from the shower. He not only refused to enter the dining room when we put it in his chair he wouldn’t come anywhere near it. But I think the worst one was when he woke up in bed with it.” Kenneth’s eyes went wide and he looked at Damon.
“Quello che è successo? (What happened?)” Marco asked,
“Kane was spending the night at my house and we snuck into his room. We slipped it under the covers so it’s head was resting on Damon’s pillow looking at him. Trying not to laugh was the hardest part. We bolted back out of there and into our own rooms and just waited. Next thing you know he starts yelling, like hollering down the house and bolts from the house in just his underwear. My dad had to chase after him trying to get him to calm down. I thought for sure he was going to kill us that night. Not sure what happened to that doll though. Never saw it again after that.” Johnny cracked up laughing.
“See fucking assholes and I will never tell what happened to that doll. That fucking doll had the deadest eyes I have ever seen. I swear it was like they were trying to suck the life outta you.” Damon still sometimes had nightmares of waking up to that doll in his bed, he fought off the shudder that wanted to rip through his body.
“Want to hear about Johnny’s issue with decayed things? And why we burn our dead now.” Damon added, Kenneth looked at Johnny, the smile wiped from his face.
“I do now!” Kenneth replied, sitting back in his spot on the couch.
“I had just got my license that day and we went a couple counties over, I don’t know why, but we ended up at the cemetery and we were walking around. For whatever reason they had a bunch of open graves, we looked in a few, but they were empty. Trying to figure out why they were open and tripping over some of the smaller headstones. Carter was with us and he tripped over one and knocked Johnny into one of the open graves. We heard this crunch, like wood breaking. Next thing you know Johnny starts screaming, trying to get out of the grave, but the walls keep collapsing on him. He starts yelling at Carter to get him out of the fucking grave and Carter’s too busy apologizing for pushing him. Turns out that grave wasn’t empty, and when Johnny fell he broke open the casket that was still in it and came face to face with the decayed body of Mr. Grainger. He smelled like death for a month.” Kenneth howled out laughing at the look on Johnny’s face. He clearly still remembered that day quite well.
“I don’t know who was more upset, Carter for knocking Johnny in or Johnny after he got out.” Damon howled.
With the tension in the room cleared and the mood lighter, they had to bring it back to what they were discussing.
“Tell me about the car” Kane asked,
“Older model, white honda civic, two door, newer tires, tinted windows in the back, couldn’t get a look at the driver’s face, but he had brown hair.” Carter said, they all looked at him.
“What else?” Kane asked,
“Tall, not Damon tall, Marco tall. His head was almost touching the roof.” Carter replied, “She….she….” he was fighting to get out what he had to say next, he saw the car hit her, he saw her thrown over it.
“Tell him Carter!” Damon urged,
“She dented the bumper, the hood and cracked the windshield when it hit her.” Carter looked down at his clenched fists, as he described the damage caused to the car.
“Il suo sangue era su di esso, ho visto quando si è staccata dalla parte posteriore prima di toccare terra.” Marco added.
“Her blood was on it, I saw when she came off the back end before she hit the ground.” Johnny translated, that was a sobering statement. Kane closed his eyes trying to control his anger, Ky was howling for revenge in his head, he was howling for his mate.
“I sent sentries to follow the car and he won’t be able to get it cleaned at a car wash without drawing suspicion.” Damon said,
“When they find him, I want him alive” Kane growled,
“They have been informed to bring him to the dungeon, you can’t get information from a dead man.” Damon responded. Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket he pulled it out to look at the message.
“Apparently I have man servant tattooed on my forehead, the girls are hungry and requested food.” He said reading the message, getting to his feet.
“It replaces the man whore tattoo you used to have up there” Carter blurted, causing Johnny to double over laughing.
“Carter!!” Damon looked at him wide eyed.
“I’m sorry Damon. That just slipped out” Carter looked just as shocked.
“Let’s go, you can help me,” Damon said walking towards the door. “And no more slip outs” Carter just nodded his head moving towards the door. Johnny wouldn’t give him back his phone, they needed it to translate what Marco was saying. It was becoming clearer to him that Marco wasn’t going to learn English anytime soon. Unless someone other than Kenneth knew Italian they wouldn’t be able to communicate with him successfully.
Damon and Carter made it back to the medical ward with food for the girls.
“They moved her?” Carter asked as they stood outside her door.
“Lydia demanded it,” Damon answered as he knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. Jackie opened the door and stepped aside to let them in. Carter tensed up immediately when he saw Lacey sitting in the room. He didn’t want her there, he didn’t like it that she was there, but Damon wasn’t saying anything so he wouldn’t say anything either.
“Future reference I am not a man servant” Damon said as he put the food on the table. “Quiet!” He pointed to Carter as he was about to say something. Carter just closed his mouth and put the rest of the food on the table.
“Are you sure?” Lydia asked, giving him a kiss. Lacey tried to look away when that happened, internally cringing at the sight.
“Alright, I’m YOUR man servant, not theirs. Next time they can get their own damn food.” Damon replied, wrapping his arms around her. He couldn’t help the dopey grin that slipped onto his face when he looked down at her. Again Lacey had to look away, jealousy coursed through her. It disgusted her that Damon looked upon another she-wolf like that. She was supposed to be his mate, not that boring bitch.
“Has she woke up yet?” Damon asked, his gruff voice drawing her from her thoughts.
“No, not yet.” Jackie replied,
“She looks better,” Damon commented, as he looked Dax over.
“We washed as much of the blood off as we could, but Alpha Kane will have to do the rest. Katalina came down and got what she could out of her hair.” Jackie said. Moving to her bedside Damon looked down at her. Lydia couldn’t help but look from Dax to Damon then to Seraphine and Jackie. The more they looked at them the more they saw the resemblance between the two.
“She’s gonna wake up….right Damon? She’s gonna wake up?” Carter asked, he looked from his Luna to Damon then back to her.
“Yeah! Yeah Carter she’ll wake up….when she’s ready” Damon replied nodding his head. He gave Lydia one last kiss and walked out of the room with Carter following him. Carter stopped him in the hallway by grabbing his arm.
“Why is Lacey in there? I don’t want Lacey in there, I don’t like that Lacey is in there.” Damon looked at him wide eyed, he never knew what happened between Lacey and Carter. He asked him about it once, but Carter wouldn’t tell him. In his current state he would tell him whatever he wanted to know.
“Carter, what is your problem with Lacey?” Damon asked,
“She’s not a very nice person, she’s not Luna’s friend and I don’t want her in there.” Carter replied,
“Why? What did she do?” Damon pushed him to tell him.
“She’s mean, she’s the one that started the rumour that Bridgette slept with you after she found her mate. Her birthday is two months before Lacey’s. It wasn’t her fault that she found her mate first, but Lacey got mad and lied and Bridgette’s mate rejected her and Johnny beat him for it. She called me queer boy for three months after she found out I was gay. She only found out because I told her I wouldn’t go out with her. She said everyone want’s to go out with the future Alpha’s sister, you’d have to be gay if didn’t.” Damon just stared at him, he understood now why Carter hated her.
“She was the reason I got duct taped to that tree and she’s also the one that told my dad. He sat me down and asked me and when I didn’t deny it he backhanded me. I don’t want her in there Damon. She’s not Luna’s friend, she’s a liar and I don’t want her in there. Luna is not safe with Lacey. I see the way she looks at her when she doesn’t think anyone else is looking, watch her next time. She’s mean and cruel and she shouldn’t be in there, she can’t be trusted. You have to make her leave, you have to get Lacey out of that room. Luna is not safe.” Carter said he was growing agitated at the idea of Lacey being in the room with his Luna.
“Carter, Carter, relax, Lydia is in there as well, she won’t let anything happen to Dax. She won’t let Lacey do anything to Dax, neither will Jackie or Seraphine. Dax is safe, Luna is safe. Nothing is going to happen to her. Ok?” Damon said, grabbing a hold of Carter’s shoulders, he nodded his head.
“You’re not gonna tell Alpha Kane what I said are you? Lacey is Alpha Kane’s sister, he’ll get mad if he knows what I said.” Carter asked, his face showing signs of concern that he would get in trouble for what he just said. In the past if anyone crossed Lacey she would sick her big brother on them, and he would take care of it. If Kane knew half the battles he fought for her she caused, he would lose his shit.
“No Carter I won’t tell” Damon said, relief flooded his face then he looked at her door then back at Damon.
“Can I stay here? She’s not protected here. She needs to be kept safe” he asked,
“Yeah Carter, you can stay here, nobody goes near that room, but the doctor and us. If there’s any issues call me immediately do not under any circumstances deal with it yourself” Carter nodded his head and went to stand by the door to her room. Damon walked off down the hall, normally he would trust Carter’s judgement and let him deal with it but after what he just told him, and his current mental state he didn’t trust Carter. Plus he hit Marco with a book for simply pushing him. His head needing clearing he decided to take the long way back to the office.
Standing in the darkness of the trees he had watched in horror as the car struck his angel and she was thrown over it like she was nothing. His heart stopped when she hit the ground and didn’t move, her blood spilling from her body onto the pavement behind the warehouse. He watched them move with speed to try and save her, the tall one yelling things at the smaller two. He felt his life draining from him as he watched hers drain from her. Rage boiled him, flooded him, filled him. That idiot, that stupid idiot did this and now he was going to die, he was going to leave this to Magnus, but clearly that simpleton was useless. He would now deal with it himself. He received a message from White telling him to go to the warehouse. Carrying on the ruse of being the obedient child he obeyed. He saw the car speeding towards the big one, who was preoccupied with his phone to pay attention to what was going on. But when he saw her running out of the building, his beautiful angel, when he saw her push him out of the way saving his life, his breath caught in his throat. White didn’t know his angel, she would never allow someone to get hurt for her. It’s why he loved her so much, she was a pure soul, a beautiful soul. It’s why he took care of her, he would always take care of her. When she was returned to that monster he dealt with that vapid bitch who rejected her again, why she did it was beyond him. Who would reject her? Who could reject her? She was perfect, he would never reject her. He stayed long enough watching them get her in the truck and speed away. Now he was on his way to find White and make him pay for what he did to her. He might not have got his chance to kill Carl, but he could destroy White.
“What did Lacey do this time?” Kane asked, Johnny had just finished going through a round of verbal assault with Lacey through the link and he was fuming when Kane hauled him out of the office and into the yard to cool off.
“Apparently I forgot to start the laundry, except I don’t remember being asked to do it. I don’t even remember her mentioning it needed to be done” Johnny huffed “She said if I was more observant she wouldn’t have needed to ask me then she said she asked me in the morning, but she didn’t, she was still sleeping when I left this morning”
“You pointed that out to her?” Kane asked,
“Yes and no, guess that was a mistake though, cause then she accused me of calling her a liar.” Johnny replied,
“And what did you say?”
“That I am not calling her a liar, I simply did not remember her waking up as I was walking out of the room asking me to start the laundry.” Johnny replied,
“Good cover” Kane mused, trying to hide his grin,
“I thought so as well, I asked Diego if he heard anything about the laundry and he said no Lacey was sawing logs when we left.” Johnny said and shook his head.
“What did she say?” Kane asked, things seemed to be getting out of hand with Lacey, the crazy was supposed to be subsiding now, but it seemed to be getting worse.
“She called me an asshole and said I never do what she wants me to do.” Kane’s eyes widened at that. Johnny was always doing what Lacey wanted.
“When is her next doctor’s appointment?” Kane asked
“Next week!” He sighed and rolled his shoulders feeling some of the tension releasing.
“I don’t know anymore, I can’t seem to do anything right. Even when I try she turns it around on me or has a complaint about something. My clothes are taking up too much room in the closet, I have no clothes in the closet, they’re all shoved in a dresser, her clothes are the only clothes in the closet, so I suggested maybe she get rid of some if she is out of room. That was the wrong thing, cause now I don’t want her to have nice things. I don’t spoil her enough apparently and no one ever does anything nice for her” Kane cringed when he heard that.
“Right! I didn’t touch that one, it took everything in me not to ask if she was out of her fucking mind and remind her of the girls night Dax threw her on Saturday” Johnny said. His phone rang, before he could say any more.
“Why is the doc calling me?” He asked, looking at his phone.
“Yeah?” He answered.
“Why are you calling me and not Damon?” He waited,
“Oh he did, did he? Ok then, what do you have?” He listened, Kane watched Johnny’s facial reactions to the conversation.
“Well fuck!” Johnny said, nodding his head.
“And you’re positive?” Johnny questioned.
“There’s more? What do you mean there’s more? What else is there to know?” Confusion washed over his face.
“Oh really!” His eyes widened.
“You’re fucking shitting me!” He blurted his voice raising a bit
“What?” Kane asked, his brows furrowing, Johnny held up a hand to keep him quiet.
“Are you sure?” Johnny asked.
“Sure of what?” Kane smacked his hand. Johnny waved at him to be quiet.
“Well holy fuck!” Johnny stated.
“Holy fuck what? Johnny?” Kane was starting to get angry.
“Thanks doc!” Johnny hung up the phone and just looked at Kane.
“What? What did he say?” Kane asked.
“Good news, you don’t have to worry about introducing her to people as an alien. I owe Damon 20 bucks, she’s a werewolf,” Johnny said nodding his head.
“What the fuck was the rest of the phone call?” Kane asked.
“Oh that, uh….he took a sample of Damon’s blood to use to test for the wolf gene. I guess when he turns the machine on it automatically sets it to test for familial DNA. And in his haste to test for one, he tested for the other as well and uh….they’re related.” Johnny said.
“What? How related? Like a second cousin related” Kane looked at him, Damon said every bone in his body told him they were related.
“He’s pretty certain they’re siblings” Johnny was still trying to wrap his head around what the doctor just told him.
“Half siblings? Like Bruno fathered them both?” Kane asked.
“Full siblings. Like Bruno went back for seconds with their birth mom. So not only is she a werewolf, she has Gamma blood but she is Damon’s biological full blooded sister.” Johnny replied.
“WHAT??” Kane and Johnny’s heads snapped in the direction of the voice. Staring back at both of them was Damon.
“What?” He repeated, running his hands through his hair, “She’s…. My sister? Like….blood, like….she’s….she’s my blood? Like full blood, not half blood? Are….are you fucking with me right now?” Damon looked back and forth between Kane and Johnny waiting for one of them to answer him.
“Yeah, the doc said the test came back 50 something percent match. He’s pretty certain you two are siblings and share the same parents” Damon looked at him, so many emotions crossed his face. So many thoughts running through his mind, he had a sister, an actual sister, not some relationship he clung to or made up. And she hasn’t rejected him, but embraced him, she even said she loved him, hell she said it first. He kept looking back and forth between Kane and Johnny waiting for them to start laughing at him and tell him it was all bullshit and they were just fucking with him. When they didn’t he released the breath he was holding, as a tear slid down his cheek.
“Damon, are you ok brother?” Kane asked. Damon looked at him, that word held even more meaning now.
“She’s my sister! I have a sister!” It came out whispered, too afraid to say it out loud, too afraid it might be taken from him if he did.
“Yes you do!” Kane agreed,
“An actual sister!” He said it louder, it wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t bullshit.
“Yeah,” Johnny said, nodding a grin starting to pull at the corners of his mouth.
“I have a sister, an actual sister. Holy fuck! I have an actual fucking sister, she’s my blood and everything.” He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face.
“Congrats brother!” Johnny was grinning as well, he knew how important family was to Damon, it meant everything to him.
“Thanks brother” Damon said giving him a hug “You owe me 20 bucks”
“Hey you just got a sister” Johnny said when Damon let him go.
“I know, I got a sister and I won 20 bucks this day is starting to get better,” Damon held out his hand for Johnny to pay up.
“And she’s Gamma blood, the best blood” Johnny reached into his wallet and pulled out the money.
“Everyone knows Beta blood is better.” Johnny scoffed. Kane just shook his head at them.
“You two are idiots” He said walking towards the house, Johnny and Damon just looked after him.
“Alpha blood is better than both,” He added with a laugh.
“Hey, hey, hey don’t run away, you and I need to have a talk” Damon said pointing at Kane.
“What talk?” Kane asked, turning to look at him.
“I think the same one you had with me, about Lacey,” Johnny answered, grinning from ear to ear.
“I’m obligated now,” Damon ran to catch up to them.
“You want to have the big brother talk with me,” Kane asked, raising his eyebrow, a smile spreading across his face.
“Hell yeah I do, that’s my sister” Damon declared,
“Alright, I’ll pencil you in for half past never” Kane entered the house with Johnny howling behind him.
When they walked back into the office Kane and Johnny were both laughing.
“I’m serious I will kick your fucking ass” Damon said as he entered the office behind them carrying a serious expression.
“Alright, alright if I hurt her I’ll let you bleed on me, cause there’s no fucking way you’ll kick my ass.” Kane sat in his desk chair while Johnny and Damon took the chairs opposite from the desk.
“I take it, your walk cleared your head” Kenneth asked, looking at Johnny. He just nodded.
“What happened?” Damon asked, looking at Johnny.
“Problems with Lacey” Kane answered but didn’t say any more. Damon just nodded.
“What else did I miss?” Kenneth asked,
“The doc called….” Johnny began
“She’s my sister!” Damon declared, cutting Johnny off.
“We know!” Kenneth said,
“No brother! She’s my actual sister” Damon had a huge grin on his face.
“What?” Kenneth looked at them all wide eyed.
“Blood and everything” he happily stated still with a big grin on his face “And I won 20 bucks, she’s a werewolf” He added with a nod.
“Non gatta?” Marco asked, “È lui certo? Lei è un po’ piccola, forse lui ha letto male! (Is he certain? She is a bit small, perhaps he misread!)” he seemed a little disappointed by this.
“No Marco, she’s not a cat, she’s a wolf” Johnny said, Kenneth looked from Damon, to Johnny then to Kane. They both just nodded.
“99.9% certain they are full siblings sharing both parents, and she’s a werewolf. Her wolf is just sleeping.” Johnny claimed.
Kenneth sat there quietly for a minute processing what he just heard, then started laughing,
“What’s so funny?” Damon asked.
“Was he trying to have the big brother talk with you?” The conversation they were having when they walked in the office now made total sense to him. Kane started laughing as well.
“I’m obligated!” Damon huffed. Causing them to laugh more.
“I remember the one I had with my sister’s idiot. It didn’t go so well. I threw him out the window….twice” Kenneth confessed.
“Kane’s to me was one sentence. Don’t, or I’ll rip you limb from limb if you do. Scared the shit outta me, so I haven’t so he won’t” Johnny admitted.
“What?” Kenneth asked, laughing.
“I don’t know, but I haven’t done anything so he won’t do anything” Johnny said shaking his head. Kane could only shrug, what could he say it worked. Maybe he should have used that on Lacey instead though, after hearing everything he’s been hearing and witnessing everything he has so far.
“What are you going to tell her? And what does Ky say about this?” Kenneth asked when he calmed down.
“I don’t know what I’m going to say, but we need to find out when she started talking to the voice in her head. Ky wants to see if he can talk to it, said he sometimes hears things but never knew where it was coming from.” Kane answered.
“Great, now all we have to do is wait for her to wake up,” Damon added. Kane grabbed the emails and journal off his desk and stood up. He wanted to be with her, when she woke up he wanted to be the first one she saw.
“You’re going to see her aren’t you?” Johnny asked, Kane just nodded.
“You should go be with your mates as well, we’ll meet back here in a few hours” Kane said as he moved towards the door.
“They’re all in the medical ward!” Damon offered,
“All of them?” Kane asked, looking at him,
“Four women and two of them are pregnant, I wasn’t about to argue or tell them no and Lydia has been weird and aggressive lately.” Damon defended himself. Kane arched his eyebrow and then looked at Johnny, the grin on his face was undeniable as he turned to look at Kenneth who looked at Kane, his shoulders started to shake.
“You don’t waste any time do you?” Kane asked,
“What?” Damon looked at all of them “What?”
“Oh brother! I warned you” Johnny said, starting to laugh.
“Warned me of what?” Damon asked, looking at him.
“The sweet ones are worse” Johnny choked out,
“Worse than wha….OH FUCK!” Damon was on his feet as realization dawned on him what Johnny was talking about. He ran his hands through his hair.
“Are you serious? Lydia’s pregnant, I could be a dad?” Damon’s eyes were wide as he looked at the others in the room.
“Well, you’d want to check with a doctor, but if she’s being weird and aggressive it’s a pretty safe assumption that could be why.” Kenneth lost his battle with trying to contain himself and howled with laughter.
“This day’s getting better and better, I’m gonna be a dad” Damon broke the door trying to get out of the room quickly.
“I’ll fix that, better and better” he called over his shoulder as he ran down the hall.
“We need stronger doors,” Johnny mused, still grinning.
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