We have seated ourselves around the small dining table that is in an alcove area which is part of the kitchen and in need of a new paint job at some point, lime green is not a good choice. As we are sitting there, Ash looks at Charlie for a moment as if they are communicating silently causing me to raise my eyebrows at them. I watch as Ash nods his head at Charlie; “so, we have had some luck in getting some information on why your parents were taken.”

“And you’re just now telling me this,” I ask perplexed. “What the hell? When did you guys get this information? I could have avoided going to Blake if I would have known this beforehand.”

“Sofia, take a deep breath and let it out slowly before you get yourself all riled up. We do not need any fire today, sweetie.” Charlie places her hand upon my arm and rubs it a couple of times and encourages me to do as she has directed me to. “I only received this information an hour ago, at the same time that you were already with Blake. Do you remember Ja-Ja?”

“Um, who?”

“You met Ja-Ja when we were visiting with the Heads of Order. The goblin... yellow-Ish, green skin. Not very tall, nor the most attractive creature.” Charlie chuckles to herself as she says this but then continues; “Ja-Ja has been trolling through the sectors and has learned why your parents were taken.”

I am certain that no one in the sanctuary had given their names to me but that is neither here nor there. I do remember that strange looking creature though. Her statement has me sitting on the edge of the black metal framed chair in anticipation of what she will say next. “Blakes’ people feel this is the easiest way to get you into their territory where they will end up keeping all of you captive until they are able to figure out how to drain you of your Phoenix.” I stare at Charlie stunned by her words.

“Well let’s go rescue them. Where are they being held?” As I’m saying this, I see Ash shaking his head no. So, I begin nodding my head yes. “There is no arguing this. We have to rescue them!”

“Look, I agree that they need rescued however, you are not just going to storm into their dwelling and demand your parents be set free. Let’s think about this logically. You don’t even have control over your powers yet. You cannot go raging into a situation you know nothing about, until you are able to summon your powers at will and be able to manipulate them to your needs. The last thing we want to have happen is for the Phoenix to take over you.”

I look at Ash confused because I have no idea what he means by the Phoenix taking over me. I assumed the Phoenix and I were one and the same. Not two completely separate entities. I say as much to him and Charlie.

“Oh, no sweet one.” Charlie smiles at me; “you are one in the same but at the same time not. I know it is very confusing, even when explaining to child shifters for that is when they are taught about their counterpart. Your animal is that an animal. So, in youth, children are taught how to tame the animal within them and unite them with their human selves. One part doesn’t have more control or power than the other and they live in harmony within your soul. You were never taught how to maintain the two entities as one because all were unaware that you existed. The reason Ash mentioned the Phoenix taking over you is because it happens. Not very often mind you, but every now and then, the animal resists the unity and takes over the human soul, and becomes an animal, permanently.”

“And we don’t want that to happen to you!” Ash is on his feet as he exclaims this. “I can’t lose you to your counterpart, you are also a part of my soul as well and if the Phoenix were to consume you, body and soul, I wouldn’t be able to live a normal life. That is a different problem and one I would rather not go into right now, just believe me when I say, it would be detrimental to my health for the Phoenix to consume you.”

I am on my feet too now and I fall into his arms. I can hear the anguish in Ash’s voice as he says his worst fear out loud, to lose me even though I would be alive, I wouldn’t be human and would never be able to become human again if the Phoenix were to dominate me. “I promise, I won’t let that happen! Who do we need to find to teach me control? I want to do right by my parents and what is best for me so that I may be able to rescue them. So, tell me who to find so that I may get control of both entities and unite them as one.”

“Possibly start with Ms. Faulkner. She is the one who starts the training process with the little kids. However, after that, I am not sure who we would want to send you to. No one alive today has ever seen a phoenix, let alone train one.” I can see the wheels turning in Charlie’s head as she says this to me. “Any who, I’ve got to skedaddle. I will give Ms. Faulkner a ring this evening and then call and let you know when you will be able to meet up with her.”

“Uh, okay.” I mean really, what else is there to say except, okay? I stoop over a bit so that Charlie can give me a proper hug and then I watch her walk away from Ash and I down the hallway and out the front door. “She is an odd old owl, isn’t she?” I laugh as I state this to Ash. He grins at me as he nods his head in agreement.

“I think that’s why everyone loves her though, because of her oddities.” Ash looks around the room as though contemplating something which has me tilting my head to one side in curiosity. “So, I was thinking...”

“Oh yeah? Don’t hurt yourself.” Ash does a hardy, har-har at my comment which causes me to burst out into a fit of laughter. Trying to stop the giggling, I say; “I’m s-sorry, he-he, please, continue with what you were thinking about.” I grip my side and bend over slightly, trying to stop myself from laughing so hard. I really have no idea why I am laughing the way I am, but I can’t stop myself.

“I’m not so sure I should. Do you think you’ll be able to stop laughing? I think I might begin to start worrying about you here in a second...” Ash trails off as he watches me laugh. I’m to the point where it is nearly impossible to breathe. I nod my head yes and roll my hand for him to continue speaking. My breathing is becoming normal as he talks. “Okay, I was thinking, since tomorrow is Sunday, that you and I could stay here tonight, and you let me make you dinner.”

If my eyebrows could rise higher than my forehead allowed, they would have at his suggestion. Let me tell you, the naughty thoughts that automatically begin to swirl around in my head are not PG-13 thoughts! “Oh, my stars, Sofia! I wasn’t thinking about anything like that. Crap, I think I’m blushing. I just meant dinner and then we could watch some movies or something. Nothing like what YOU are thinking about!”

Okay, the first thing I am going to ask this teacher who is going to train me is, how to block people from reading my thoughts! I growl out my frustration and embarrassment as well. “Hey! Stay out of my head. Those were private thoughts. I’m going to go take a shower. By all means, make me dinner. However, it better be amazing to make up for invading my mind!” I can him snickering behind me as I stomp off down the hallway.

After the water has heated up, I hop inside and let the water pour over me. I was hoping it was going to wash the conversation from a few minutes ago from my head, but apparently that was just wishful thinking. Ash can’t tell me he hasn’t had thoughts like mine. He’s a male! If I were able to read his mind, I’m sure I would see way naughtier images than mine rolling through that skull of his. And really, why can’t I read his thoughts? It should only be fair that if he can read mine that I should be able to read his. Maybe that is something I will have to ask the teacher.

Roughly twenty minutes later I finally drag myself out of the shower and dry myself off. Taking a guess, I go into the first bedroom by the bathroom and find a room that just simply has to be mine. The ceiling is white, the four walls are painted a light, sky-blue, the carpet under my feet is the softest fabric I have ever felt and a beautiful light grey color. To the right is a beautiful four-poster oak framed king-size bed and as I walk closer, I see there are some clothes placed upon the dark-grey satin comforter.

I smile as I look over the clothing. I see a pair of jeans and a soft cotton white tee-shirt with some writing on it. Shine bright! Which is totally something my mom would have picked out for me. I spot some undergarments as well and then to my surprise, I also see a t-shirt/short combo, pajama outfit. I feel like mom was just in here which causes a sadness to swell inside of me. Doing what I can, I do my best to force the sadness away. They will be found, and they will be okay.

Tossing the terry cloth beach-sized towel onto the bed, I decide it is late enough in the evening that I can put the pajama’s on without feeling weird about doing so. Stepping back into the hallway that leads down a flight of stairs, I smell something amazing being cooked in the kitchen. Barefoot because I don’t like to wear sneakers after I shower and I don’t have any spare slippers here, I quickly make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Ash hovering over the stove, holding a spatula and singing into it like it is a microphone.

He is such a dork. Mind you a cute dork but a dork just the same. I don’t recognize the song he is singing otherwise I would announce my presence by joining in and singing too. But honestly, it is way more entertaining standing here watching him shimmy and shake and all around just jamming out to the music in his head instead.

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