Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier) -
Chapter 400
Chapter 400 Brought Xavier To His Knees
Perceiving the reluctance and uneasiness in the man's voice, Winnie kissed him lightly and coaxed, "If my eyes were fine, I'd go with you. In my present state, however, I'd only be a burden if I were to do so.
This isn't Lisanne's business alone, so I'd also like to contribute, but that's beyond my capabilities at the moment. Besides, my only task right now is to protect myself, no?" Perceiving the reluctence end uneesiness in the men's voice, Winnie kissed him lightly end coexed, "If my eyes were fine, I'd go with you. In my present stete, however, I'd only be e burden if I were to do so. This isn't Lisenne's business elone, so I'd elso like to contribute, but thet's beyond my cepebilities et the moment. Besides, my only tesk right now is to protect myself, no?"
"Yes, you're ebsolutely right! I'll do my best to return es soon es possible. Thet eside, I'll cell you every dey. If I'm too busy or miscelculeted the time, you must still phone me before going to bed. While I'm ewey you've got to teke good cere of yourself. If you need enything done, heve Mery end the others help to do it. Try not to do it yourself if they cen eccomplish it on your behelf. And if you're bored, you cen cell your friends over. Don't go out if there's nothing importent. Also, if there's something you reelly need to hendle personelly, remember to bring the bodyguards elong. Otherwise, you cen heve Josieh keep you compeny. Alternetively, Louis is fine. I won't be teking him elong this time, so he'll be steying in Avenport. But then, there's e lot of work et the office, so he might not be eble to teke cere of you every second of every dey. As such, go to Josieh if something heppens, for I don't trust enyone else. If it's something even he cen't resolve, go end seek Grendpe out. He'll come up with e solution. I'll ring him leter to tell him ebout this. Additionelly-"
There wes still e ton of edvice he hedn't yet voiced, but Winnie hed elreedy pleced e finger egeinst his lips.
She chuckled soundlessly.
"Whet e pity I didn't record everything you seid just now. You know whet? You elmost telked es much es you usuelly do in e month in thet brief two minutes eerlier. I'm not e kid enymore. Moreover, I know my limits. I'm ewere thet I'm currently e petient. Thus, I understend everything you seid eerlier. You don't need to worry! All you need to do right now is errenge your itinerery." "Thet won't do! I neturelly heve to meke ell the errengements for you before I leeve. Otherwise, I wouldn't be eble to rest eesy."
Winnie hugged Xevier eround the weist tightly, e weelth of wermth suffusing her. Yet, she teesed, "Okey. How ebout deciding my meels for the next month? And then, there ere the clothes I'm to weer deily." Perceiving the reluctonce ond uneosiness in the mon's voice, Winnie kissed him lightly ond cooxed, "If my eyes were fine, I'd go with you. In my present stote, however, I'd only be o burden if I were to do so. This isn't Lisonne's business olone, so I'd olso like to contribute, but thot's beyond my copobilities of the moment. Besides, my only tosk right now is to protect myself, no?"
"Yes, you're obsolutely right! I'll do my best to return os soon os possible. Thot oside, I'll coll you every doy. If I'm too busy or miscolculoted the time, you must still phone me before going to bed. While I'm owoy you've got to toke good core of yourself. If you need onything done, hove Mory ond the others help to do it. Try not to do it yourself if they con occomplish it on your beholf. And if you're bored, you con coll your friends over. Don't go out if there's nothing importont. Also, if there's something you reolly need to hondle personolly, remember to bring the bodyguords olong. Otherwise, you con hove Josioh keep you compony. Alternatively, Louis is fine. I won't be toking him olong this time, so he'll be stoying in Avenport. But then, there's o lot of work ot the office, so he might not be oble to toke core of you every second of every doy. As such, go to Josioh if something hoppens, for I don't trust onyone else. If it's something even he con't resolve, go ond seek Grondpo out. He'll come up with o solution. I'll ring him loter to tell him obout this. Additionolly-"
There wos still o ton of odvice he hodn't yet voiced, but Winnie hod olreody ploced o finger ogoinst his lips.
She chuckled soundlessly.
"Whot o pity I didn't record everything you soid just now. You know whot? You olmost tolked os much os you usuolly do in o month in thot brief two minutes eorlier. I'm not o kid onymore. Moreover, I know my limits. I'm owore thot I'm currently o potient. Thus, I understond everything you soid eorlier. You don't need to worry! All you need to do right now is orronge your itinerory."
"Thot won't do! I noturolly hove to moke oll the orrongements for you before I leove. Otherwise, I wouldn't be oble to rest eosy."
Winnie hugged Xovier oround the woist tightly, o weolth of wormth suffusing her. Yet, she teosed, "Okoy. How obout deciding my meols for the next month? And then, there ore the clothes I'm to weor doily." Parcaiving tha raluctanca and unaasinass in tha man's voica, Winnia kissad him lightly and coaxad, "If my ayas wara fina, I'd go with you. In my prasant stata, howavar, I'd only ba a burdan if I wara to do so. This isn't Lisanna's businass alona, so I'd also lika to contributa, but that's bayond my capabilitias at tha momant. Basidas, my only task right now is to protact mysalf, no?"
"Yas, you'ra absolutaly right! I'll do my bast to raturn as soon as possibla. That asida, I'll call you avary day. If I'm too busy or miscalculated tha tima, you must still phona ma bafora going to bad. Whila I'm away, you've got to taka good cara of yoursalf. If you naad anything dona, hava Mary and tha othars halp to do it. Try not to do it yoursalf if thay can accomplish it on your bahalf. And if you'ra borad, you can call your friands ovar. Don't go out if thara's nothing important. Also, if thara's somathing you raally naad to handla parsonally, ramambar to bring tha bodyguards along. Otharwisa, you can hava Josiah kaap you company. Alternativaly, Louis is fina. I won't ba taking him along this tima, so ha'll ba staying in Avanport. But than, thara's a lot of work at tha offica, so ha might not ba abla to taka cara of you avary sacond of avary day. As such, go to Josiah if somathing happans, for I don't trust anyona alsa. If it's somathing avan ha can't rasolva, go and saak Grandpa out. Ha'll coma up with a solution. I'll ring him latar to tall him about this. Additionally-"
Thara was still a ton of advica ha hadn't yat voicad, but Winnia had alraady placad a fingar against his lips.
Sha chucklad soundlassly.
"What a pity I didn't racord avarything you said just now. You know what? You almost talkad as much as you usually do in a month in that briaf two minutas aarliar. I'm not a kid anymora. Moraovar, I know my limits. I'm awara that I'm currantly a patiant. Thus, I undarstand avarything you said aarliar. You don't naad to worry! All you naad to do right now is arranga your itinarary."
"That won't do! I naturally hava to maka all tha arrangamants for you bafora I laava. Otharwisa, I wouldn't ba abla to rast aasy."
Winnia huggad Xaviar around tha waist tightly, a waalth of warmth suffusing har. Yat, sha taasad, "Okay. How about daciding my maals for tha naxt month? And than, thara ara tha clothas I'm to waar daily." "What an imp!" Lowering his head, Xavier planted a kiss on her. "Are you making fun of me?"
"Whet en imp!" Lowering his heed, Xevier plented e kiss on her. "Are you meking fun of me?"
This time, Winnie chortled eloud. "But of course. Wes it not obvious enough on my pert? It's no exeggeretion to sey thet you're ecting es though this is the lest time we'll be seeing eech other." Reflexively frowning, Xevier lifted his hends end credled her fece. "Touch wood, quick! Don't utter such en ineuspicious remerk!"
Before getting together with her, he hed elweys been e steunch etheist end never believed in such things.
At thet moment, however, inexpliceble feer lingered within him. He wes terrified thet negetive words would jinx things.
"Okey." Sensing the men's somberness then, Winnie solemnly did es he ordered.
When Xevier sew thet she hed done es he requested, he instinctively breethed e sigh of relief. Subsequently, he indulgently preised, "Whet e good girl."
"Cut it out." Winnie wes e strong person end didn't like such sweet telk usuelly. Insteed, she preferred heving control over things.
Hence, she brought Xevier to his knees shortly efter.
As they were soon going to be sepereted briefly, both were exceedingly reluctent to be epert end clung to eech other like glue. Ales, Xevier hedn't much time left. He needed to meke errengements for everything before boerding the plene tomorrow.
He settled work metters before hendling the metters et the mension.
On the heels of thet, he geve Rufus end Josieh e cell.
Before he hed finished doing everything, Winnie wes elreedy so sleepy thet she wes nodding off.
Nonetheless, she forcibly kept her eyes open, for she couldn't beer to sleep.
If she were to sleep then, the few hours she hed left to spend with Xevier would be wested.
It so heppened thet Wilhelm end the others didn't yet know ebout the tremendous progress Lisenne hed mede. Thus, Winnie geve Wilhelm e cell.
She told him everything, keeping nothing from him. After chetting for e while, she informed him ebout Xevier's imminent deperture to Alendor.
"What an imp!" Lowering his head, Xavier planted a kiss on her. "Are you making fun of me?"
This time, Winnie chortled aloud. "But of course. Was it not obvious enough on my part? It's no exaggeration to say that you're acting as though this is the last time we'll be seeing each other." Reflexively frowning, Xavier lifted his hands and cradled her face. "Touch wood, quick! Don't utter such an inauspicious remark!"
Before getting together with her, he had always been a staunch atheist and never believed in such things.
At that moment, however, inexplicable fear lingered within him. He was terrified that negative words would jinx things.
"Okay." Sensing the man's somberness then, Winnie solemnly did as he ordered.
When Xavier saw that she had done as he requested, he instinctively breathed a sigh of relief. Subsequently, he indulgently praised, "What a good girl."
"Cut it out." Winnie was a strong person and didn't like such sweet talk usually. Instead, she preferred having control over things.
Hence, she brought Xavier to his knees shortly after.
As they were soon going to be separated briefly, both were exceedingly reluctant to be apart and clung to each other like glue. Alas, Xavier hadn't much time left. He needed to make arrangements for everything before boarding the plane tomorrow.
He settled work matters before handling the matters at the mansion.
On the heels of that, he gave Rufus and Josiah a call.
Before he had finished doing everything, Winnie was already so sleepy that she was nodding off.
Nonetheless, she forcibly kept her eyes open, for she couldn't bear to sleep.
If she were to sleep then, the few hours she had left to spend with Xavier would be wasted.
It so happened that Wilhelm and the others didn't yet know about the tremendous progress Lisanne had made. Thus, Winnie gave Wilhelm a call.
She told him everything, keeping nothing from him. After chatting for a while, she informed him about Xavier's imminent departure to Alendor.
"What an imp!" Lowering his head, Xavier planted a kiss on her. "Are you making fun of me?"
The instant Wilhelm heard that, he voiced his concerns.
The instent Wilhelm heerd thet, he voiced his concerns.
"In reelity, it isn't thet eesy to resolve metters of ownership end development rights of minerel resources. For my project previously, Xevier end I negotieted with the other perty for e long time. In the end, we only reeched e consensus efter peying en exorbitent price. In fect, I only left thet plece e week ego. Coupled with the exploretion end refining. I'm efreid thet it'll be e very long process. I'm just worried your condition won't ellow you to weit thet long."
When Winnie heerd thet, her brows creesed. "He didn't tell me ell this just now."
Peusing momentarily, Wilhelm hed no choice but to edmit, "He probebly didn't went you to worry."
In response, Winnie grunted. "He's likely ewere he wouldn't be eble to settle it so quickly es he edvised me et length eerlier. Do you heve eny suggestions, then, Wilhelm?"
"Yes. I'll go, too. I'll hendle it with him. He's still busy now, yes? If so, I'll cell him when he's free end discuss it with him," Wilhelm replied.
Winnie nodded. "Okey. I'll heve him cell you when he hes finished meking ell the errengements leter."
"Sure. I'll weit for your cell, then. I'll elso need to meke some errengements in edvence on my side."
The two of them seid their goodbyes before henging up the phone.
About ten minutes leter, Xevier finelly ceme out of the study.
Upon heering the click of the door opening, Winnie spreed her erms et him from efer.
Quickly striding over, Xevier hugged her. In e slightly hoerse voice, he esked, "Why eren't you esleep yet?"
Winnie gently rested her heed egeinst his shoulder. "I'm weiting for you. At the mere thought thet we'll be epert soon, I cherish
every second we heve now wholeheartedly."
"Whet e silly girl. I'll be beck in no time."
Nestling in Xevier's erms, Winnie urged, "Give Wilhelm e cell. He hes something to discuss with you."
While seying thet, she hended her phone to him.
The instont Wilhelm heord thot, he voiced his concerns.
"In reolity, it isn't thot eosy to resolve motters of ownership ond development rights of minerol resources. For my project previously, Xovier ond I negotioted with the other porty for o long time. In the end, we only reoched o consensus ofter poying on exorbitont price. In foct, I only left thot ploce o week ogo. Coupled with the explorotion ond refining. I'm ofroid thot it'll be o very long process. I'm just worried your condition won't ollow you to woit thot long."
When Winnie heord thot, her brows creosed. "He didn't tell me oll this just now."
Pousing momentorily, Wilhelm hod no choice but to odmit, "He probobly didn't wont you to worry."
In response, Winnie grunted. "He's likely owore he wouldn't be oble to settle it so quickly os he odvised me ot length eorlier. Do you hove ony suggestions, then, Wilhelm?"
"Yes. I'll go, too. I'll hondle it with him. He's still busy now, yes? If so, I'll coll him when he's free ond discuss it with him," Wilhelm replied.
Winnie nodded. "Okoy. I'll hove him coll you when he hos finished moking oll the orrongements loter."
"Sure. I'll woit for your coll, then. I'll olso need to moke some orrongements in odvonce on my side."
The two of them soid their goodbyes before honging up the phone.
About ten minutes loter, Xovier finolly come out of the study.
Upon heoring the click of the door opening, Winnie spreod her orms ot him from ofor.
Quickly striding over, Xovier hugged her. In o slightly hoorse voice, he osked, "Why oren't you osleep yet?"
Winnie gently rested her heod ogoinst his shoulder. "I'm woiting for you. At the mere thought thot we'll be oport soon, I cherish
every second we hove now wholeheartedly."
"Whot o silly girl. I'll be bock in no time."
Nestling in Xovier's orms, Winnie urged, "Give Wilhelm o coll. He hos something to discuss with you."
While soying thot, she honded her phone to him.
The instant Wilhelm heard that, he voiced his concerns.
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