Salute To The General -
Chapter 259 Beaten Up
Chapter 259 Beaten Up
That night, when the Cross family sat down for dinner, Benson brought up the topic of the plot of land at
Phoenix. Worry and anxiety clouded his face.
Chuckling, Penny answered, "Everything has been resolved.”
With that, she explained what had happened earlier.
Listening closely, the family was relieved to hear the great news. Smiles broke out across everyone's
Staring at Nathan, thoughts swirled around in Kylie's mind.The mayor is looking out for local
enterprises, huh? I seriously doubt that's the true reason. If I'm not wrong, this must be your doing. The
mayor wouldn't dare to ignore your wishes. You really are amazing, brother-in-law of mine!
Laughing lightly, Penny commented, "Tomorrow, we'll be starting the construction of the pharmaceutical
factory. Although, I still have no idea who I should appoint as factory manager."
At once, Nathan responded, "What do you mean? There's a perfectly suitable candidate right in front of
Thinking he was volunteering, she stared at him in surprise. "You?"
He shook his head as he replied, "No, no. I can't manage a factory. I'll be too strict."
He was not exactly wrong. If he were to be the manager, the factory would end up being run like a
military boot camp. None of the workers would last long.
"If not you then who?" she wondered.
Pointing to his father-in-law, Benson, he suggested, "How about Dad? He studied business
management and was the General manager at Diva Limited. He has the credentials and the
experience. I'm sure he'll be able to handle it."
Benson's heart leaped in his chest at his son-in-law's words. You know me well, kid! How did you know
I still had the ambition?
However, when he turned to his daughter, his voice was uneasy, "I'm not that old yet, so I wouldn't mind
having something to do. But a factory manager? I'm not sure I'll be able to bear that responsibility."
Leah chimed in, "Why don't you let your father try it out?"
A puff of laughter left Penny's lips as she agreed, "As his daughter, of course I believe Dad can do it.
It's nice to know everyone else believes in his abilities too. Dad, the position is yours."
Everyone cheered happily, Queenie chirping along, "Grandpa's gonna be a factory manager!
Grandpa's gonna be a factory manager!"
Plastering a delighted grin on his face, Benson yanked Nathan closer and insisted they have a few
cups to drink.
After dinner, Benson and Leah brought Queenie out for a walk, as was their habit.
Less than half an hour later, Penny and Nathan received a call from Leah. The woman's voice was
tearful as she sobbed out, "Penny, your father's been beaten. He's covered in blood! Please get here
as fast as you can!”
In the background, they could hear Queenie crying as well.
Shocked, Penny quickly asked fortheir location before she, Nathan and Kylie sped out of the house.
When they arrived at Johnson Road, they saw Leah standing beside Benson, who was sitting on a
bench by the roadside.
Hurrying forward, Nathan went to check on Benson's injuries while Penny questioned, "Mum, Dad,
what happened?"
Tears sprung to Penny's eyes as she took in the badly beaten form of her father. She scolded, "Dad,
you're not exactly a spring chicken anymore. You should have called the police on them, not take
things into your own hands." Coոtent of Drąmanovе
Done with checking over the older man's injuries, Nathan lifted his head as he reported, "His nose is
probably broken and he has a lot of bruises all over him. We'll need to get him to a hospital."
Infuriated, Benson grabbed Nathan's arm as he snarled, "Nathan, being beaten up like this in front of
my own home is just unacceptable! Could you find those bastards who did this to me and punish
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