Pretty Boy Psycho
King Pig...

I remember the first time we huddled into General Courtney’s office. We were frightened by her then. Now we find the process much more tedious. I hop from foot to foot so bored of being stood here while she clacks her nails against her desk which is way too big for the office. Her sharp yet cool gaze focuses on the person she is addressing.

“Your team failed to show up for an assignment yesterday.”

Geordie opens his mouth to explain but Courtney holds up a hand.

“Silence I am still speaking. Quite frankly I do not care what you were getting up to. I have no desire to know where you were. As far as I am concerned General Midnight took a tumble from her ridiculous platform at the top of Spindle Tower.”

Hazel eyes shift onto Casey. “Whatever happened to your head? It’s very red.”

“A combat training accident. I tripped over Geordie’s fat legs.”

“I do not have fat legs.”

“Let’s not go off on a tangent. I am very busy today. Hackney is being ransacked by Thunders.”

“Really? But there’s nothing to take,” snickers Geordie.

“The Harlington’s have raided The Plaza. The whole lot of them. They are the most infuriating family I have ever met. They think the world will come up smelling of scented soap. Well I have news for them not everyone can afford scented soap. You can’t just throw money at problems to make them go away. I am the one clearing up after skeletals making sure they are not attacked while playing house.”

“I know what that feels like.” Geordie rolls his eyes at me.

Laughs erupt from me which sets Danny off.

“You won’t be laughing at my predicament tonight Corey West seen as you five have the night shift patrolling The Plaza and Hackney. You think Thunders are bad you try telling a Harlington they cannot have something.”

I tuck my hair behind my ears. “I think we’ll manage.”

“You just have to imagine they are giant toddlers,” says Casey. “Hillcrests have had dealings with Harlingtons, when we wanted to convert our attic into a walk-in wardrobe type space. They do enjoy their own altercations. My dad put his foot down made Dave do the whole job again to the blueprint which made him sulk. He only paid half the fee for the inconvenience.”

“Mean!” I exclaim.

“Blueprints are there for a reason. Contractors ought to respect them. I wouldn’t dream of giving you red cotton if you had ordered blue.”

“Herm perhaps seen as you are working for me your parents would consider striking a cheaper deal for blue fabric for our shirts,” muses Courtney.

“Doubtful. We do not do favours for friends where our business is concerned so you stand no chance especially when you do not pay us sufficiently as it is. These four deserve a pay raise.”

Courtney picks at a nail. “If Team Geordie completed legitimate assignments they might be well on their way to A-grade payments.” Courtney points to the door. “You are dismissed. Try not to make too much noise on your way out.”

“Was that just praise?” Danny asks when we’re free of the stuffy office.

“I think so. She knows what we did,” says Charlie.

“If she knows why be cryptic?” says Casey as he glares in horror at dusty faded walls. “This place needs decorating.”

“Seriously you’re talking decorating?” says Geordie.

“Yes. Staff would be more inclined to work efficiently if they weren’t walking into drab surroundings every morning. I think General Courtney is a slob.”

“You do?” smiles Penelope as we pass through reception.

“Yes. For instance, you could hang a portrait of griffons here above your desk to welcome people.” Casey gestures at a bare piece of wall behind Penelope. “Which griffons would you like to greet everyone? Cores will get one painted up.”

“Your griffons. Prince too.”

“What not Team Cain’s griffons?” mock blurts Geordie.

Penelope leans across her desk and whispers to us. “You’re changing things round here not Team Cain. Be careful they will fight for their top spot.”

“They already lost their spot they just not figured it out yet,” brags Geordie as he leaves headquarters.

Sunshine’s waiting right outside the door looking longingly at the building as though he’s missing out on something important. Is all purrs and pleasantries when we’re out of there. We’ve more happy people come to see us. Ashley runs right over to us clutching at a box wrapped in red paper with a yellow ribbon.

“Are the gossips true in chattering about you and Casey being engaged?”

“They are,” I say.

Ashley gives me a quick embrace then punches the top of Casey’s arm. “Congratulations. We made you a present.” She nods over at Jordan who gives us a wave from where he’s sat polishing his katanas.

The pretty red box is held out to us. Casey brushes it aside to me. “You can open it.”

Eagerly I take off the lid. Eeek it’s a handsome yellow kite with a blue hair ribbon for a tail.

“Oh shit,” groans Casey. “It’s supposed to be our engagement not his birthday. Couldn’t you not have opted for something normal like scented candles or a bottle of wine?”

Ashley laughs, dips her hands into her jacket pockets, and comes out holding up two fists. “Pick a hand.”

“If I must.” He points at Ashley’s right fist.

“Jackpot.” She drops a couple of cufflinks into Casey’s palm. “I hope they’re to your style. Al warns me you’re a fashion expert. I wasn’t sure if skater boys needed cufflinks.”

“I’m sure I will find a use for them. Thank you.”

Ashley swings on Geordie. “Would you like to shoot some hoops with me Friday afternoon then go to the night market at Bloomsbury?”

“If you wanna go shopping Al’s your lad.” Geordie folds his arms.

I mouth, “sausage rolls,” at Ashley.

“Thought you might like to grab some pastry, say a sausage roll, after shooting hoops.”

“Not clothes?”

“Like I’d drag a great lump like you round clothes stalls.”

“Just so you know I’ll crush you at basketball.”

“I’ll take that as a yes. See you at your pad Friday at four then?”


Ashley waves at us as she goes back over to sit with Jordan and partakes in cleaning up her sabre. They must have encountered some opposition this morning.

When we’re out of earshot from Ashley my giggling starts up.

“What?” snaps Geordie.

“You’re going on a date. We told you Ash liked you.”

“Well you’re going to see your parents you runaway.”

That shuts up my teasing. Part of me would rather hang round headquarters all day long looking for field agents to have friendly duels with. I hold the boxed kite out to Casey no longer wanting to carry anything. He ignores it, so Danny takes it from me instead. Pull myself together they’re just my parents. Have to say hello because now they’re both home from Japan it would be cruel of me to keep them thinking on me as dead or lost forever.

The ride to Cloud High is quick. We’ve not been back since salvaging the lumpy armchair for our house. I stand in the middle of the bridge, with the others, staring into murky water searching for Alpha Fish wondering if he survived the raid.

“This is where you learned to be you.” Casey leans over the bridge. “What are we looking for?”

“Memories,” I smile. “Good times, bad times, scary times.”

Splash, splash, splash. I laugh as Chunk charges after Prince, chasing him through the pond. I wipe a droplet of water from my cheek and raise my eyes to Cloud High’s main building which is host to both metal and wooden beams supporting the structure. A fleet of builders mill around pushing wheelbarrows full of bricks and long pull along trolleys of beams.

We follow Geordie over the bridge and up the small incline to where all the building is taking place. We keep back a few feet not wanting to get in anyone’s way.

“Do be careful up there,” I hear a familiar voice call from somewhere ground level.

“I’m perfectly safe dear,” my mum calls back from up on the roof.

“The structure isn’t stable. The roof may cave in. Why do you even need to be up there?” There he is my dad with his head craned back staring at Mum who raises both hands to the sky while swaying from side to side.

“The view is spectacular. If we work this project right Cloud High could be the best safe haven ever with job opportunities at Cloud Association.”

“Yes, but we’re not very well going to have trainees running around on top of the roof. If you fall...”

“You worry too much Dave dear.” Mum lays back to stare at the Cloud Barrier.

Dad turns from the building. Starts flipping through a mass of paper he’s got attached to a clipboard. He’s so absorbed in reading his notes he doesn’t even notice we’re stood right in front of him. Geordie gives one of those hello we’re here look at me type coughs.

“Oh hello.” Dad stares up from his notes as though startled. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah it’s Team Geordie you invited us to look at the new Cloud High. There isn’t that much to look at.”

“I think there’s been quite a lot of progress,” observes Charlie.

“Whoa can you see clearly out of both your eyes or is one weaker?” exclaims Geordie on seeing my Dad’s two different eye colours.

“Don’t be so rude,” hisses Charlie. “He has heterochromia. I am sure he can see perfectly fine.”

“Maybe he’s a cyborg.”

“No, he’s a Harlington. They have abnormalities in their genes.”

“Now look who’s being rude.”

“Are you gonna give new trainees a basketball court?” Danny peeks at Dad’s notes. “I think they’d like one.”


Ooo looks like he’s getting flustered. Probably wasn’t the best idea to meet everyone all at once. I tap the metal clasp on top of the clipboard then flick my hair into place, trying not to show how awkward I’m feeling. One deep breath and speak. “Don’t forget Master Hugo’s memorial. He was the best teacher I ever had.”

Dad taps his pencil against his cheek. “Geordie, Charlie, Danny, Corey?”

I nod. “That is correct. Well almost.” I beam my biggest smile glad to see him.

“Oh yes Casey too.”

I look him directly in the eye. He really doesn’t recognise me. How short was I when we last saw each other? “How was Japan?” I’ll just keep talking until he eventually catches on to who I am. Might come as less of a shock if he finds out by himself.

“A headache. Beautiful part of the country where I was working. Top secret information though.”

“What gave you a headache? I wish I could see Japan. Might go there one day with Sunshine.” I roll my eyes onto Sunshine who is down by the bridge watching Chunk and Prince arguing.

“Missed the house, I guess. Didn’t feel much like working.” Dad raps his pencil against his papers and oops drops the pencil with a clatter to the ground.

I bend to pick it up. “Careful.” As I hold the pencil out to Dad, I get this stare.

Dad blinks rapidly “Sorry, you remind me of someone. Weird. I must be over worked.”

I give this nervous giggle not knowing what else to do. I think the giggle reveals me most.


“Hi Dad.”

His whole clipboard clatters to the floor. Pencil bounces off down the hill. Here comes the shocked what the hell it’s so great to see you embrace. “I cast you off as dead!”

“Sorry, I sort of ran away. My depression got too much, and I took off and-”

“- My son’s alive. I’m sorry. Should have spent more time with you to help with this depression.”

“It’s okay I’m not depressed anymore.”

“I’ve missed you so much. Thought I’d never see you again but you’re here alive and...” Dad trails off and takes a step back to look at me.

“No longer a shrimp,” offers Geordie. “He had a growth spurt when he was part way through being fifteen.”

“I did sort of. Do you think my hair got blonder?”

Dad nods.

“Super. Thank you, sunlight!” I shout up to the sky. Dad’s still staring. I wink. “Shock horror having me around again.”

“Yeah you’re loopy,” snickers Geordie.

“Annie!” Dad shouts up to the roof. “Our son’s here.”

“What was that? I thought you said our son’s here.”

“I did. He is.”

“Please not a breakdown,” groans Mum as she climbs carefully down from the roof, with help from a couple of ladders. Once on the ground she regards Dad with sighing eyes then those eyes twinkle over me as I snatch at loose paper which has blown off the clipboard. “Our son’s here!”

Yet another embrace.

“Alex dearest.” She smiles over my shoulder at Geordie. “Thank you for finding him. Was he in Spindle Tower all along?”

Geordie snickers. “Al Harlington kept captive in Spindle Tower for four years, nah. That’s my ace card right there. He’s a deadly angel with switchblades.”

Mum lets me loose. Points at the others as she speaks their names. “Geordie Henley. Danny Kaito. Charlie Taylor. Corey West.” Her finger stays pointed at me. “Head cold indeed.”

“I couldn’t reveal myself in front of Courtney.”

“Of course not.” She gives a short laugh. “I should have known you’d not committed suicide or been snatched by thugs. After all those are not natural things to happen to a Harlington. Went looking for an adventure at Cloud High, did you?”

“Sorry, I should have let you know where I ended up, but everything was muddled in my head and happened so fast...”

“Take a breath. I’m not cross.”

Guilt builds up. “How can you not be?”

“You can’t help being impulsive. I knew exactly what I was letting myself in for when I married into this family.”

“You’re the most impulsive reckless member of this family,” says Dad. ”Let’s go to Japan. Take your mind off our missing son. Who does that? Well he came home after the raid here didn’t he. We should have been at home.”

“No. We were right where we needed to be. Team Geordie managed. Alex was fine with his friends.”

Dad waves his arms at the semi burnt building. “Fine. This place was incinerated. Do you know how many kids died here?”

“Too many. Calm down. We can’t change what happened we can only fix the present.”

“Alex was witness to all that slaughter.”

I slip my blades from my forearms. Switch them. Tilt my head sweetly to the side. “That’s why Midnight’s dead, Dad. She had our brothers and sisters murdered. Team Geordie didn’t let the incident slide.”

Dad stares in surprise at my blades as reality sets in. “You’re a Cloudy field agent.”

“And we’re very proud,” adds Mum as Sunshine skips over to us, looking to make new friends. “How delightful to have a griffon in the family.” She makes a massive fuss of him which sets him off purring.

“Hope I’m not too much of a shock.”

“A happy one,” insists Dad. “How about we sit over by the pond, so I can calm.”

That’s a great idea seen as that is the very place Casey is hanging out, staring into murky depths. “Did you spot Alpha Fish?” I say on popping up behind him. “You’ve gone un-characteristically quiet.” I lean elbows against the bridge as I watch Dad showing Charlie his plans for Cloud High, and Mum has a natter with Geordie and Danny.

Casey takes a step away from me. “I should have stayed home today.”


“Your parents have enough to take in.”

“Oh yeah our engagement. I forgot to tell them.”

“Keep it that way,” snaps Casey.

I tap tap his shoulder. “Why?”

“Use your brain. No parent wants their son to be in love with another lad.” Casey flicks a speck of dirt off the rail into the pond. “They won’t want me around especially today.”

“Tough because I want you around and if they won’t accept you, which they will, I’d hate them for it. Let’s put your mind at ease and say hi.”

“Don’t you dare introduce me as your boyfriend.”

“I was going to say fiancée.”

“Drop it Al.”

“You trust me, right?”

“Yes, but you definitely must not introduce me as your fiancée,” Casey all but explodes. “Engagement presents it’s too much. I like introducing you to my friends like, hey this is Al, the best boyfriend in the universe. Hey husband is boring. I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth about champagne to celebrate. Neither should I have said yes to your proposal. I was kidding around.” Casey flinches.

I’m an idiot. We were caught up in the moment when he nearly died. I try to tell him it’s okay but can’t get a word in seen as he’s on a real raging rant.

“I’ve not even finished school yet. I suppose this is the part where you make a big scene because I led you on. You’ll throw your bracelet into the pond and leave me forever.”

Wow everything always ends up awkward with us two. He’s finally stopped for breath at least giving me time to jump in. “I guess we’ll have to give back the kite. Maybe you can keep the cufflinks hey. Say you lost them.”

“Kite?” musters Casey.

I knock into his shoulder. “Like hey naughtiest boyfriend in the cosmos, wanna make out under the bleachers while the cheerleaders are practising?”

Casey’s eyes flash onto me for the briefest moment. I know he kind of wants to laugh at me but isn’t sure if I’m covering up disappointment or not. I’m not. How could I ever be disappointed by him?

“You’re right we got totes carried away. I mean we have prom to get through then I’m gonna throw you, Frankie, and Mi the biggest graduation bash ever. And you Mister have my eighteenth birthday to sort in September.”

“You’re not just saying these things to cheer me up are you, you really mean them?”

I tuck my hair behind my ears and give him my serious face ’cause this is a super serious conversation we’re having which could in effect break us. “I really am happy how we are. Like wow.” I stroke my bracelet. “This is gonna sound slushy but try stand it. When I thought I’d lost you to the poison the world went grey. Just clouds. No sunlight anywhere. I try telling myself I killed Midnight for our whole house but if I’m being honest with myself it was mostly for you.” I loop my arm round Casey’s back in pure Al fashion. “Whatever you want Casey.”

“But what do you want?”

“Us having an awesome time. I don’t need vows or a piece of paper to do that. Urrr why did I spoil things by asking when you were in a state?”

“Don’t worry about it. Was my fault for fooling around.”

“Are we okay?”

“Always dude. And if we weren’t I would make us okay because I find my life unbalanced without you.”

I smile, and he smiles back then we simultaneously cross our eyes at each other. I want to make out on the bridge problem being my parents are behind us. He must have forgotten seen as my shirt gets grabbed and he pulls me towards him and we’re making sparks. At least I know we’re super okay.

“This shirt is rather revealing,” Casey musters into my ear as I practically bury my face into his chest knowing when I look up there’ll be an awful lot of explaining to do. “Wait is this the silk I gave you yesterday?”

“Yeah I made it.”

“Neat. What’s up?”

“My parents.”

“I forgot about them. You ensnared me in the heat of passion.”

I so wanted to introduce Casey politely with civil mannerisms to show him not everyone are as stoic as his parents.

“Al and Case, you can’t keep them apart.” Oh gosh Geordie’s opened his mouth. Please don’t be crude. Me and Casey are like frozen solid on the bridge. “Don’t worry I gave him the once over. He’s good enough for Al.” Geordie puts his thumb up to Casey.

Maybe this way of finding out is better seen as Casey hasn’t got time to fret about facing rejection. Mum waves us over. “You have a boyfriend too that’s wonderful isn’t it Dave dear?”

“Boyfriend okay.” Dad sounds sort of spaced out. I can sense Casey getting ready to bolt that’s until Dad stands up and holds a hand out to him. “You’re Callum’s eldest boy, aren’t you?”

Case stares at the hand of acceptance as though it’s an alien object. Despite being immobile Dad clasps Casey’s hand anyway. Gives it a shake. “A pleasure to see Alex has found someone sensible to keep an eye on him. Skies knows he’s silly.”

“Now Casey is a cyborg,” jokes Geordie who receives an elbow in the ribs from Charlie, which gains a hissed breath of, “fuck!”

“Sorry I forgot.” Charlie sounds generally forgetful of Geordie’s bashed ribs.

“Are you okay? Please sit.” Dad moves his huge clipboard away from his side, making room for Casey. “I hope these four are being kind while you’re settling into a new lifestyle.”

Casey flicks his fringe. “I am in the process of civilising them.”

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