Pretty Boy Psycho
Our Heist

On our way to the outskirts of Hackney, Casey doesn’t say a word to me. I thought he might offer an apology to smooth things over seen as we might end up dead in a few minutes. Nope, nothing. His words are all for Prince; complimenting his appearance and flying capabilities. I’m on the fence wherever to make the first move. We’re nearly there. I cave in. Fly alongside him.

“Fly safe out there ’kay.”

Silence. I’m being blanked. Click. Totes get what he’s pulling here. “You won’t sabotage this mission by making me feel guilty. Ignore me all you like. You’re the one who’ll be guilty if I die in Spindle Tower.”

Casey makes Prince fly higher. Away from me. I did try.

“He better not be getting cold feet,” says Geordie.

“Oh no he’s got it in his head we’d be compatible as a couple in another dimension.” Best to keep things simple. Geordie would throw a fiery fit if he knew Casey was trying to sabotage my part in the mission.

“He’s General of Crazy Town. I’d seriously reconsider this engagement you got going on.”

Teasing I smile up at Casey while flashing a peace sign. I get the frowny face. “His jealousy is funny. I can’t wait till he follows me to the pub.” That’s a sort of lie, in the know he’ll cause a fight with a nasty intolerant.

“You’re playing with fire, Al lad.”

“I think it’s cute he gets jealous. Means he cares.”

“No, it means he’s borderline sociopath who needs to visit a shrink.”

“Are you two gossiping about me?”

Yay speech! “We are.”

“Shit,” blusters Geordie as Casey speeds ahead of us and disappears into the barrier. “If he screws this up for us-”

“-He won’t! He might be highly strung but wouldn’t risk us out there.”

“Your trust is too great. I mean you’ve only known him a couple of weeks. And he was selfish back when you first met him. Believe me people can pretend they’ve changed for a few weeks but sooner or later the cracks show.”

“He was never selfish. I mistook selfishness for... It doesn’t matter. Just trust me to trust him and if he does something incredibly selfish you can blame me.”

“No. You’re not having your full way. He’s sitting out. We’ve not even arrived, and he’s gone against protocol.” Geordie bombs after Casey.

Why do I have a lurching feeling our raid is gonna end in disaster? I urge Sunshine on. Stealth past Chunk and dart in front of Prince. There’s no way this mission is going wrong from the start. I leave everyone behind to arrive on the outskirts of Hackney first. Drop from the Cloud Barrier to see a mass crowd. Candles flicker from lanterns illuminating a large pocket of Hackney. Over two hundred people have turned up possibly double that. There I was thinking only forty supporters would show. People point placards at me on sighting me coming in for landing.

Chunk roars at me as he plummets past me and thuds to the ground. Sunshine’s a few seconds behind. Talons clip rubble then skip along. Prince speeds to the ground and runs right past us doing a whole circuit of the outside of the crowd. Me, Danny, and Charlie stay close to Geordie, taking in the scene. There’s no going back. We’d look like silly cowards if we did. When Prince returns, he has acquired an extra passenger. Mi’s clutching to Casey’s cloak while Frankie rides alongside Prince on horseback.

“Lucy, Frankie, and Mi are in charge of keeping the students together. I’ve promised to escort them home when we’re done with our raid.”

“Did I tell you to start lording about?” snorts Geordie.

“No alas I am area manager. I was making sure where everyone is. The Hackney lot and Black Market revellers are keeping on opposite sides to each other. More’s the better.”

“Some Captain guy is leading them. Says he works directly for Mister Hans,” says Frankie. “Cheetahs are prowling in charge of Hackney residents though I doubt they will keep them in-line for long.”

“We saw a group of miscreants with broken bottles.” Mi slips off Prince.

“Broken bottles already,” sighs Charlie. “This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen.”

“You’re worrying about nothing,” says Casey. “The first whiff of violence around here and Lucy will make our students retreat.”

Geordie rolls his eyes as Lucy pushes her way through bodies. “Really? She’s left her post of looking out for them already.”

“Only for a few minutes.” Lucy gets through the thick of the crowd and takes herself over to Danny. “I wanted to wish you luck.” She unties a blue ribbon from her hair and ties it to Danny’s wrist. “Good luck. I want my ribbon back when you’re done it’s my favourite and is needed for my prom outfit. I’ll hold the fort here keep everyone chanting with my squad. We’re well versed in cheerleading.”

“If any glass is thrown or Thunders threaten you go,” says Danny.

Lucy flashes a dagger. “I remember those self-defence moves you taught me and passed them onto my girls.”

“Where’d you get the dagger from?” asks Charlie.

“I bought it myself from Captain Anderson. He was selling them to students from Mister Hans’s cart yesterday on the cheap. He says you can’t be too careful; have to protect our school friends because if they’re killed they don’t come back.” Lucy salutes Danny. “I will do my duty with honour.”

“Show us where you’re at so we can get this rally started,” says Geordie.

“We’re trying to stay closest to the edge of The Plaza seen as you initially invited us,” says Lucy as she leads the way.

“Where do all your parents think you are?”

“Casey dear is having a house party.”

Charlie blinks at students gathered together in astonishment. “You mean to say all these students have told their parents they are at the same house party?”

“It won’t be questioned. More fool them seen as Casey is no longer living at home.”

“Right we’re doing this now.” Geordie swings his sabre in the direction of The Plaza. We’re so close yet we haven’t caused a stir. General Midnight probably thinks there’s nothing to be concerned about. Hackney gets rowdy all the time. “I need everyone to make some noise. Be real loud.” He pauses for effect then yells at The Plaza. “Leave our souls alone!”

“Leave our souls alone,” I shout with Danny, Charlie, and Casey.

The cheerleading squad clap out a beat to our shout and in seconds everyone is chanting, leave our souls alone, in unison. Those without placards take to clapping out the rhythm. I wish I could stay with the rally as there’s an exciting atmosphere building up. Energy zaps through everyone. Geordie’s no longer chanting his eyes are on The Plaza, watching, waiting for our time to come.

“Get ready Hillcrest, you’re first up there,” musters Geordie sounding so serious Casey does as he’s told; sits tight on Prince.

My doubts kick in. Should I have demanded we take on Midnight in her own backyard? We could die. Die, die, die, die, die. Somehow my hand has constricted round Danny’s wrist. “We’re in trouble. Sorry.”

“Be a good back up lad. As long as you two make it out the world is sound.” Meaning he knows his chances are potentially slim.

I simply can’t be a coward. I swallow down my doubts. Grip my switchblades as skeletals swoop over to see what the noise is in aid of. Without waiting for instruction Casey is up. Charlie and Danny charge off onto The Plaza.

“Straight for Spindle Tower. Don’t look back at the others. This is like every other Thunder camp raid. Your job is to offer me support. As soon as we hit Spindle Tower they’ll be on us.”

Straight for Spindle Tower. Before Thunders above have chance to sight us Chunk charges to The Plaza. I get Sunshine to follow a couple of seconds behind. My eyes scan for hidden threats as we go past the cart I hid behind four years ago. Four years is a long time in our short lived world.

A scree scree scree pierces my ears. I think only one skeletal could make such a high pitched sound. Our fight has started. Chunk has leapt the first gauge. Seen as the bridges are too small for Sunshine to cross and he’s unable to leap gauges I jump off him. “Keep watch from the top of Spindle Tower. Help whoever you can.” I run the bridge as Sunshine takes to the sky. Thunders without wings come out The Hub, take a run at Chunk. They’ll never catch him. Once over the bridge I take the short sword from my leg and hack at the rope holding the bridge in place. Probably a great idea alas too time consuming. I’m not strong enough to hack the ropes quick enough. Geordie will end up wondering where I am. I abandon my brain wave and run towards Spindle Tower.

Once I reach The Hub, Thunders swamp me. Worst back up lad ever. I didn’t even make Spindle Tower. I hold up my switchblades threateningly. Get caught. Kill. I want to move my arms to take a swipe at someone anyone, but they won’t move. I’ve frozen. Now? Really? Talons glide across the ground charging right for us. Performing his favourite party trick Danny slices through Thunders gathered in front of me in seconds. The one’s behind make a grab for my coat. Danny jumps off Honey while she’s still moving and grabs me first.

“Breathe. You can do this. I know you can.” He pushes me onto the next bridge, stays in front of it, standing guard.

So kind when he ought to be angry at me for freezing at the beginning of my own plan, I persuaded him to blow up. I can’t let him down. I sprint over the bridge. See Chunk ripping through Thunders who take to the stairs leading up to Spindle Tower, offering support to Charlie, clearing the way, so Geordie can get to the front door. I am so behind. I run till I’m over there. Get splattered by blood as Chunk tears through an arm. Leaving Charlie on these stairs is barbaric. I concentrate on why we’re here. Thunders raided our house in the early hours. Midnight poisoned Casey; nearly killed him. She will keep attacking us if we let her. Top step. Made it. Want to look back. Focus forwards instead.

“Open your fuckin’ door General Midnight.” Geordie batters the front door with his fist. “You don’t try killing one of my lads and get away with it.” This is madness. We both know she isn’t going to willingly open up. Despite this Geordie keeps yelling and banging. “Answer me you cow.”

The door bursts open. A flurry of grey cloaks floods out. Geordie’s sabre lash, lash, lashes with hefty muscle fuelled swipes, hacking away anything that moves. He’s ultra determined to get inside Spindle Tower. I hop down a step to give him more room to attack. Back him up with little slashes which look weak in comparison to his full on hacking. I’m hardly needed at all. He ends up grabbing my arm and pulling me through confused Thunders who are crippling down the steps. I stumble inside Spindle Tower leaving the screeing of Prince behind. Suppose Casey falls from Prince or gets knocked to the ground by a more experienced flier. He’d break his neck or get taken captive. Charlie could get surrounded on the stairs. Danny, poor Danny could end up getting battered to mush. At least could is good, it’s not a definite word. My own situation is most probably on the wrong side of could.

Midnight stands in the middle of what’s left of her spiral staircase, gently laughing at our intrusion. Soldiers watch us from within shadows awaiting instruction. I leave a two foot distance between me and Geordie, squeezing my switchblades in sweaty hands.

“One of us ain’t leaving your tower alive,” says Geordie being blunt as always.

“Really?” Midnight flashes her moonblades.

Somewhere above there’s a piercing scree which makes my ears ring.

Midnight cranes her neck back, staring through the burnt out hole in her ceiling. “Only a matter of time before Grim’s new rider falls to his death. He’s one of our more distant skeletals. Gets through riders as the devil gets through souls.”

“The Cloud Barrier gets through souls. Devils don’t exist unless we’re counting human ones like you,” snorts Geordie.

“Are you referring to my experiments? They are necessary.”

“You’re nothing but a sadistic witch who likes jamming rods into peoples’ heads for your own pleasure. You messed with the wrong person’s head. You’re right I’m lucky.” And Geordie charges the stairs. He doesn’t get far before Midnight tilts her head indicating at guards to attack.

Here we go. Without expressing any caution Geordie is in attack mode. Thunder guards are being clawed to pieces by his sabre as he attempts to reach the stairs. Stairs which Midnight is slipping down. I do my best to defend Geordie’s back as he concentrates on those in front of us. One of them will die. I cannot let it be him. As Midnight runs across black marble floor, down a passage, Geordie shunts through soldiers, almost getting his ear sliced off. I manage to jab his attacker in the ribs, just as he takes off towards the passage Midnight has disappeared down. If Master Hugo could see us he’d be shaking his head.

“Lucky. Lucky. Lucky,” yells Geordie as he chases after Midnight. I’d be terrified if I had him pursuing me in this manner. All he sees is his target. I follow him, taking glances behind my shoulder at guards who are coming after us. They’re too close. I keep going knowing if they catch up to me I won’t be able to take them all. Even if Geordie succeeds in taking down Midnight there’s no way we’re getting out alive. At least the others will have a chance to live.

“Restraint,” I call to Geordie, “maybe you should show some.”

“Lucky. Lucky. Lucky,” Geordie yells even louder, his voice reverberating off the narrow walls we’re running down. Rats in a trap springs to mind.

My eyes widen as bodies hurtle from a room off to the side, cutting us off from wherever Midnight went. My breath catches as Geordie tries to plough through them. I turn around to face those that are chasing us.

Slice one. Slice two. Slice three. Four. Five. Six. In rapid motions. I cannot let any of these get past me. Geordie has enough to deal with. Taking down Midnight was my silly idea. Can’t let him down. Can’t. Can’t. Can’t. Can’t. Being fast and slim doesn’t play to my advantage in a narrow corridor. Some big guy clashes his sword with my switchblades, pushes hard, sending me smacking into the wall. Dark nasty eyes seem to laugh at me as his sword hurtles towards the spot in-between my eyes. I scream. Really scream. Geordie turns from his fight and swipes at my assailant’s head, taking off his scalp. Only as he lifts his arms the last guy, I didn’t manage to take down, bashes into his chest. There’s this splitting bang noise that has Geordie double over. I spring from the wall. Stick this guy in the throat. When I withdraw my blade, Geordie’s knelt on the floor struggling to breathe.

“Sorry,” he gasps.

I kneel in the corridor with him. “It’s okay.”

Geordie shakes his head. Tries to get to his feet which isn’t happening. “Them or me. It’s me. Go.”

I touch his chest searching for sticky blood. There isn’t any, but he sucks in air through his teeth almost snarling. Broken ribs perhaps.

“Get the others and retreat.”

He must be in a lot of pain to be ordering a retreat.

“Don’t go back to the house.” This is followed by an awful groan.

I hear a fresh thunder wave approaching. We’re all dead if we don’t deal with Midnight tonight. When your captain is down second in command must step up. That witch will not get away with hurting my family. I pull at Geordie, trying to get him to move into the room those soldiers flooded from. He’s compliant. “Get your breath. I’m coming back for you.”

“You’re going to headquarters,” wheezes Geordie.

I pat Geordie’s shoulder after leaning him up against a bookcase full of test tubes. Place a finger against my lips as soldiers run down the corridor over their fallen comrades. “Prepare yourself to run hard,” I whisper when they have past.

“Get your skinny ass outta here.”

As I get up our eyes lock. I tuck my hair behind my ears then turn and run before my nerves get the better of me. As I sleuth down the corridor I recall what my friends have been through at Midnight’s request. Time must be slipping away for everyone outside Spindle Tower. Charlie, Danny, and Casey could be dead already. I persuaded everyone to follow me here so mustn’t let them down.

This corridor curves round to the main staircase, like a horseshoe. I come across no one on the way round. End up practically where I started save for in the opposite corridor entrance. Linger there, peering round the entranceway at Midnight who is at the foot of the stairs talking with five Thunders.

“There’s a huge crowd outside The Plaza chanting about free souls.”

“They’ll get bored and disperse of their own accord or start fighting amongst themselves,” says Midnight sounding bored.

“But Grim’s causing chaos out there for our fliers. Skeletals won’t do as they’re instructed.”

“Then get your crossbows and shoot that Kensington nuisance down. Honestly not difficult is it? Is Lucky still here? If he is I would like to harvest his organs.”

“Yeah withering in the testing room. We bolted him in. We’ll soon find and destroy Corey. Six guys are seeking him out as we speak.”

I glance behind me. Ot-oh. My stomach caves in. Those six guys have managed to creep up on me. Are smirking away as they get closer, knowing I don’t stand a chance. My muscles constrict, freezing. We’re dead and it’s completely my fault.

When those Thunders, Midnight was speaking with, leave to fetch crossbows I hear a familiar whirring from way up on the roof. I lean right out of the corridor and look up at Sunshine who is poking his head through the hole in the ceiling, blinking at Midnight as he purrs away.

“What do you want?” sighs Midnight as she takes to the stairs, moonblades poised.

No one hurts my family. I turn to these six Thunders with my cutest smile in place. Back out the corridor completely so I have more room to move. They run at me. I’m flying as I work my switchblades with all the skills I possess. Slicking, slicing, twirling, using noises in the air to guide me.

“Don’t mess with my family ’kay?” I say when the last one falls. Then I turn and soar towards the stairs to catch up with Midnight. She hears me coming. Stops. Stares to the ground. For some reason there is a look of bewilderment on her face when she notices her Thunders laid dead on marble floor.

I slow to a walk seen as Midnight has decided to halt going upstairs to reach Sunshine. She looks at me no longer smiling. “What are you?”

“Someone who doesn’t take kindly to bullies. Why did you poison Casey?”

“An experiment of course. So, it’s true moonblade poison can be cured by skeletals. I have needed a test subject for so long.”

“What was the exact purpose of protruding rods into Geordie’s head?”

“Science. I want to find a cure for the affliction. Why are you Cloudys so against a cure?”

“Because you’re looking in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. Healthy souls don’t have a cure. Grey griffons have a cure. Sunshine saved me, but I’d never want to make a profit out of his capabilities.” I cast my eyes to her torture pillar. “Your methods are cruel.”

“What do your choices make you?” Midnight motions a moonblade at her dead Thunders.

“You invaded our house first. Wanted to kill my family in their sleep.” I remember how awful it was watching Geordie and Danny cleaning corpses out of the place we’re supposed to feel safe. See Casey suspended from the tower block. My suppressed anger rises to boiling point. I can’t stop myself. Fly at her. Midnight runs to the platform. I follow, leaping over gaps in the stairs caused by the fire.

We’re both on the platform watching each other. She swats at me with her moonblade. I want to go home and be normal happy. That can’t happen while she bullies us. I move out her way then rush forwards; going wild with my switchblades. Too wild. Sunshine shrieks as I trip over myself. Midnight makes a strike for me as Sunshine jumps through the hole in the ceiling. Headbutts her. She topples over, falls on top of me. I’m trapped underneath her. She pins me down by the shoulders. Try kneeing her in the groin but I’ve never been the strongest person in the world.

Has it come to a wrestling match at the top of Spindle Tower? How embarrassing.

Hands slip from my shoulders onto my neck, pressing at my throat. Trying not to panic as I choke, I manage to punch at her stomach with switchblade to hand seen as my shoulders are let loose. Midnight gasps. Springs from me. Stares at blood leaking from her shirt. Maybe I go too far but can’t risk her surviving the wound. I scramble to my feet ready to plunge with a blade; wanting to deal out a quick death. She steps back. Oh wow. Her foot steps off the platform, she staggers, and down she falls. Lands with a thud. I think I heard something go crack. I stare over the side of the platform. Look on at Midnight laying in an awkward motionless position.

Sunshine nudges my hand with his beak. The others. The Plaza is going to turn extra mental when Thunders find out their leader is dead.

“Help our friends outside,” I say as I hurry down the spiral staircase, jumping over the burnt away parts, not wanting to end up a bone bag like Midnight. Sunshine jumps onto the roof.

Has Geordie been alone long? I skid across the marble floor and down the corridor. Get to the door that’s holding Geordie captive. It’s bolted from the outside. Thank goodness I don’t need to search for a key. I slide the bolt to. Thrust open the door. Geordie’s half stood, leaning his weight into the test tube cabinet.

“We need to get away from The Plaza.” I hold out a hand in case he needs help.

“No.” Taking deep breaths Geordie strides out the room. “I’m finishing this. Me or her.” Phew he must have gotten used to, or over, the pain in his chest. He’s on the prowl. Heads onto the marble floor. Stares at the seven bodies. “Al.” He sounds impressed. “Did you...?”

I tilt my head.

“Fuck. We have to move.”

Part of me is scared to venture outside; terrified of what I’ll see. Leave Spindle Tower we do. I stand on the threshold scanning the stairs for Charlie. He’s not on the stairs. No one is. There is a raging battle taking place over by The Hub in the form of Thunders versus Black Cloaks which means the Black Market lot have decided to come to the heat of the fight. My heart catches. There’s Charlie on Hotaru, dipping out the barrier, to strike out at Thunders.

“Charlie!” yells Geordie as he tries to catch his attention by waving him over. Half a minute later Charlie notices us and flies over. Lands at the bottom of the steps. Geordie runs down to meet him.

“Casey!” I shout to the sky on hearing Prince screeching away. “Casey!” Prince does not come. They probably can’t hear me. I run down the steps.

“Where’s Danny?” demands Geordie.

“I don’t know,” says Charlie.

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I’ve been keeping an eye out for him while helping Black Cloaks defend the bridge. It’s gone insane out here. Protestors are going to get hurt at this rate.”

“Danny what’s happened to him?”

He was getting bogged down. I was on the ground at the time. Couldn’t get over to him even though I tried. Prince dropped Casey off. He went to help.”

“What?” The life drains out of me. I stare at everyone fighting. “You mean Casey’s not on Prince, he’s out there without proper combat training?”

“Idiot. I told him to stay airborne. If he’s dead, it’s his own fault.”

“Danny was desperate for the help. Besides he made Prince stick to his job of dealing with skeletals.”

“That’s different then.” Geordie does a quick scan of the area, assessing our situation. “We need to find those two fast.”

“I last saw Casey running in the direction of The Hub when the Black Market lot stormed the bridges,” says Charlie.

“Al, check The Hub area for Casey. I’ll scour the rest of The Plaza for Danny. Charlie you take to the sky to keep an eye on us both. Be like a beacon.” Roaring Chunk charges over to give Geordie a ride. He has blood mattered in his feathers.

Please let me find Casey. The last time we spoke we were in an argument. Panicking is a no no. I shake my head. Cannot get emotional; must treat this task for what it is a search and retrieve job. I get over the bridge and smack my way through the fighting, having to take part to get through everyone. Black Cloaks are putting up a strong fight trying to keep Thunders from crossing over bridges to get at the protestors. If any students die today, I’ll never live down the guilt.

“Casey!” I shout as I skitter through sword clashing soldiers. I never even realised there were cadets to protect the Black Market. “Casey!” I twirl on the spot looking at bodies crawling across the floor with slashed off limbs. One of them could be him. They’re not. I hop around. See a flurry of Thunders stampeding along from their main barracks.

“Fall back!” comes a loud commanding shout. I bet that’s Captain Anderson. Black Cloaks band together and flee.

I run around the side of The Hub, taking refuge from the new thunder wave. My eyes widen. I’m not the only one to take refuge here. “Please no.” I kneel next to Casey who is laid out on the ground. Bloody sabre under his hand. “Case.” I shake his shoulders. Breathing. I keep shaking him and receive a groan for my efforts. His eyes flicker. Yowch he has a bump the size of a basketball to his head.

“Who what what?”

Ooo gosh we best be quiet. I look over to the front of The Hub where many Thunders patrol, taking back control of The Plaza. “Sit up slow,” I say in a low tone, “I need you to get further back. Right up against the wall.” I beckon at him to follow my movements until he’s sat next to me against The Hub wall.

“Blacked out.”

“No worries it’s your first job. Wait right where you are. I’m not going far.” I slink against the wall and peer around the corner. We’re surrounded. If we run out there now death will be quick.

“When did you get so brave?” musters Casey when I return to him.

“Not brave trained for this type of situation.”

“You’ve been in this situation before?”

“An awfully similar one on a smaller scale.”

Casey touches his hot head. “I’m with a pro.”

I wouldn’t say I’m a pro. I smile and nod anyway to keep us both calm.

“Sorry I was insubordinate.”

Whatever he’s seen must have been nasty for him to be apologising. “There’s nothing to be sorry about if you were helping Danny out a tight situation. Do you know where he went?”

Casey winces. Takes to staring at his lap in despair. Has left his sabre laying on the ground.

Sitting here is making me nervy. I take another look at what Thunders are up to. They’re patrolling up and down this plateau. My gut tells me to make a try for it. If we get in a fix I am sure Charlie will be able to lend his assistance.

I go back over to Casey. “We need to make a move.”

“How? Where? We’re surrounded.”

“Hold onto my arm if you like. When I say three we move.” Casey levers himself up but refrains from using my arm as support. “Three,” I say figuring this is as good a time as any. I lead the way towards the edge of The Hub. Look for a gap in-between Thunders. See one and give Casey’s sleeve a tug to get him moving. He stands on the spot staring towards the bridge.

“What’s wrong? We have to move.”

Casey rubs at his head wincing away. “Kaito fell.”

Yet another eye widen moment. “Down the gorge?” I don’t need to wait for an answer. “Sit down. Wait right where we were.” I dash off towards the bridge.

“Al! Come back!” Casey yells after me well sort of his voice is distant.

I head straight for the bridge. Hack away at the rope. Work my arm hard even though it hurts to do so.

“What are you playing at?” Charlie calls to me as he manoeuvres through the sky towards the Thunders that are coming for me.

“Danny fell down the gorge,” I gasp as one side of the bridge is cut loose. I hold onto the dangling rope with one hand, stand on the bridge as I make a start on the other side.

“That’s an incredibly stupid thing to do,” points out Charlie as he jumps from his griffon to watch my back. Hotaru picks up a Thunder in his talons, tries to drag him into the sky.

Geordie never misses a trick and charges over to us. “What the skies you two playing at?”

“Danny’s fell down the gorge,” I shriek, knowing it’s a long fall.

“Hold tight.” Two swipes of the sabre from Geordie and the bridge swings loose taking me with it.

I strengthen my grip as I go swinging to the opposite side of the gorge. “Casey’s round the side of the Hub,” I shout as my ride comes to a sudden end. I managed to keep a hold of the bridge. I stare down hoping I’m not too far from the ground. So dark but think the floor is only a couple of foot drop. I jump from the end of the bridge and yay land in a non-crippling crouch.

I cup my hands. Put them against mouth and shout, “Danny! Danny! Danny Kaito!” May as well be blind down here. What should I do? I daren’t move too far in case I lose where I am. Then again, my friends know I’m down here. If Danny’s fallen and broken his neck I simply must find his body.

“Al! Where are you?”

My heart lifts. I jump up and down. “Over here. Are you intact?”

“Think so.”

Forgetting myself I run to where I heard his voice. Bump into him, nearly knocking him over, snagging a hug. I need one so bad.

“Careful flesh wounds.”

“I thought you might have broken your neck.”

“The other guy’s worse off. I made sure I landed on top of him to break my fall. Have you seen Casey? He got left up there ”

“I found him.” I link arms with Danny. “I swung down here on the bridge. Do you think we’ll be able to use it as a ladder?”

When I re-find the bridge, Danny gives it a tug. “Yeah, the slates have gaps in-between them like rungs.”

As easy as anything Danny climbs. It’s me who finds the journey difficult. I keep getting my feet stuck and arms soon grow stiff. By the time Danny’s pulled himself out the gorge I’m barely halfway up.

A, “hurry up Al,” is yelled down to me followed by the clash clashing of metal on metal. On looking upwards, I see Thunders trying to hack away at the rope holding the bridge in place. Danny tries to fend them off. They keep coming. I’m in trouble. My best option would be to climb down to avoid falling too far.

“Climb faster we need to retreat,” calls that commanding voice I heard earlier. Captain Anderson perhaps. His Black Cloaks are helping Danny to defend the bridge. I try to pick up the pace. Feels like it takes me forever to get to the top. When I am there an old familiar face assists me onto the plateau.

“You four are always taking unnecessary risks,” says Lee. “Black Cloaks fall back.” At his word a swarm of Black Cloaks band together and cross the last bridge, leaving the plateau in a solid formation.

“Retreat retreat retreat,” the three of us call over to the other plateau.

It’s madness over there. Full of Thunders. There’s no room for Hotaru to take off and Geordie isn’t about to leap off on Chunk without Charlie. Oh no I think Casey’s on his own round the side of The Hub still. Then again you can never know exactly where Casey is.

A piercing scree chimes in our ears, making everyone come to a standstill, even Thunders. The screeing hurts my ears so much I can’t move. Prince flies low then lands on top of The Hub striking his victory pose. Sunshine finds his way over to me. Prince’s incessant screeing won’t stop at least not until Casey manages to leave the cover of The Hub, trying to get over to Charlie. Ends up on his knees clutching at his head. The screeing stops as Prince swoops down to stand over Casey. Trying to shake off being dazed by the screes Charlie pulls himself onto Hotaru. They take off while Thunders come around from the pain those screes made. Chunk leaps into the air and Prince is soon to follow with Casey. I run with Lee and Danny, off The Plaza to a different type of chaos.

The Hackney lot have started throwing glass and wood and nails. There aren’t even any Thunders round here. Placards litter the floor.

“What did I tell ya?” Geordie glowers at Danny. “They’re hooligans.”

“I hope the students left,” says Charlie, “or we have a big job on our hands finding them seen as everyone is muddled up.”

“They didn’t leave,” says Lee in his quiet tone I am used to.


Lee taps his cheek. “I never got chance to thank you for saving my life. Thanks.”

“I thought you’d been slaughtered on the way out of Cloud High.”

“Blah blah blah, happy reunion. We gotta get those students home before we have a mob of angry parents to deal with,” interrupts Geordie.

Casey’s raised himself up on Prince is skittering his eyes round no doubt searching for his friends. Everyone else is listening to what Geordie wants us to do next. Oh no not Casey. He slides off Prince, picks up a placard and despite his banging head rushes into chaos. I want to follow him but both Charlie and Geordie hold me back. I’m left to look on at Casey continuously whack a Hackney lad round the head with his placard while Mi shrinks behind him. When this bulking Hackney guy backs off an enraged Casey he turns on Mi, pushing his friend through the crowd, towards us.

Casey leans his weight into his placard. “Whatever are you playing at? Why have you not retrea---” Rests his head against the board.

“Bro, you okay?”

“No, he ain’t. He shouldn’t be throwing himself round raising hell minutes after taking a blow to the head.”

Casey tries to stand independently from his placard. “Where’s Frankie?”

“I don’t care,” says Geordie. “What I do care about is this peaceful rally being a shambles. Al, I want you to take Danny and Casey to our first ever meet up point. Charlie we’ll round up students and Lee will herd them to Kensington with his Black Cloaks.”

“Will I?” says Lee.

“Yeah or Chunk will use you as a chew toy. Get going then.”

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