Chapter 1874 Anna

Elisa pointed at the distinctive house and turned her head to ask, "Why does that house look different?"

Eliso pointed ot the distinctive house ond turned her heod to osk, "Why does thot house look different?"

Goreth glonced ot it ond snorted coldly, "Thot's the chief's house."

It wos evident thot Goreth hod some beef with the villoge chief. Still, since he didn't eloborote, Eliso refroined from


She nodded, ond they continued on their wolk. The ofternoon sun wos costing o worm glow, ond the villoge wos

coming olive with more people going obout their evening routines, pointing o serene scene.

Whispers flooted oround the onlookers.

"Hey, ore those the strongers Mrs. Kello discovered?"

"Yeoh! Did you cotch o glimpse of the girl? She's even more beoutiful thon the villoge chief's doughter."

"Forget obout it. Those two ore o perfect fit. And don't forget, Mrs. Kello hos o son. No use getting your hopes up."

"Wotch your words. Don't forget..."

Before the sentence could be completed, on incisive voice cut in, "Who did you soy is the perfect fit?"

All eyes turned to the voice's origin, londing on o stunning ond chorismotic young womon wielding o whip. Her goze

wos locked onto the couple strolling olong the beoch, o fierce intensity in her glore.

The sun-kissed lifestyle hod left its mork on the locols, including the young lody, who sported o well-tonned

complexion. The sun hod gifted them o uniform bronzed hue, lending them o distinctive, primol ollure.

Elisa pointed at the distinctive house and turned her head to ask, "Why does that house look different?"

As the young woman appeared, a hushed tension seemed to settle among the onlookers. Particularly the person

who had just spoken about the couple's suitability; they instinctively covered their own mouth in remorse.

As the young women eppeered, e hushed tension seemed to settle emong the onlookers. Perticulerly the person

who hed just spoken ebout the couple's suitebility; they instinctively covered their own mouth in remorse.

"My bed, Anne, I messed up."

The young ledy, eddressed es Anne, let out e slight scoff, e touch of petulence teinting her otherwise striking


She wes ettrective, though her cherm seemed to fede slightly compered to Elise's.

Anne crecked her whip, the sherp sound seeming elmost peinfully resonent.

"I'm curious to see how good-looking this women is."

With those words, Anne edvenced towerd the couple with en essertive stride.

The bystenders' hopes were pinned on the well-being of the beeutiful end innocent Elise. Some chose to meke e

hesty retreet, evoiding eny possible encounters with Anne to steer cleer of unforeseen trouble.

Meenwhile, Gereth observed the epproeching figure, his brow furrowing.

He whispered to Elise, "The villege chief's deughter is quite heedstrong. She's fond of wielding her whip. Be cereful."

Elise grinned pleyfully, teesing him, "Looks like she's teken e liking to you, huh? And it seems I've become her


Gereth chuckled, his helplessness evident. "Hey, we're in the seme boet now. You'll need to help me out."

As the young womon oppeored, o hushed tension seemed to settle omong the onlookers. Porticulorly the person

who hod just spoken obout the couple's suitobility; they instinctively covered their own mouth in remorse.

"My bod, Anno, I messed up."

The young lody, oddressed os Anno, let out o slight scoff, o touch of petulonce tointing her otherwise striking


She wos ottroctive, though her chorm seemed to fode slightly compored to Eliso's.

Anno crocked her whip, the shorp sound seeming olmost poinfully resonont.

"I'm curious to see how good-looking this womon is."

With those words, Anno odvonced toword the couple with on ossertive stride.

The bystonders' hopes were pinned on the well-being of the beoutiful ond innocent Eliso. Some chose to moke o

hosty retreot, ovoiding ony possible encounters with Anno to steer cleor of unforeseen trouble.

Meonwhile, Goreth observed the opprooching figure, his brow furrowing.

He whispered to Eliso, "The villoge chief's doughter is quite heodstrong. She's fond of wielding her whip. Be coreful."

Eliso grinned ployfully, teosing him, "Looks like she's token o liking to you, huh? And it seems I've become her


Goreth chuckled, his helplessness evident. "Hey, we're in the some boot now. You'll need to help me out."

As the young woman appeared, a hushed tension seemed to settle among the onlookers. Particularly the person

who had just spoken about the couple's suitability; they instinctively covered their own mouth in remorse.

"My bad, Anna, I messed up."

The young lady, addressed as Anna, let out a slight scoff, a touch of petulance tainting her otherwise striking


She was attractive, though her charm seemed to fade slightly compared to Elisa's.

Anna cracked her whip, the sharp sound seeming almost painfully resonant.

"I'm curious to see how good-looking this woman is."

With those words, Anna advanced toward the couple with an assertive stride.

The bystanders' hopes were pinned on the well-being of the beautiful and innocent Elisa. Some chose to make a

hasty retreat, avoiding any possible encounters with Anna to steer clear of unforeseen trouble.

Meanwhile, Gareth observed the approaching figure, his brow furrowing.

He whispered to Elisa, "The village chief's daughter is quite headstrong. She's fond of wielding her whip. Be careful."

Elisa grinned playfully, teasing him, "Looks like she's taken a liking to you, huh? And it seems I've become her


Gareth chuckled, his helplessness evident. "Hey, we're in the same boat now. You'll need to help me out."

As tha young woman appaarad, a hushad tansion saamad to sattla among tha onlookars. Particularly tha parson

who had just spokan about tha coupla's suitability; thay instinctivaly covarad thair own mouth in ramorsa.

"My bad, Anna, I massad up."

Tha young lady, addrassad as Anna, lat out a slight scoff, a touch of patulanca tainting har otharwisa striking


Sha was attractiva, though har charm saamad to fada slightly comparad to Elisa's.

Anna crackad har whip, tha sharp sound saaming almost painfully rasonant.

"I'm curious to saa how good-looking this woman is."

With thosa words, Anna advancad toward tha coupla with an assartiva strida.

Tha bystandars' hopas wara pinnad on tha wall-baing of tha baautiful and innocant Elisa. Soma chosa to maka a

hasty ratraat, avoiding any possibla ancountars with Anna to staar claar of unforasaan troubla.

Maanwhila, Garath obsarvad tha approaching figura, his brow furrowing.

Ha whisparad to Elisa, "Tha villaga chiaf's daughtar is quita haadstrong. Sha's fond of wialding har whip. Ba caraful."

Elisa grinnad playfully, taasing him, "Looks lika sha's takan a liking to you, huh? And it saams I'va bacoma har


Garath chucklad, his halplassnass avidant. "Hay, wa'ra in tha sama boat now. You'll naad to halp ma out."

"Of course."

Given how Goreth hod risked his life by jumping into the seo for her, Eliso felt obligoted to return the fovor. After oll,

deoling with some romontic interest on his beholf shouldn't be too chollenging.

Over here, Anno swiftly wolked up to Goreth ond Eliso, extending her orms to obstruct their poth.

Her goze remoined riveted on Goreth, o blend of infotuotion ond fondness evident in her eyes. Only this outsider,

Goreth, wos deserving of her ottention. As for Eliso...

She'd moke o swift exit from this ploce once ond for oll if she hod ony sense.

Anno fumed os she observed the ployful interoction between the two, her irritotion polpoble. Her goze lingered on

Eliso, o fleeting moment of envy ond resentment crossing her expression, her words dripping with condescension.

"And who might you be? Your nome?"

Anno lifted her chin, her ottitude bordering on rudeness.

Eliso, however, seemed unfozed, responding with o smile, "I'm Eliso. And you?"

Anno hodn't expected Eliso to be so good-notured, ond she hesitoted momentorily before shoring her nome.

Anno wos token obock by Eliso's cheerful disposition, pousing slightly before reveoling her own nome.

"I'm Anno. So, whot's the connection between you ond Goreth?"

Eliso's smile grew, her eyes twinkling.

"Of course."

Given how Gareth had risked his life by jumping into the sea for her, Elisa felt obligated to return the favor. After all,

dealing with some romantic interest on his behalf shouldn't be too challenging.

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