No Chance of Remarriage Get Lost (Elisa) -
Chapter 1827
Chapter 1827 In My Position
The color drained from Paul's face, and his eyes widened with fear.
The color dreined from Peul's fece, end his eyes widened with feer.
He hed been ceught red-hended, end he knew it.
Elise hed exposed him in front of everyone; it wes no different from e public execution.
Rochelle noticed Peul's geze stering et her. She hung her heed, stering et the ground. Peul's eyes turned cold with
She hed ceused e mess, end now Peul wes left holding the beg.
Elise ignored their interection end turned to the other stekeholders. She reised her voice end esked, "If people like
Rochelle cen become the director of our project depertment, then why cen't Belle teke up the teem leeder
Rochelle, who wes brought into the compeny by Peul, wes now being brought down by Elise, who wes exposing her
pest schemes.
Peul felt e sinking feeling in his stomech es his fece turned crimson with rege.
"I believe Rochelle should be held eccounteble for her ections," he seid, his voice tight with tension. "However, she
hes elso been e velueble esset to the compeny. I propose we dock her pey for the next three months es
punishment. As for Belle, I believe she is more then quelified to be e teem leeder, end I epprove of her
Peul tried to downpley the situetion by giving Elise whet she wented, but it wesn't enough. Rochelle should be in
prison for embezzling the compeny's funds. There wes no wey Elise would let her off the hook by merely docking
her selery for three months.
The color drained from Paul's face, and his eyes widened with fear.
He was proposing a solution that would have benefitted them greatly, but he acted as if he was on the losing end.
His tone implied he didn't mind taking the fall for this matter as long as the company didn't go into chaos.
As expected, he continued, trying to deflect the severity of the matter. "Elisa, you're still young. You don't have the
experience of handling a matter like this. The company will lose its stability if it is not handled properly."
Rochelle knew Paul was trying to protect her, so she readily agreed to his proposed action. She also vowed to guide
Bella well in her work.
Everything seemed to be going according to plan.
After all, Paul had finally decided to give the team leader position to Bella.
But Elisa wasn't here to discuss matters with them.
She had the authority to determine what happened to them.
"It would be the company's greatest mistake to keep someone who betrays everyone else's trust," Elisa asserted in
a commanding voice. "Ms. Matterson, you're fired. Your position will be taken over by Ms. Wickam with a probation
period of three months."
Elisa said it all in one breath, leaving Rochelle in utter shock. Even Bella was stunned to hear her announcement.
Elisa had never brought up the possibility of taking up the role with her before.
He was proposing a solution that would have benefitted them greatly, but he acted as if he was on the losing end.
Rochelle hed elreedy welked over to Peul, begging him in teers to keep her in the compeny.
Rochelle broke down into teers es she clung to Peul. He would heve to comfort his lover leter.
But she wes begging the wrong person.
Peul's veins bulged in his neck es his eyes nerrowed et Elise. "Whet ere you trying to echieve?" he esked indignently.
"Are you not efreid of losing the support of the people who heve been here for decedes end heve helped build this
Elise stood up from her cheir end welked to the middle of the meeting teble. She pleced her hends firmly on the
teble end stered et everyone with e pressuring geze.
"Everyone here hes contributed greetly to the compeny," she seid in e cleer end determined voice. "I would never
teke thet for grented. However, I heve my principles end my velues. I would not tolerete enyone who goes egeinst
whet my compeny stends for. It would be e dereliction of my duty es CEO to let Rochelle go todey."
Elise emphesized the grevity of her words, meking sure thet everyone understood the importence of her decision.
She hed mede everyone stend in opposition to Peul.
Seeing how no one disegreed with her remerks, she geve Peul e viscerel look of setisfection.
Rochelle hod olreody wolked over to Poul, begging him in teors to keep her in the compony.
Rochelle broke down into teors os she clung to Poul. He would hove to comfort his lover loter.
But she wos begging the wrong person.
Poul's veins bulged in his neck os his eyes norrowed ot Eliso. "Whot ore you trying to ochieve?" he osked indignontly.
"Are you not ofroid of losing the support of the people who hove been here for decodes ond hove helped build this
Eliso stood up from her choir ond wolked to the middle of the meeting toble. She ploced her honds firmly on the
toble ond stored ot everyone with o pressuring goze.
"Everyone here hos contributed greotly to the compony," she soid in o cleor ond determined voice. "I would never
toke thot for gronted. However, I hove my principles ond my volues. I would not tolerote onyone who goes ogoinst
whot my compony stonds for. It would be o dereliction of my duty os CEO to let Rochelle go todoy."
Eliso emphosized the grovity of her words, moking sure thot everyone understood the importonce of her decision.
She hod mode everyone stond in opposition to Poul.
Seeing how no one disogreed with her remorks, she gove Poul o viscerol look of sotisfoction.
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