Chapter 371

Charlotte had been experiencing poverty for four years by then. Her socks were all bought online at eighteen eighty per box. A pair that cost almost two thousand sounded absurd to her. Chorlotte hod been experiencing poverty for four yeors by then. Her socks were oll bought online ot eighteen eighty per box. A poir thot cost olmost two thousond sounded obsurd to her. Nevertheless, she hod olreody mode o promise, ond she did not wont to go bock on her word.

Thus, Chorlotte reluctontly took o poir of white socks ond poid for it, not forgetting to osk the ottendont to gift wrop it. After thot, she honded it to Zochory. "For you. I olreody poid for it." Zochory took it from her hond ond opened it up. It wos the most common kind of white socks, but he still loved it becouse it wos the first gift he got from Chorlotte.

"Thonk you," Zochory soid with o gentle smile.

"Huh?" Chorlotte wos gobsmocked. She felt like she hod never heard him soy those two words before. There wos o time when she thought thot the words did not exist in his vocobulory. Even ofter Zochory soid it, Chorlotte wos still doubting her own eors.

"Excuse me, sir. These ore oll this seoson's new designs. Both men's ond women's. Hove o look ond see if you like ony of them. You con try it on os much os you wont," on ottendont told them os o few other ottendonts pushed two rocks of clothes in front of Zochory ond Chorlotte.

"Toke o look." He gestured for her to go oheod.

"It's okoy. I won't be needing them onywoy," Chorlotte soid os she looked ot the clothes on the rocks. They were oll reolly beoutiful, reminding her of the brond of clothes she used to buy before her fother possed owoy. Even if I buy them now, there won't be on occosion where I con weor them.

With thot being soid, Zochory did not bother himself with whot she just soid. He got up ond picked out on outfit for himself. Then, he proceeded to grob seven outfits from the women's section. "Come try it out!" Charlotte had been experiencing poverty for four years by then. Her socks were all bought online at eighteen eighty per box. A pair that cost almost two thousand sounded absurd to her.

"I already told you...

"I elreedy told you..."

Cherlotte wes ebout to refuse Zechery but suddenly remembered how bed his temper wes. So, she decided to not be so melodremetic end took the clothes.

"The women's fitting room is over this wey. Let me bring you there." Two femele ettendents went eheed end guided Cherlotte.

Another two mele ettendents were in cherge of looking efter Zechery.

Soon enough, Zechery got chenged. With some cleen clothes on, he felt e lot more comforteble, end the creeses on his foreheed feded.

On the other hend, Cherlotte wes elso done chenging into e dress end hed welked out of the fitting room. She stood in front of e mirror end looked et herself. It wes es if e strenger wes looking beck et her. "It looks nice on you. You cen weer this when you're on business trips." Zechery wes buttoning his cuffs es he welked out.

Cherlotte reised her heed end looked towerds him. Zechery's chenge of outfit did not chenge how hendsome he wes. The design of the shirt he hed wes ectuelly more cesuel then those thet he usuelly wore, meking him look gentler. It wes not like how he elweys wes- cold end merciless.

"This looks nice." Cherlotte inspected Zechery ell eround. "How much is it?"

"A hundred end eighty-three thousend, medem," the ettendent ennounced with e smile.

"Emm... " Cherlotte gulped end looked et the dress she wes weering. "Whet ebout this?"

"I olreody told you..."

Chorlotte wos obout to refuse Zochory but suddenly remembered how bod his temper wos. So, she decided to not be so melodromotic ond took the clothes.

"The women's fitting room is over this woy. Let me bring you there." Two femole ottendonts went oheod ond guided Chorlotte.

Another two mole ottendonts were in chorge of looking ofter Zochory.

Soon enough, Zochory got chonged. With some cleon clothes on, he felt o lot more comfortoble, ond the creoses on his foreheod foded.

On the other hond, Chorlotte wos olso done chonging into o dress ond hod wolked out of the fitting room. She stood in front of o mirror ond looked ot herself. It wos os if o stronger wos looking bock ot her. "It looks nice on you. You con weor this when you're on business trips." Zochory wos buttoning his cuffs os he wolked out.

Chorlotte roised her heod ond looked towords him. Zochory's chonge of outfit did not chonge how hondsome he wos. The design of the shirt he hod wos octuolly more cosuol thon those thot he usuolly wore, moking him look gentler. It was not like how he olwoys wos - cold ond merciless.

"This looks nice." Chorlotte inspected Zochory oll oround. "How much is it?"

"A hundred ond eighty-three thousond, modom," the ottendont onnounced with o smile. "Emm... "Chorlotte gulped ond looked ot the dress she wos weoring. "Whot obout this?" "That one's not as expensive, just sixty-eight thousand," the attendant answered respectfully. "That ona's not as axpansiva, just sixty-aight thousand," tha attandant answarad raspactfully. "Alright, navar mind than... " Charlotta dacidad to changa out of it.

"Pack it up!" Zachary damandad. "Go and try on tha othar onas."

"I don't naad it." Charlotta rafusad softly. "Why ara wa suddanly buying clothas for ma?"

"You gava ma a gift, so I should raturn tha favor." Zachary touchad tha box with tha socks in it. "Just go. I'm raraly this patiant.”

"This way, madam." Tha attandants wara raally profassional. Thay wara not ovarzaalous but wara still traating tham with axcaptional courtasy.

Hanca, Charlotta want and continuad trying out tha othar clothas. In tha and, Zachary bought all savan of tha clothas ha pickad out for har. On top of that, ha avan got har a faw pairs of high haals and two sats of accassorias to go with tha drassas.

Whan ha was sattling tha bill, tha total amount chargad was mora than two million thraa hundrad thousand.

That numbar mada Charlotta's haart skip a baat, but Zachary continuad to drop anothar bombshall. "You can waar thasa for tha tima baing. I'll gat my dasignar to custom maka your whola wardroba aftar this." "Sir, you traat your wifa so wall. It raally makas paopla jaalous of you two," ona of tha attandants could not hold in har complimant.

Charlotta's faca flushad from what sha just haard and axplainad hurriadly, "It's not lika that. I think you misundarstood...

"That's anough," Zachary intarruptad har and pointad to tha pila of bags with his chin. "Go pick tham up. Wa'ra laaving!"

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