She has been out of the suspension chamber for a few moments and already feels the hunger pangs that are expected. She is still weak and groggy but keeps moving checking the chambers of the other five awakening crew members.

Everything is functioning properly and she heads towards the control center to check their location and have a look outside. The scene outside the viewing portal troubles her. There are no stars or black space present, only the white walls of a very large room. Immediately Samantha understands, The Garguth is inside the Others’ vessel.

In spite of the shock of what she views, she sets in the pilot’s seat and begins to go through a full systems check. The chronometer display reveals that more than sixty rotations have passed since the point of rendezvous has been reached. She wonders if there has been a malfunction, or have the Others been studying them while they slept and have somehow caused the “activation system” to postpone its alert. She does not notice the two faint points of light floating just outside of her view.

She looks again outside of the viewing portal. The white walls have tints of green and tan, soft blue and yellow lights illuminate different areas of the huge room. No, not huge, the room is enormous.

There are other crafts, possibly space vessels, docked at different stations across the grand alien arena. The crafts, though slightly different from each other in size and shape, are each large enough to encompass the Garguth.

Samantha feels that she has awakened into a land of giants. She can view no activity in the docking bay. She scans the walls around the room for windows or doors. She may have recognized some, but forgets her search and focuses upon the large tubes and cables which run along the walls, floors and ceiling. They seem to vibrate and reveal photon pulses. Are they breathing?

It is near the time of regeneration and though Tre’ senses it, he realizes that he does not possess a shell that will allow a normal regeneration position. He desires to join the rest of the Colony in the dream songs and departs from his dwelling space. Tre’ follows the dictates of his instincts and moves through the vessel, down the pathway towards the Dream Arena. Other Colony units are traveling towards the same destination passing him in their long multi-limbed strides.

The evolution of the Colony has spanned a vast amount of time and yet the species have retained some of their earliest features. In previous eras their species hibernated during the dry spells on their home world. The dreams songs were then only performed when the rains awakened them from their long sleeping session. Since they have become a space fairing species, they have developed the practice of regeneration every two rotations. It is an adaptation of their hibernation instinct. It is then during regeneration that they sing the songs from ages before.

The Dream Arena is a specially constructed cavern which allows the units to nest and to join the others in the song of their ancestors. Together they dream the tales of ancient times. Their mandibles click and their thorax vibrations rumble, as they sing the songs of their species. They chorus together of their yearning for paradise.

Tre’ enters the arena. He stands motionless for a moment watching the multitude of units climb the towers and nest among the walls and ceiling branches. Each unit hangs upside down, using its thick tail to wrap around any supporting feature. All limbs are folded in tight against the body shell. There are thousands of units nesting throughout the cavern.

The song has already begun. Tre’ slumps against a wall, sliding down into a sitting position. He feels the yearning for regeneration, but he cannot nest as the others do. He has no tail with which to suspend from, but because of the call of the song he can be no other place but here with them, his Colony.

The song fills the cavern, the vibrations lull Tre’ to a dream like state. Unknown to him in this state, his outer skin changes from its darker Third shade and becomes the pale and translucent covering of all Colony units. As the song continues a pulse of red glowing color occurs under the skin of each unit, even Tre’s, revealing the network of blue and green veins which are spread across each unit’s shell. A reddish hue of light shines from within each shell and strobes with the song. Thousands of red pulses appear at the same intervals throughout the entire Dream Arena.

He dreams with the others of the primordial swamp from which they arose. Together they dream of the spark of life which awakened their consciousness and set them upon the long trek of their evolution. They dream of leaving their home world as it approached its own demise. They dream of paradise and yearn for a home which they have never seen.

Zaque awakens and immediately understands his circumstances. He can see two faint lights upon the ceiling through the shield of his suspension chamber. He knows that the dizziness will pass, as fresh oxygen enters his lungs and begins the process of restoring all of his functions, both body and mind. He thinks that he can hear voices coming from the front of the vessel. Some of the others must have already awakened.

After the time of singing the dream, Tre’ begins his journey back to his dwelling space, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He passes a Director unit, which stops and raises a small limb to signal that Tre’ is to cease movement. Tre’ remains motionless and looks at the intense face of the Director. The unit is receiving instructions from the Overseers.

Slowly the Director unit extends a longer limb towards Tre’. He understands and reaches for the limb. The unit leads Tre’ down the corridor. It is a bio-maintenance chamber that they enter. Tre’ hears the instructions in his thoughts now. It appears that the Colony was calling him, but he did not hear them, or rather, the Colony could not sense his presence and make contact with his thoughts since he had left the Dream Arena. His biological functions shall be reviewed. He lays upon the maintenance apparatus, allowing the examination to proceed.

Velmana is helped from her chamber by Samantha. She leans on the Commander as the last tubes and wires are freed from her body. She feels nauseous and weak, but the excitement of the moment over-rides her physical demands. She ask through a weak breath, “Did we...make it? Are we there? ”

After the examination Tre’ follows his instructions and travels to the nearest Overseers’ chamber. As he stands before them, Tre’ immediately notices that something is different. He can sense their intention but only faintly receives their communication. He is aware that unless he concentrates intensely, they will not be able to communicate with him, or he with them. The Overseers are surprised as well at this development.

In unison, the Overseers speak audibly. Their clicks, purrs and rumbles are clearly understood by Tre’. He hears their concerns and answers in like manner, “I also cannot hear you internally unless I apply much effort. I have become unique, and experience a separation from the Colony to some extent.”

He listens to their multi-voice reply. He understands and agrees. At the beginning of each rotation, he will enter their chamber to report and receive further instructions for his assignment. The joining of a Colony life unit and a Thirds’ shell has produced an unexpected variable. They will adjust their strategy to continue full observation of Tre’s assignment.

Tre’ considers this loss of communication ability. It is because he was engineered to be like them, the Thirds. His nature and instincts are slowly changing, because of the merging of two conscious entities.

The Colony is currently unaware of what they have created, though there is considerable speculation among the Overseers. By producing a shell of Tre’s type, they also unknowingly allowed a consciousness like that of the Thirds, to come into being. Tre’s Colony life force has merged with this other consciousness and is now one in thought and action. He is something new. He feels a sense of wonder and excitement. Is this how it feels to be one of them, to experience emotions?

Samantha has now been joined by the entire team. All six crew members are in the small galley area and consume the nutrients prepared for their first meal since reactivation. Still tired and weak in body, their minds and conversations are animated with excitement. Several of them have already taken in the view of the docking bay. Each is stating their next activity, as they are ready to jump into full duty. They are ready to meet the Others.

Chrystoya interrupts and reminds them all that they must follow procedures. After their first meal since reactivation, they must return to their chambers and allow the enriched nutrients to bring their bodies and minds to optimum balance and performance ability.

In response to their playful grumblings she commands “Physician’s orders!” and motions for all to arise from their first meal in this new era.

Before retiring for a brief rest session, the crew greet each other properly with embraces. Though all had confidence in their ship and the technology which preserved them throughout their time in suspension, everyone is very happy to confirm that all of the others are alive and well.`

Unknown to the just awakened crew, a lone observer watches from across the docking bay. Tre’ stands at the viewing station transfixed with his view of activity inside the small vessel. His shell is not as large or durable as a Colony’s unit, but his perceptive abilities like theirs, are much greater than those who are inside the tiny ship. He watches through the vessel’s small viewing portal and sees the crew moving about. They seem to be involved in some type of greeting ritual. He is intrigued with their embraces and physical contact.

In just one more rotation, he shall join the crew for the first direct dialogue between their two species. Though the Colony possess much information about these small beings from the third planet in a star system light cycles away, there is still much more to assimilate. The informatory data on board their vessel has been analyzed. Tre’ has received the analysis and reviews it after his evening meal.

The act of “eating” is a new experience for the Colony to witness. Though the Seconds use a similar process for receiving nutrients, the Thirds’ diet seems much more appropriate for an intelligent species.

The Seconds are carnivores and perform their consumption with repulsive aggression. The Thirds consume natural vegetation and chemically processed proteins. Their consumption times are often accompanied by social interaction. This is also foreign to the Colony.

The Colony receive their sustenance without effort. Their nutrients are acquired from contact with any of the energy veins which run throughout the entire star vessel. Their primary nutrient intake occurs during the regeneration cycle.

The energy veins provide much more than nutrition for the Colony. Communications, atmospheric control and power for the vessel’s operating systems also flow through the vast network of biological tubes, cables and veins.

Tre’ has begun utilizing the devices that were produced to assist his interactions with the Thirds. The Thirds require structures to support them during various functions. He sits and then lies on the equipment and achieves a clearer understanding as to why these devices are needed. Physically, the Thirds do not possess the strength and endurance of the Colony. They are of a smaller mass and have evolved on a world with less gravity than that of the Colony’s home world.

Tre’ acknowledges that there is increased comfort from sitting on the three legged device. The flat soft structure is also enjoyable to lie upon. He reclines now on the square device and begins to review his assignment. Motionless and comfortable, he is slowly becoming drowsy. He senses that consciousness is slipping away. This is a new sensation. He does not resist the experience. Within moments he slips into sleep. This is the first time that he has regenerated in the manner of the Thirds.

Samantha attends the communication station and prepares to transmit her first report back to earth. She is not sure if a transmission will reach beyond the barrier of the Others’ vessel. Once she meets them she will ask, until that time she will follow the schedule.

An automated ship’s system has deployed signal relay devices along their journey from home. Though the hand sized technology will not cause any transmission to arrive faster, the devices receive, enhance and strengthen a signal before sending it earthward. If a device fails among the dozens that were placed along the path of their travel, the next closest device will eventually intercept the transmission and send it on its way. Two decades will pass before the transmission is received.

She is excited to let her people know of the success of their journey. Daily logs will be recorded by each crew member. These logs will be included in the next scheduled transmission. This historic event will be documented for future generations of the Shi’ann, even if she has to ask the Others to open a window.

She includes the names of each crew member in her report, even listing their mission assignments, as future citizens will someday view the report. She wants to make sure they get the facts and names correct.

“Samantha - Mission commander, Chief pilot = active.

Zaque- 1st Officer, pilot = active.

Pleytus- Astro-biologist, Engineering specialist = active.

Chrystoya- Communications specialist, Physician = active.

Regnoh- Environmental Chief, Historian = active.

Velmana- Nutritionist, Botanist = active.

All of the crew are accounted for and are mission ready. Point of contact has been reached. The Garguth is intact and functioning properly. First systems check is positive in all readings. Proceeding with the mission schedule. We are inside their vessel.

- Commander out.”

She sends the message and wonders how it will be received. In her mind’s eye she sees her family, colleagues and friends receiving the transmission. And then she remembers the great amount of time that has passed since they left the earth. All of her friends and family have joined the Ones Before many cycles ago. She tries to ignore the yearning in her heart for home and the sadness that she feels for those she loves.

Samantha rises to join the others in their preparations. She shakes off the emotional heaviness and continues with the schedule of the mission. Several messages from earth have been received during their long slumber. These will be reviewed in the coming days. Though all of the crew feels a longing for those back on earth, the excitement to meet the Others face to face, is all that they can focus on at the moment.

The atmosphere outside of the Garguth in the docking bay is very similar to the Earth’s. Regnoh’s report is very thorough, still as a precaution they will first exit their vessel in environmentally contained suits.

While they are preparing to depart from their star ship for the first time in over two hundred cycles, Samantha calls the other crew members to cease from their activities. She nods at Regnoh, who stands in center and gives the hand sign to initiate a reciting of the sacred words. Even here, so far away from home, they will honor their people, the Shi’ann. They will remember the Ones Before.

Their excitement ceases for a few moments as the solemn crew connects with their roots. Regnoh begins, “Respect all things, for everything has worth. Respect all expressions of life...”

After the sacred words have been spoken and the time of silence observed, all look toward their Commander and she begins her loosely planned speech.

“We have been successful this far in our mission. We stand in a place in which future generations will reflect for many cycles to come. May we honor the Ones Before in continuing our efforts to progress the path of the people. May we extend the open arms of peace to the Others. May we become their allies and their friends. May we be worthy representatives of our world and our people. ” Samantha bows her head to the crew, hands clasped in front of her face. The crew breaks into cheers and applause.

Tre’ awakens from his first Third dream. It is such a strange experience. He remembers speaking to someone. So unlike the dreams songs of the Colony, this dream was a vague display of various scenes. Some scenes are familiar and some not so. Do all of the Thirds dream in this manner?

He enters the Overseers’ chamber. They do not speak audibility this time, instead the long bulbous plant rises in front of him again. He reaches for it and pulls it toward himself. His action surprises the Overseers and they communicate among themselves. He has become self-directed. He now thinks independently from the Colony. Tre’ prepares to receive their instructions.

The light flashes and the plant hums. Tre’ stands motionless this time as he receives the information. He has already grown accustomed to this process. He has changed, he is becoming more than his designed parameters. This observation alarms the Overseers.

Faces and designations of the Thirds are conveyed to him. Questions he must ask, and answers he may provide are also delivered to his thoughts. He receives a view of the biological and sociological profile of each Third crew member.

Once the procedure has ended the plant disembarks and lowers itself. Tre’ stands alone facing the Overseers. They intend for him to depart and begin the next assignment, but Tre’ speaks audibly to the group.

“You do not need to fear me. I know that you now have apprehensions regarding my assignment. My connection to the Colony’s voice is weak, but I can still sense you, Overseers. You are concerned that I have become an uncontrollable variable. It is true that I am not as a Colony unit nor am I entirely as a Third. I am parts of each. I am unique. I am something new which has come into existence.”

“I understand that you did not anticipate this new thing which I am becoming. I acknowledge that I am of the Colony. Our mission is my purpose. I will serve the Colony with diligence.” Tre’ moves backward one step, to signify that he is ready to begin the next phase of his assignment.

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