Two faint points of light hover behind the trio, viewing the same scene. The carbon based beings do not notice the points of light, for their light shines forth in another realm. In this realm, the Companions can no longer fully materialize, they can only observe.

With their observations now complete, the two faint points of light turn and move away back down the corridor to the realm of their origin. The further they travel from the realm of matter, their forms begin to change and slowly take on prime substance. Light cycles now from the small vessel and the two walk side by side.

The first Companion communicates with the other “The next generation is in positive motion.”

“Indeed.” responds the second Companion.

Further they travel, their long robes flowing behind them, their forms taking on even more substance the closer they become to their own world. The faint sound of their footsteps echoes across the expanse of the realm of origins.

“They shall complete the circle. They will succeed, but shall this new generation have understanding? Will they be able to perceive the full matter? Will they know where their path ultimately leads?” The first thinks aloud.

“Yes, I believe they will.” replies the second.

They journey further in silence, both contemplating their observations. As they reach the portal to Paradise the first Companion turns to the other “Though we are not to judge or decide, our labor is to only observe, I am curious why you are so confident in their understanding of the Way?”

The second Companion turns and gazes at the first. For a time they look into each other's eyes. They both possess the same stunning green eyes.

“Because” replies the second Companion “I have faith in them.”

They enter the first level of Paradise and hear the sound of chimes announcing the time of ritual. Both are delighted to have arrived home in time for the singing of the Words, the words of history, the words of stories, the words of harmony and balance.

They enter the inner chamber. They gather with the other Companions encircling the glowing and pulsing mass of the Prime Source. The Prime Source has existed since before the worlds were formed, and is the cause of all consciousness in the universe. The Prime Source is the giver of life, the spark of thought, the desire to be, the flow of being.

The ancient divine being stretches its vine like tentacles outward towards the worshipers and vibrates and shines its light. The gathered holy stand in reverence, faces upturned, basking in the pure luminous energy. The Companions all receive the pulsing and loving radiance. In chorus they begin singing the Sacred Words.

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