Tre’ joins the other units for regeneration. He enters his leaf cocoon again. The Colony connects with Tre’ and begins experiencing his thoughts of interacting with the Thirds. While the songs are sung, he witnesses the Colony examining and focusing on his Shi’ann memories.

As the units are leaving the Dream chamber, two units collide into each other. This has never happened before. All units stop. There is confusion. A Director unit moves closer to examine the two offending units. The units must enter a bio-maintenance chamber to determine the cause of their malfunction. This is a grave matter for the Overseers to examine.

A floating square apparatus follows Tre’ as he departs from the ramp. The square carries components which will be installed inside the Garguth. Zaque and Pleytus approach the square and begin looking over the pieces.

“I see we will be busy for a while,” Zaque says.

Tre’ answers, “Yes, we will be able to install these enhancements within a few hours.”

“How many mores pieces will need to be installed internally?” Pleytus ask.

“These components will satisfy the internal enhancements. Once these are installed and calibrated, the Colony units will begin installing the external technology.” Tre’ nods as he answers.

Zaque hides his smirk. Tre’ often reminds him of a young school boy trying out some of his new found knowledge of life or human relations. Zaque finds his curiosity refreshing, though Tre’ sometimes appears to be simple and immature. If allowed enough time, he thinks their alien friend may well become a better Shi’ann than all of them.

Zaque ask, “So when will the rest of us get our tour Tre’? We are all excited to get a glimpse into your world.”

Tre’ explains that preparations are being made and are almost complete. Areas of the Colony vessel are being modified to accommodate the Shi’ann crew without the need for environmental suites. He explains that a Colony unit can tolerate the Shi’ann’s normal environment for several hours though the Shi’ann will experience some discomfort from the Colony’s atmosphere. Certain areas of the Colony vessel will be adjusted to better serve the crew’s needs and comfort during the tour.

“I wanted to thank you Tre’ for the life force samples that you sent us. I have been reviewing that data and am eager to have some time to discuss them with you.” Pleytus says.

Tre’ smiles. “I have reviewed them several times myself. They are very interesting. The cosmos contains such fascinating forms for life. I too am eager for our discussion. Perhaps during a future meal time we may perform this communication?”

Zaque laughs out loud! “Did you just invite yourself to dinner Tre’?” Pleytus laughs as well.

Tre’ ask very seriously, “May I attend the evening meal with you?” The other men both laugh again.

“Certainly my friend! Most certainly!” Pleytus laughs shaking his head.

The enhancements were installed faster and easier than Tre’ had expected. He journeys back to his dwelling place to await the evening meal with the crew. Perhaps he will review the life samples again. He finds pleasure in thinking about sharing the details with Pleytus.

He is passing the crew’s apartments and he recalls the physical examine that was performed on him earlier. He looks at Chrystoya’s apartment and desires to communicate with her. Tre’ is becoming accustomed to interacting with the crew. He experiences pleasure in being with them. The physician may have more questions about his biology that he can answer. He turns and walks toward the physician’s dwelling place.

As Tre’ approaches the apartment’s door he stops. The door does not open. He reaches to the manual control on the right side of the structure and opens the door. He looks in the dimly lighted space and steps inside. He hears sounds and detects movement.

Tre’ looks toward the sleeping apparatus and views Regnoh lying next to Chrystoya. They both are reaching for the cloth fabric squares and pull the sleeping coverings over their nude shells. Immediately Tre’ understands. They are performing sexual mating.

Tre’ ask, “Sex? Are you engaged in sexual union? May I observe? I have been interested in your mating practices since I first learned of the two genders of your species.”

Chrystoya buries her face against the bed and moans. Regnoh chuckles as he sets up on the edge of the bed. “Tre’, would you please wait outside, I will join you in a few moments and discuss this matter with you.”

Tre’ detects that something is wrong. “Yes, I will wait outside. You may continue.” He says as he departs the apartment.

As the door closes behind Tre’, Regnoh laughs out loud.

“It isn’t funny!” Chrystoya whispers.

Regnoh pats her on her hip. Chuckling he says, “He did say we could continue.”

“Go speak to him! Explain that he can’t just walk into someone’s dwelling.” The physician pleads.

Regnoh and Tre’ sit at the large table. Regnoh suggested that Tre’ should try some lemonade. The two drink the liquid from their containers. Regnoh watches the surprise in Tre’s expression. “Well my fine host, what do you think of my favorite Shi’ann beverage?”

“It is sweet but also has a slight bitter taste. It is an enjoyable experience. Swallowing it makes my throat feel warm. It makes my tongue vibrate.” Tre’ explains.

“I do like the way you describe things my friend.” Regnoh laughs.

“When you ask me to leave the dwelling space, I sensed that I had caused Chrystoya discomfort. Have I acted improperly? Did I perform an offense?” Tre’ ask.

“No Tre’, you did not commit an offense. It’s just that we Shi’ann prefer to perform our sexual mating in private. Chrystoya and I were enjoying each other and would not do so in front of others. The sexual union of our species is a very intimate act.” Regnoh explains.

“I am not sure that I understand, but I shall pause before entering a dwelling if the door does not open.” Tre’ says innocently, as a matter of fact.

Regnoh considers his next words. Should he explain the facts of life to this alien being? He feels a bit of responsibility and moves the conversation forward. “So Tre’, tell me what do you know of human sexual relations.”

“I have reviewed your informatory data in your vessel’s systems. The Overseers have also shared their knowledge of your species practices. Even the ancient probe from your world revealed something of the difference of your genders.” Tre’s eyes roam around as he searches for his answer.

Tre’ begins explaining, “The act seems to bring pleasure to one’s shell sensations. This activates chemicals in one’s conscious organ and the physical and chemical effects on the shell have an effect upon one’s biological and physiological state. A union is achieved. Euphoria is experienced.”

“Ha-ha-ha, Oh Tre’, how I enjoy your view of things, though I am not sure you should use that line on a first date.” Regnoh jokes.

Tre’ is not sure of the meaning of his friend’s words. He takes another sip of Regnoh’s favorite Shi’ann beverage and listens to his friend explain human sexuality.

Pleytus has already completed the first calibration of the Garguth’s new internal equipment. Tre’ looks over the engineer’s work. “You performed the alignment perfectly.” Tre’ reports.

“Thank you Tre’, I’ve had a very good instructor. I was just about to take a break, you are welcome to join me.” Pleytus moves to the galley area. “How would you like to try a traditional drink from my home city?”

“You species enjoys the taste sensation that you possess. You seem to celebrate it with your nutritional intake. I am learning to enjoy this function in my own shell. Yes, I am pleased to taste your traditional drink.” Tre’ takes a seat at the table.

Pleytus carries two steaming cups and joins Tre’. “Be careful my friend, this drink is consumed while it is hot. I suggest small sips at first.” Pleytus takes a sip and motions for Tre’ to do the same.

Tre’ raises the cup up in front of his mouth, he smells the strong aroma. “The fragrance of this beverage is interesting. My shell sensations are responding.”

Pleytus laughs, “Well if you like how it smells you may like how it taste. It is called coffee. I like my coffee dark and hot. I added some sweet spices to your drink, to help with the bitterness.”

Tre’ takes a sip. The warm liquid is a shock to his tongue but immediately he can taste the mixture of the sweet and bitter components of the drink. He swallows and immediately smiles. “This... coffee has a very pleasing taste. The effect of the warm liquid is... comforting.”

“My friend you sound like a wise Shi’ann poet. I am pleased to share my coffee with you. We should share a conversation while we drink.” Pleytus raises his cup. “Perhaps we could now discuss the life forms that the Colony has discovered. No need to wait for meal time. I have reviewed the data that you provided. I find every species listed to be very fascinating!” Tre’ begins explaining some of the species in the data.

Asteroids were encountered which contained microbes and the basic chemicals of life. He describes a single plant which covers an entire planet. Several worlds encountered by the Colony host oceans and bodies of water filled with aquatic creature’s both large and small, some even microscopic, and still yet living and existing, scattered across the grand arena of the cosmos.

A second cup of warm coffee is placed in front of Tre’. “Please continue”

Tre’ describes the reptilian cliff dwelling bats which nest on the side of active volcanoes. The toxic fumes from the molten lava contain nutrients that allows the species its flight ability.

Tre’s expression even shows a bit of excitement as he describes the giant flying membrane species that float in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant. The beings emit a liquid vapor which transforms into dense clouds. The entire planet is covered with such clouds.

Tre’ continues his species report while consuming several more cups of the enjoyable warm beverage. Both men are relaxed and enjoying the conversation.

“Out of all of the species that the Colony has discovered, which would you say is your favorite?” Pleytus ask.

“There are twenty-seven different species in the Colony’s memories. I have access to all of them.” Tre’s eyes roam around as he reviews the many species. “I consider all of them to be unique and therefore fascinating. To choose a favorite is a strange concept for the Colony.”

“I think a better way to ask is what species do you find the most interesting?” Pleytus offers.

Tre’ looks at his friend and answers directly, “The Shi’ann are my favorite species.”

During the evening meal time Tre’ announces that the crew’s tour of the Colony vessel will be performed the next rotation. The dinner conversation produces more questions which Tre’ is pleased to answer.

With the meal being finished, the crew begin preparing for sleep. The Commander and Tre’ remain at the table while the others enter their apartments. She enjoys the conversations with Tre’ as much as he appears to enjoy his time with her crew.

Samantha ask him “Do you like being in a human form?”

“Like? I neither like nor dislike my form. I find it to be adequate for my assignment.”

“I mean is your experience in human form agreeable to you, to your comfort, to your sense of being?”

“Agreeable? I understand. You ask how I feel in my current condition.”

“Yes, exactly.” Samantha laughs.

Tre’ smiles, “Ha-ha!” The Commander is shocked at Tre’s laughter. His lingering smile reveals it was a natural response. Even he seems surprised and considers his reaction. “Laughter. You call it laughter. The first time that I heard one of you laugh, I did not understand. I was intrigued. Now I understand. It is a new concept for... me.”

“You said a new concept for me, not the Colony?”

He considers and answers “Yes, I did. It seems that my individuality is becoming more dominate.”

Tre’ continues “Laughter is a foreign concept to the Colony. There is no use for it in their communications or functions, but I can see it adds worth to one’s psychological experiences.”

“So understanding laughter is enlightening to you. Now, I am the one intrigued. What is it like for one with a nature that is ancient to exist with a new nature of another species entirely?”

Tre’ remains motionless for a moment, his eyes do not move rather they close briefly. He looks within.

“I feel... constricted... and limited in this form...though I also am pleased to experience reality in this manner, as you do.”

Samantha ask, “Constricted? Can you explain that further?”

Tre’ releases a natural sigh “My life force unit possesses the memories and instincts of the Colony. I know what it is like to exist in such a magnificent shell. In comparison, this human shell is limited in physical ability, and yet... ” His mind and eyes search for the words to explain. Samantha’s expression begs him to continue.

“The Colony is an advanced species compared to those others which we have discovered. Our intelligence has been evolving much longer than all of the other life forms which we have found, even the Shi’ann. We have been in existence long before your world could even produce complex organisms.”

“Though the Colony considers itself superior to your species, it lacks something which you have in abundance, emotions. You can feel life in an emotional capacity, the Colony cannot, it can only know it.”

The Commander ask “But you feel it, don’t you Tre’, you feel life?”

He considers her question and nods his head. “I feel. I feel life like you do. This feeling is agreeable to me. It feels pleasing and satisfying. I desire to experience life more in the way that the Shi’ann do. I am fortunate to be able to know life in this manner.”

It is the scheduled time for the crew to tour the Colony’s vessel. Tre’ arrives to the crew’s dwelling area before their morning meal. He feels excited to lead the crew through the vessel and explain the many Colony functions. It appears none of the crew have left their apartments. Perhaps his excitement caused him to arrive too soon.

Tre’ takes a place at the large table and looks across the docking bay. He notices movement far away. It is Velmana. She holds two devices in her hands. Tre’ begins moving towards her.

She notices his approach and says, “You are up early. Are you as excited about the tour as we are?”

“Yes, I see in my eagerness, I have arrived too early. The others have yet to depart from their dwellings. Are you performing a test?” Tre’ motions to the devices that Velmana holds.

“I am actually double checking my earlier scans. How fortunate that you have arrived. The walls, floor even the large cables all carry a life force pattern that is identical to the Colony units. How is this so? Velmana ask.

“Because all are the Colony.” Tre’ replies.

“Okay, wait. So you are saying that this ship, this vessel is alive and is the Colony. Its the same thing as the units and even yourself. All here is the Colony?” Velmana sputters.

“Yes. The Colony consist of two distinct life forms which merged millions of cycles ago. Our Memory Chamber contains knowledge of this merging though some of the details are incomplete. There is a force of the Colony which grows and creates the spaces that the units require to dwell and thrive in. The Colony units work to maintain this force that it may continue its function.” Tre’ stares in Velmana’s eyes to decide if she understands.

“The Colony’s entire existence is remarkable. The Shi’ann are a species which arose as a single distinct species. Yours is a species which evolved in a bi-species cooperation. The theory of evolution in its grandest display.” Velmana exclaims.

“I find the development of any species to be a worthy topic of inquiry. I am intrigued with your species evolutionary changes as you are ours. Truly all species are special and unique to have come into being.” Tre says sincerely.

“Tre’, you sound like an ancient sage of legends and fables. I enjoy talking with you.” Velmana offers.

“As do I with you, my friend.” He smiles at her. Feeling comfortable with the crew member, Tre’ continues, “Can you tell me of your life before. What was your assignment before you joined this crew?”

“In those days I did not have an assignment. I worked in the field of botany. Learning about the many plant species of our world. I studied their habits and growth patterns. I was advanced in my field of studies and was ask by Council leaders to enter the training for this mission.”

“And before that, what was your function.” Tre’ ask with a serious expression.

Velmana pauses, she searches her own memory and feels the sting of past sorrows. “Oh, I lived an ordinary life. There were happy times, and the sad. I lived my life like everyone else.” Velmana says in a softer tone.

Tre’ detects a change in the mood of his companion. He gazes intently at her. “Your color changes.”

“What?′ Velmana searches Tre’s face in confusion. “My color? I am not sure what you mean.”

Tre’ realizes that she does not know of the optical ability with which his species is equipped. He searches for the proper words to explain what he sees that she cannot.

“My shell is equipped with the Colony’s optical ability, I can see as they do. Each of you emit a energy of.... something like... temperature, from out of your own shell.” Tre’ raises his cupped hands and places them near Velmana’s ears. He slowly moves both hands outward and then stops, “Here, at this place where I hold my hands, your color emits this far from your shell.”

“Have you told Chrystoya about your Colony vision? She will be very excited!” Velmana loses her sad thoughts. Tre’ becomes more interesting with every interaction she has with him.

He notices that her color is changing again but does not announce it. “Chrystoya directed my physical examination. She may already have knowledge of my optical abilities.”

“We will ask her about it. What color do you see when you look at me?” Velmana ask, and instantly realizes how unscientific she sounded.

Tre’ looks at Velmana, inspecting her. His eyes roam around her form. She feels his intense stare. Finally Tre’ answers, “Your language does not possess the words to describe the colors that I see.”

Velmana dares to examine her thoughts out loud, “When you said my color changed, I was recalling a past memory at that moment. It is a memory of sadness and loss. Perhaps your vision allows you to see a manifestation of our emotions. Perhaps our emotions emit energy?”

Tre’s eyebrows raise in thought. Velmana can tell it is a natural response. He is becoming more like them. She is startled by his question.

“Can you explain your memory of sadness and loss?”

Velmana allows herself to remember. “There was a tragedy that occurred when I was a child, a fire in my home. My parents and I survived. My younger sister died. I saw her body after the fire.”

Tre’ remains silent. He observes her color changing again and understands. The feeling that he has when he recalls the Colony’s encounter with the Seconds, is similar to the emotion that Velmana is experiencing now. It is an emotion and yet it is not a pleasurable experience. Tre’ has been enjoying his Shi’ann emotions until now.

“You have liquid coming from your eyes.” Tre’ says. Velmana begins weeping softly. Tre’ reaches for her hands, “What is wrong, how can I assist you?” He ask.

“Oh Tre’, I am sorry.” She grips his hands. “I did not expect to have this emotional outburst in front of you.”

“You seem to be injured. How can I repair you?” Tre’ pleads with his friend.

Velmana is beyond embarrassment. She goes with the moment, she follows her heart. She looks into Tre’s eyes and leans her head against his shoulder. Her tears flow, she makes soft, mournful sounds. Tre’ allows himself to be her support. He can feel her discomfort and ask, “Does sadness and loss cause pain?”

Velmana weeps even more and looks up shaking her head, “Yes.” She sees his tears. “Oh Tre’, I do not wish for you to carry my sadness?”

“I feel your sadness. It is without pleasure and is hard to hold in my thoughts. I hold it with you.”

Velmana slides her arms around Tre’. He responds placing his hands on Velmana’s back. He holds his friend and shares her pain.

Several minutes pass and Velmana notices movement around the crew’s dwellings. The others have risen. “Thank you Tre’ for being with me in this moment. Let us go join the crew.”

Walking beside her, Tre’ reaches and takes her hand in his. “Thank you for showing me sadness. It is a powerful emotion.” He looks at her hand joined to his and discovers that he too emits a force of color from his own shell. Their colors mingle. They are the same color.

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