Moonlight Magic
Chapter 20

After Julie and Sarah’s eventful adventure with Eric, everything returned to normal at the hospital and at the Homeless charity.

Every time the ladies met, which was becoming more and more frequent now because they felt they had a mutual bond, a secret which was never to be revealed, they would smile and nod to each other whenever they thought of Eric.

What they had witnessed was truly magical and life changing.

It had shown them there were so many things to life…and to death…that we know nothing about. With all our modernity and technology we like to think we, as a species, know pretty much everything about everything…well, think again.

Eric is alive and going strong.

He still lives where he has always lived, and on an evening when there is a full moon shimmering in a clear and star-filled sky, he can be seen quietly slipping into the churchyard he’s been visiting for over a hundred years…but don’t bother waiting for him to come out.

You’ll have a long wait.

He won’t appear again until the morning…maybe a little cold and damp from rolling around on the grass but he’ll have a huge smile across his face…and his heart…for he’s just spent the night with his oldest and dearest friend.Charlie.

The end.

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