Love By Moonlight: A Small Town Grumpy Sunshine Romance (Solhaven Forevers Book 2) -
Love By Moonlight: Acknowledgements
No book is ever written without input, help and advice from numerous lovely people and the same applies here.
Special thanks to my editor Whitney Jones who continues helped me enormously and is still teaching me a lot – I shall forever be indebted to her for her kindness and hard work.
Thanks also to Romance Café Publishing for all their support and help in getting this series from its conception to its final form.
Thanks to my lovely beta readers Riana Everly, Jeanette Taylor Ford, and MM Wakeford, who all managed to pick up on inconsistencies of various kinds and offered excellent constructive criticisms.
An especial mention must go to Riana Everly, for her help with my blurbs.
As always, thanks to my husband, for tolerating the time I spend writing, for making him listen while I work through an idea and for tolerating my mutterings when something isn’t going right.
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