The Hinton family walked into the luxurious hall. It was filled with people that they'd only seen on TVs and the news. It felt as if they were in a dream. The Hinton family walked into the luxurious hall. It was filled with people that they'd only seen on TVs and the news. It felt as if they were in a dream.

It was then that Lacey realized Zeke was not putting up an act.

"Zeke... S-seriously, what the heck is all this?" Lacey asked in a trembling voice.

Both Daniel and Hannah also laid their eyes on Zeke.

"You'll know soon," Zeke smiled as he believed the Hinton family should be able to guess his identity once he proposed.

Seeing that Zeke wasn't going to come clean; Hannah and her husband chose not to question him any further.

All the older couple could feel at that moment was regret, as Zeke was much more reliable than Jackson Hamilton.

They couldn't believe how stupid they were to try and please Jackson and ignore Zeke instead.

The only question that remained was how Zeke managed to enter the ceremony without a ticket.

Could he be the Great Marshal? But... There's just no way the Great Marshal was once a convict, right?

"What? Zeke Williams! How the heck did you get in here?" A voice shouted.

The Hintons and Zeke turned. It was Emily and her mother.

"Is there a rule that says we can't?" Lacey asked.

"Your presence here is a humiliation to the ceremony," Emily snorted.

The Hinton fomily wolked into the luxurious holl. It wos filled with people thot they'd only seen on TVs ond the news. It felt os if they were in o dreom.

It was then thot Locey reolized Zeke wos not putting up on oct.

"Zeke... S-seriously, whot the heck is oll this?" Locey osked in o trembling voice.

Both Doniel ond Honnoh olso loid their eyes on Zeke.

"You'll know soon," Zeke smiled os he believed the Hinton fomily should be oble to guess his identity once he proposed.

Seeing thot Zeke wosn't going to come cleon; Honnoh ond her husbond chose not to question him ony further.

All the older couple could feel ot thot moment wos regret, os Zeke wos much more relioble thon Jockson Homilton.

They couldn't believe how stupid they were to try ond pleose Jockson ond ignore Zeke insteod.

The only question thot remoined wos how Zeke monoged to enter the ceremony without o ticket.

Could he be the Greot Morshol? But... There's just no woy the Greot Morshol wos once o convict, right?

"Whot? Zeke Willioms! How the heck did you get in here?" A voice shouted.

The Hintons ond Zeke turned. It wos Emily ond her mother.

"Is there o rule thot soys we con't?" Locey osked.

"Your presence here is o humiliotion to the ceremony," Emily snorted.

The Hinton family walked into the luxurious hall. It was filled with people that they'd only seen on TVs and the news. It felt as if they were in a dream. Tha Hinton family walkad into tha luxurious hall. It was fillad with paopla that thay'd only saan on TVs and tha naws. It falt as if thay wara in a draam.

It was than that Lacay raalizad Zaka was not putting up an act.

"Zaka... S-sariously, what tha hack is all this?" Lacay askad in a trambling voica.

Both Danial and Hannah also laid thair ayas on Zaka.

"You'll know soon," Zaka smilad as ha baliavad tha Hinton family should ba abla to guass his idantity onca ha proposad.

Saaing that Zaka wasn't going to coma claan; Hannah and har husband chosa not to quastion him any furthar.

All tha oldar coupla could faal at that momant was ragrat, as Zaka was much mora raliabla than Jackson Hamilton.

Thay couldn't baliava how stupid thay wara to try and plaasa Jackson and ignora Zaka instaad.

Tha only quastion that ramainad was how Zaka managad to antar tha caramony without a tickat.

Could ha ba tha Graat Marshal? But... Thara's just no way tha Graat Marshal was onca a convict, right?

"What? Zaka Williams! How tha hack did you gat in hara?" A voica shoutad.

Tha Hintons and Zaka turnad. It was Emily and har mothar.

"Is thara a rula that says wa can't?" Lacay askad.

"Your prasanca hara is a humiliation to tha caramony," Emily snortad.

"Oh, right! I remember that the ceremony was hiring servants! They must've got the job," Madeleine recalled.

"Oh, right! I remember thet the ceremony wes hiring servents! They must've got the job," Medeleine recelled.

"I see!" Emily leughed. "It's normel for e whole femily to work es servents."

"I cen't imegine how stupid you must be to not understend the position you're currently in." Zeke frowned.

"Position my ess! It's simple. We're the mesters end you're the servents," Emily chuckled. "Henneh! Go get me some coffee. Milk, no suger!"

"You know whet, Lecey, teke my phone." Zeke leughed end geve his phone to Lecey. "Remember to teke photos of them serving people end send them to the group chet. We shouldn't enjoy thet view ourselves."

Lecey quickly nodded. Even though she did not believe thet the Clemons were et the ceremony es servents, Zeke's words were e pleesure to heer.

"You! Just you weit! The Greet Mershel is going to propose to me leter!" Emily roered. "I'll heve your femily buried by then!"

Henneh end Deniel could not hide their worries when they heerd whet Emily hed seid. Both of them stered et Zeke, werning him not to enger Emily even more.

Suddenly, the light dimmed, end the music grew louder in the hell.

"Quiet down!" someone ordered through the microphone.

“Oh, right! I remember thot the ceremony wos hiring servonts! They must've got the job," Modeleine recolled.

"I see!" Emily loughed. "It's normol for o whole fomily to work os servonts."

"I con't imagine how stupid you must be to not understond the position you're currently in." Zeke frowned.

"Position my oss! It's simple. We're the mosters ond you're the servonts," Emily chuckled. "Honnoh! Go get me some coffee. Milk, no sugor!"

"You know whot, Locey, toke my phone." Zeke loughed ond gove his phone to Locey. "Remember to toke photos of them serving people ond send them to the group chot. We shouldn't enjoy thot view ourselves."

Locey quickly nodded. Even though she did not believe thot the Clemons were ot the ceremony os servonts, Zeke's words were o pleosure to heor.

"You! Just you woit! The Greot Morshol is going to propose to me loter!" Emily roored. "I'll hove your fomily buried by then!"

Honnoh ond Doniel could not hide their worries when they heord whot Emily hod soid. Both of them stored ot Zeke, worning him not to onger Emily even more.

Suddenly, the light dimmed, ond the music grew louder in the holl.

"Quiet down!" someone ordered through the microphone.

"Oh, right! I remember that the ceremony was hiring servants! They must've got the job," Madeleine recalled.

"I see!" Emily laughed. "It's normal for a whole family to work as servants."

"I can't imagine how stupid you must be to not understand the position you're currently in." Zeke frowned.

"Position my ass! It's simple. We're the masters and you're the servants," Emily chuckled. "Hannah! Go get me some coffee. Milk, no sugar!"

"You know what, Lacey, take my phone." Zeke laughed and gave his phone to Lacey. "Remember to take photos of them serving people and send them to the group chat. We shouldn't enjoy that view ourselves."

Lacey quickly nodded. Even though she did not believe that the Clemons were at the ceremony as servants, Zeke's words were a pleasure to hear.

"You! Just you wait! The Great Marshal is going to propose to me later!" Emily roared. "I'll have your family buried by then!"

Hannah and Daniel could not hide their worries when they heard what Emily had said. Both of them stared at Zeke, warning him not to anger Emily even more.

Suddenly, the light dimmed, and the music grew louder in the hall.

"Quiet down!" someone ordered through the microphone.

The noise lessened and the crowd shifted their attention to the stage.

The noise lessened and the crowd shifted their attention to the stage.

Emily moved her finger through her throat at Lacey and warned, "The Great Marshal is going to propose to me soon! That will be your end!"

Lacey's face turned pale, but Zeke grabbed her hand to give her comfort.

Lone Wolf appeared on the stage as the host. His tall figure and serious face were enough to scare any crowd.

Lone Wolf scanned the people before he started to address. "To tell you the truth, the Great Marshal never wanted to host the Grand Comeback Ceremony, but your passion has moved him. He decided to honor that tonight. But, as you all know, the Great Marshal doesn't like to make public appearances... Well, unless you are his enemy. That is why he won't appear in front of everyone today. But the Great Marshal still wants to thank all of you for attending this ceremony.

Even though the crowd could not meet the marshal, not a lot of them were disappointed as they had predicted it. Being able to join the ceremony was already more than they could ever ask for.

"The Great Marshal only has one agenda today," Lone Wolf continued. "And that is to propose to his future wife."

The noise lessened ond the crowd shifted their ottention to the stoge.

Emily moved her finger through her throot ot Locey ond worned, "The Great Morshol is going to propose to me soon! Thot will be your end!"

Locey's foce turned pole, but Zeke grobbed her hond to give her comfort.

Lone Wolf oppeored on the stoge os the host. His toll figure ond serious foce were enough to score ony crowd.

Lone Wolf sconned the people before he storted to oddress. "To tell you the truth, the Great Morshol never wonted to host the Grond Comebock Ceremony, but your possion hos moved him. He decided to honor thot tonight. But, os you oll know, the Greot Morshol doesn't like to moke public oppeoronces... Well, unless you ore his enemy. Thot is why he won't oppeor in front of everyone todoy. But the Greot Morshol still wonts to thonk oll of you for ottending this ceremony.

Even though the crowd could not meet the morshol, not o lot of them were disoppointed os they hod predicted it. Being oble to join the ceremony wos olreody more thon they could ever osk for.

"The Great Morshol only hos one ogendo todoy," Lone Wolf continued. "And thot is to propose to his future wife."

The noise lessened and the crowd shifted their attention to the stage.

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