In the ascension, Argônæth was in and out of consciousness. He only thought of his wife, his children. In what was happening in front of his eyes. He had fought hard, but the war was lost. And with it, his sanity lost its way too.

From the central square of the Hanging Gardens, Wiz looked towards the horizon. The whole nation was in the squares. The Golden King awaited the arrival of the man.

Dracko arrived to the suspended kingdom, along with the large litter of dragons.

“Here, sir, the traitor!” said the Supreme Dragon.

Argôn was thrown to the ground. The Army of Splendor made fun of him. He fell to his knees, in a circle of dragons. These had made room for his gaze went directly to a throne that was set for the judge of his last trial.

The whole army began to shout a chorus of euphoria, and energy multiplied. The spectator dragons followed. And with the incessant noise, the Golden King raised his hand, indicating the necessary silence. The Gardens, from one moment to another, was completely quiet.

“Raise your gaze, weak man” said the Golden King,

But the man said nothing, nor looked up. He was on his knees with his hands on the floor. Still processing the images, he had seen.

“Argôn, I´ve told you to look up.” repeated Wiz.

The King of Anaís slowly looked up. His eyes were drooping, full of heaviness. He couldn’t get tears for the pain was deeper. He couldn’t channel it. He gave a look of hate towards his former King.

“What have you done, Wiz? What have you done with my people?”

“You should ask that yourself. What have you done with your people?” Wiz replied.

“I emerged them” said the man. “I ´ve raised them, I´ve protected them and defended them from darkness. This town was an honest and a humble one; and you, you came to take it away from my hands. My family was there, Wėzhreem! You swore by your blood to protect the terrestrials! You swore by your blood not to harm them! Do you want to explain to me how you have allowed such genocide?! This is unacceptable!”

“What you have done is unacceptable!” responded Wiz. “Your family was here, Argônæth! You renounced your own divinity, and the purpose she had reserved for you. You left your kingdom! On a whim! What did you think was going to happen?! These are the consequences of your own actions! I told you to stay away from this! This is the result of your unworthiness! Now, somehow, it´s my fault?!”

“These were innocent souls, what are you talking about?” said Argôn. “Are you not supposed to swear by your lives not to interfere with the naive humans? Why have you repealed this law? How far is your grudge, your impotence?! How can this be the will of a Golden King? The only unworthy one here is you!”

“Silence, ungrateful!” the King rose angrily, and gray clouds covered the sky of the place. “This has not been my will! Can´t you see it?!”

“What the hell do you mean now? Are you not the King of this kingdom? Haven’t commanded this misfortune?!”

“This has been a direct order from Elgoneth,” Wiz exclaimed. “Do you think I wanted this for you? Do you think I wanted this for your people? For these souls? You have provoked this all by yourself! With your own decisions! With the act you have committed!”

Argôn looked from side to side, perplexed, and negligent at what the Golden King said. He seemed to be trying to find someone.

“The destruction of your people was not my decision,” Wiz exclaimed. “The decision was made by the creator himself. You have become an impure being, and all those around you have been affected by your impurities. Elgoneth don´t want to hear anything from you, Argôn. You are no longer an interest for him. You have not been loyal, and you have harmed his daughter’s path. If it wasn’t because I asked you alive, you would have died too.”

“Well, he is wrong! “he responded. “My decisions were made from the heart! We build an empire! We built a home! It doesn’t matter if I was impure or not! It doesn’t matter if I’m an interest for this attempt of God or not! What we had, meant something to me. It meant something to her. It elevated the man and woman of this community. We defended ourselves and raise a fief that had never been seen in these lands.

“No one of us has messed with you, why have you messed with us?” he continues. “Having done this only for me, just demonstrates your incompetence and your inability as a King. And because of you, this kingdom lacks judgment and common sense! My father is surely so ashamed of this, that is why he was not involved in this vile act. Look for my father! If he were here, he would understand!”

“Your father is dead!” Wiz said with a broken voice. “Bongo passed away the day you crowned yourself King of your hapless people. His soul did not endure such pain, induced by your dishonor. He was sick for many days, and he somatized this negative charge that you yourself caused until he failed to survive anymore. His energy decided to leave this world, on its own free will. It is the first time under my reign that a Raēn dies in this way. He was the best dragon I had, Argônæth!”

The man looked back and forth, and did not see his father. He understood then that, it was true. His father was dead.

“You still can’t see the consequences of your actions?” asked Wezhreem. “No one knows what to do with you! I told you that bigger problems would come if you didn’t get away from this! I trust in you Argôn. I tried with you. I gave you the opportunity to be yourself and you have let everyone down. What you have done is so serious, that this trial is made to determine whether you should be executed or not; if you should be eliminated or not. Do you think I wanted this for you? Look around! Everything has decayed! Everything has become chaos because of you!”

The man got up, for all the dragons saw him with fear. He was dangerous. He represented a threat, but he was also a leader and, for some reason, the Hanging Garden wanted to hear him. They wanted to hear the good man his ancient and original kingdom knew. He stood up. It was time to speak.

“Why we should live in a world ruled by selfish gods? How can such an act be the will of the entity that supposedly created us with love? Do you think it is sensible that the solution to the problem is to eradicate all these souls?! You are made to protect us! How do you allow this? How can you trust him? Today was my home, tomorrow will be yours. This perverse event only demonstrates the cruelty and nonsense that exists in that degenerated Assembly. Damn you, Elgoneth! If this is your will, I’d rather die! I don’t want to be in this world led by your reckless desires!”

The Golden King’s blood boiled while listening to such blasphemies. The prince of fire was attacking the most sacred thing that existed for the dragons. His arms turned big, and the sky darkened in an instant. The gray clouds that were close approached him entirely, and from them, an impressive thunder fell into the raised arms of the Golden King. Wiz received the lightning, and along with a few words, he threw the lightning directly towards the impure man.

The reflection of the light exploded inside the man, causing a giant wave of light which blinded all who were close to the place, knocking them down. Only the scream of pain and despair of the man was heard.

When the sky calmed down and the dragons saw the horizon clear again, they were confused. The Golden King sat again on his throne of the judge, and his friendly and old form returned to himself.

“He has died?”

In the center of the square was only the red cape lying on the ground. As the dragons approached, there seemed to be a minimal creature within her, which was crying disconsolately.

“But what is it?” asked a dragon.

“He is a human. It’s a baby.”

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