Legends of Amacia Return of the Beowulf -
Chapter 13: Divine Warnings of Disaster
Divine Warnings of Disaster
Brother Paul lay asleep in his quarters at Tiamat in the middle of the night. His wife lay with him in the bed, but Paul wasn’t sleeping very soundly. He tossed and turned as something deep in his spirit stirred him. In a moment, he opened his eyes and was wide-awake with a terrible feeling of impending doom on him. For almost five minutes, he lay there, but the feeling wouldn’t go away, chasing away any chance of sleep. The familiar voice of the Holy Spirit suddenly whispered in his ear, “Go to the cafeteria, son.”
Paul immediately got up without waking his wife and slipped on some slippers along with a light coat over his pajamas. He left the room and minutes later entered the cafeteria. It was deserted. The lights came up softly as he walked to the water fountain, getting some water in a glass. He went to a table and sat down, sipping on the water. “All right, Lord,” he murmured, “What’s going on? You woke me up and dragged me down here for some reason. What is it?” The Lord God Almighty answered him not. Paul sipped on the water and pondered the meaning of the impending doom he sensed in his spirit. The water was refreshing as he drank it.
Without warning, Gabriel stood across the table from him in the blazing glory of the Lord. His abrupt appearance surprised Paul, who cried out in fearful surprise, dropping his cup of water, and shielding his eyes from the blinding radiance of the archangel.
The light faded to a tolerable level for Paul as Gabriel said, “Brother Paul, beloved of the Father, I am Gabriel, and stand in the presence of the Lord. Do not be afraid.”
Paul looked up at him weakly, barely able to hold himself in the chair, saying, “Forgive me. You startled me. Why have you come, Gabriel?”
Gabriel sat down opposite of Paul at the table and reached across, touching his hand, strengthening him. “Brother, I come bearing news and a message from the Lord to you,” he stated. “You have done well with what the Lord called you to do. The powers that be are raging because they cannot silence you. But now is the crucial time. Everything is about to change and the world will never be the same. In thirteen hours, the kings of the north and east will strike America and its soul will be required of it. The Illuminati has had enough of the President going against their plans for Luciferian world government. The President will try to purge his enemies from within the government with a nuclear weapon in eleven hours, blaming the Russian government for the attack. Two hours later, the President will die over the central Atlantic...assassinated by those powers he rebelled against. It is justice on the President and America, who have provoked the Almighty to wrath.
“Now the Lord rises from His throne and strikes America for its sin against Him, the innocent, and against His Creation. Mystery Babylon will fall just as the Lord said it would. Within an hour of the President’s assassination, the Lord will unleash America’s enemies. The cities that haven’t been destroyed by the direct hand of the Lord will fall by the hand of man at the Lord’s command. The wicked cities of America will burn in the nuclear furnace and once the cities have burned, the armies poised all around the United States will overrun it. The time of the West is over. The Chinese and Russian armies allied with the North Koreans, India, and of the Muslim Alliance the President hasn’t attacked yet will sweep over the land taking a spoil and prey. They will despoil the land and wipe out all its inhabitants in a planned genocide not seen since the 1st Age originated by the Luciferian globalist to punish America for its resistance to their agenda. Yet China will betray Russia in the attack, trying to take out both enemies at once. Their plot backfires badly, unleashing the Bear’s full fury against them and their allies.”
Gabriel’s words horrified Paul. “What about the remnant of the Lord’s people who remain in that condemned land? Will He allow his people to be cut off with the wicked?” he asked Gabriel with great concern.
Gabriel’s face brightened in response to Paul’s question, causing him to shield his eyes. “Paul, why do you even ask such a question?” Gabriel rebuked. “Surely, you ask the same question Abram asked when the Lord came to him before He destroyed Sodom.”
Paul immediately took the rebuke and repented, saying humbly, “Forgive me, Lord. I didn’t mean to question you or your messenger.”
Gabriel’s face softened, but kept a stern, sober expression as he declared, “The Lord has already gathered His remnant out of the killing zones and will use the bear to help protect them. Those that must be martyred will be so, and those whom the Lord wants alive will remain so. He has hidden them in the shadow of His wings in His Pavilion. They will remain so hidden there until the time comes for them to show themselves to Lucifer. Understand; this is but the beginnings of the birth. The labor pains have already begun. This is not the end, but the beginning. Go to the transmitter and speak to them immediately. Tell the remnant of America to stay in their place and keep their heads down for the Lord will rage in his fury against the United States. America has sowed to the wind, now they must reap the whirlwind. But wait, there is more yet I must tell you.”
“What else does the Lord say, brother?” Paul asked looking at Gabriel as a student would look at a favorite teacher, awaiting instruction. “Hannibal and the remnant of Amacia need your prayers and the prayers of all the saints around the world more than ever now,” Gabriel stated, “The final act is in play. The Lord is moving the Heavens and Earth into position. The Rising of Amacia is upon the world. Hannibal and the remnant he has secured are in the gravest of perils. Because of what Hannibal has had to do to stop the Emperor, the Emperor is now insane with rage against not just him and the remnant, but also with all of humanity. The Emperor is amassing the greatest army in your history and prepares to move against Hannibal, the remnant, and the rest of humanity. The Lord has been merciful to them, but now your prayers are required as are the prayers of all the saints. The world is going to change in ways you can’t comprehend that will show all the Lord is God, and none else.”
A deep, fearful chill raced down Paul’s spine at Gabriel’s words. “Are things that dire?” he asked softly.
“Don’t be afraid, brother,” Gabriel reassured. “I know these things frighten you, and they should. The Lord is about to rage in His Fury. Only by being in the shadow of His wings and grace can you survive it. He will protect His own as He sets the Rising in motion.” He again touched Paul on the hand, strengthening him, driving the fear away.
“Can you tell us when this calamity will happen?” Paul asked cautiously. “We have some idea of when it’s going to take place from the prophecies stored in the Library. However, they don’t say exactly when. Is the alignment we’ve read about the real sign we need to watch for?”
“Yes, brother,” Gabriel replied categorically. “The celestial alignment is the key. Watch the alignment closely for when the planets and stars reach their prophesied positions, that’s when the Lord will unleash the angels with the celestial Hammers and uncover Amacia, proving the words of the Lord you spoke to be true to all people.”
“Our calculations show this alignment fulfilling in the next month,” Paul reported. “But we’ve been unable to get it any closer than that. The presence of both Gabriel’s Hammer and Nibiru are throwing our computer models off. Both of these celestial objects are not behaving according to what we understand about celestial mechanics. What are we doing wrong?”
“You’re models are off because you failed to account for the electro-magnetic plasma nature of the universe,” Gabriel said bluntly. “The information about the true electro-magnetic nature of matter, space-time, and plasma lies in the Library. Find it and you will be able to complete the model that correctly predicts the alignment.”
Paul’s eyes grew wide at Gabriel’s statement. “So we’re unable to predict the alignment properly because we missed part of the equations?” he asked.
“That’s right,” Gabriel stated. “Consult the Teacher in the Library. It will show you the error. Once you get the celestial mechanics model corrected, you will see the alignment’s fulfillment down to the hour and minute. But know this. The alignment is closer than you think. Remedy the error in your models quickly so you don’t get caught off-guard. The Alignment and Rising are going to be extraordinarily dangerous periods. The very foundations of the Heavens and Earth are going to be shaken to their cores. Before it’s over, it will reshape large parts of this planet, so be vigilant and pray always without ceasing.”
“Whoa,” Paul breathed. “It’s going to be that bad?”
“Look at it this way,” Gabriel stated bluntly. “The Lord buried Amacia during the Deluge in Noah’s day, wiping the surface clean and rearranging the land masses. To raise Amacia, He is going to have to reverse the process that put it there using the very mechanism that buried it.”
Paul’s mouth fell open in astonishment. “May the Lord be merciful,” he breathed. “Are you saying Nibiru was the mechanism that wiped out civilization in Noah’s day?”
Gabriel smiled wryly. “You’re quite bright for a human,” he chimed. “Now you have some idea of how big the Rising will be.”
“But will it wipe out everything like it did in Noah’s day?” Paul asked with rising fear.
“Calm down, brother,” Gabriel cooed. “It’s not to be an extermination like the Deluge. But it will do significant damage and reshape many land masses, especially South America. Places that are now above water will sink into the seas while lands that have been underwater for ages will rise above the waves, revealing the true past of humanity to all. The shifting of the planet during the Rising will kill billions of people, but it will not wipe them all out as the Flood did. The Lord is not going to allow all flesh to be destroyed this time. He gave His word.”
“I feel so helpless,” Paul admitted. “The world is rushing insanely towards the Abyss like lemmings rushing over the cliff, and now you’re saying the Lord is going to do something I can’t even comprehend with this Rising. What can I do? What can any of us do in the face of our God’s wrath?”
Gabriel grabbed Paul’s hand and held it firmly. “Have faith and follow His direction,” he said softly, looking deep into Paul’s eyes, seeing the fear and doubt there. “He will protect you and His people no matter how crazy things get. Don’t be afraid and don’t ever doubt Him. Our Lord is God. Beside Him, there is no other. He’s in complete control of these events. Believe in Him, and do what He called you to do. When you and your people correct the errors in your celestial mechanics models and see the truth of what’s about to happen, the Lord will move on you. You’ll know what to do and when to do it. He will give you the strength, wisdom, and grace to do what He’s called you to do, just as He gives Hannibal what he needs to face the Emperor in his own dark domain. Have faith, my friend. All is not lost; the Lord has His mighty hand on you and everything else. Trust Him and you will see His wonders.”
Just having Gabriel hold his hand gave Paul peace, strength, and understanding. All fear and doubt about what he’d heard vanished like a ghost in the mists. “Thank you for reassuring me,” he said softly. “It helps to know the Lord is directing these events. I just didn’t know what to do with it. In a way, I felt a bit like Jonah, though I’d never run away like he did.”
“But Jonah eventually did what the Lord ordered,” Gabriel stated. “He repented of his rebellion and went to Nineveh, delivering the Lord’s word. Heed the word of the Lord, my friend, and don’t rebel. When the time is right, the Lord will order you into action to spread the warning about the Rising. The moment He tells you to do it, do it. Don’t wait, even if it’s the middle of the night like now. Speak; raise the alarm on the walls. You are a watchman, and the watchman is charged with spreading the alarm when danger is near. I don’t need to tell you what happens if you don’t sound the alarm when the threat is perceived, do I?”
“No Lord,” Paul answered, suddenly realizing the Lord Himself was speaking through Gabriel. “I know as a chosen watchman on the wall, if I fail to sound the alarm, the blood of the people I’m supposed to be protecting will be on me. I will sound the alarm the moment I see it, Lord. I will not betray this trust.”
“I know you won’t,” Gabriel replied warmly. “Now you have a warning to issue about the coming attack on America. Go now, and warn the saints in America and worldwide. Warn them Mystery Babylon is falling and to hide in the secret place of the Almighty. Do it now. They must be warned.”
“As the Lord wills,” Paul conceded with a tired, sober expression. “Even though many will not believe, I will shout it from the mountaintops. The world will be warned.”
“The Lord is pleased with you, brother,” Gabriel declared, “He will give you the rest you seek after you warn the people this night. I am Gabriel, and stand in the presence of the Lord. Be at peace, Brother Paul, and keep your eyes to the sky.”
Before Paul could reply, Gabriel vanished. Paul slumped back in the chair, completely astounded by what he’d heard. He pondered Gabriel’s message for nearly five minutes, and then suddenly noticed that he’d spilled his water. Therefore, he got up and retrieved a towel, wiping up the water, and then took the towel and cup back to the used dish area, laying them in the rack. He sighed as he turned back to the tables. Gabriel’s last words suddenly echoed in his head, sending Paul to the communications center. He promptly delivered the urgent warning over the airwaves to the remnant of America and the world.
Once he’d done that, drowsiness hit him as the Holy Spirit whispered, “Go to bed. Rest; renew your strength. You have much to do in the morning.” Paul didn’t argue, but pondered what Gabriel had said as he went back to bed. It was two-thirty AM, Sumatra time.
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