It had been a grueling hot day and the Whitemane pride was not yet satisfied. They were uncomfortably thirsty, not to mention still in shock. Never had the pride taken such a defeat alongside, with what they considered a victorious battle. Losing the little ones, was far more defeating than killing their Apex enemies. The hyena clan was beat for now, or at least a portion of them. Queen Saharrah had been right in moving the pride from the mangled whereabouts.

It would not take long, for word to spread back to the hyenas. The King and Queen would surely send out more to hunt the pride down. Keeku gathered the lionesses up for another hunt. They needed more meat to keep up their strength. The male lions joined as they always did with their Father. Without him, It was a different atmosphere for the lions pride. Once safe and secure, now they had a pending fear of insecurity. Upon the horizon, keeku could see a herd of water buffalo. These brutish beasts would provide the pride with much-needed sustenance. Raya and keeku worked together with one less hunter, they had to be more cunning.

Raya, went forth quietly, sneaking up on the potential prey. Her body disappeared as she went lower into hiding. Keeku and the other lionesses watch for her signal. A lonely buffalo hobbled on the outer ring of the herd. His hoof looked to have been broken or mangled in a trap. Even though, the beast wasn't walking too well, He had somehow kept up with his herd. The beast stayed undetected from predators so far, until now.

Raya had the best sight and knew she had the pack's future lunch picked out. Everyone is ready. She gives signal. The chasers move out and the herd bolts into a stampede. The chasers send the injured beast straight to keeku. She attacks the beast from the side, gripping her teeth in the buffaloes neck and ripping her claws into its hefty flesh. Other lionesses join in dragging the beast down.

The kill was quick and subtle to not draw any attention. The lioness warriors would take their share First, then the males. Keeku sent a male lion to the Queen with a chunk of meat. The rest of the pack devoured the beast. The pride was full and grateful for the kill. Kenya, was the male lion, Keeku sent back. He cautiously approached the Queen. Gently, he dropped the savory flesh down at his Queen's paws.

He noticed she was in a trance and her eyes were gray.

"My Queen, I have brought you food. You need to eat to keep up your strength. We need you safe. My Queen, are you alright?" asked Kenya.

The Queen didn't answer back. She continued off in her glazed stare. Her mind was a trap stuck in the past. She was replaying her time spent with King Ezekiel, and how much love they had for each other, now he was gone and her heart was half empty.

Her thoughts drifted over to Zarda and other cubs. The looks of her daughters twisted bloodied bodies, and the empty spots where her sons once were and now were not. She imagined herself calling for them and their tiny voices responding from the distance. The male lion stood near her side, waiting to see if his Queen would respond or do anything. He saw her eyes blink, and her body begin to shift.

" I have brought you food, my Queen. He said, repeatedly.

Finally, the Queen's mind hears his voice and turns her face towards him.

She begins to reply, but her words were like an alien tongue to him. He wasn't able to speak from his like she could. He was only able to telepathically. The new ability was strange and aggravating to the Queen. She could hear the lion pride speak, and she could with her mouth, yet the others could not hear her speak back. Except for the two lionesses. Queen Lilith, had surely cursed the pride. Her vicious spell was lingering and causing chaos. She was truly living up to her name.

Queen Saharrah, was angered and growled at the lion to go away. Even if he couldn't hear her, he knew, what specific sounds meant. He took heed to her warning. He turned on his heels, and ran back to the buffalo kill to eat. She looked down at her meal half dazed. Saharrah slowly lapped the dripping blood with her tongue, then tore into the thick, savory meat. It satisfied her body, and her mind was cleared from the trauma for a temporary moment. Suddenly, Saharrah stood her feet. she darted towards the warthog holes. For a quick search inside.

Occasionally, grunts or tiny squeals would ring out as warnings, to stay out. She knew the sound meant she had the wrong hole and kept to her search. Some burrows had no sound at all, just the leftover stench of the warthog families before. She was fearful, how would her sons understand her? If she could not telepathically speak to them any longer. They would not recognize her calling them, and perhaps she would pass right by them. She stopped her searched and sprinted back to the lion's quarters.

She headed toward the newly assigned lioness, watching over the five remaining cubs. The Lioness, Anola, was resting with the little ones all around her. Her ears perked up, and her head swiveled towards her Queen. She remained calm and motionless as Saharrah drew nearer. The Queen knew Anola would not understand, but she had to try. She stood looking down at her. Focusing, the queen steadied her mind, sending out thoughts to Anola. Nothing, no words transferred over. The Queen opened her mouth and said the lioness name slowly. This time the lioness sat up, startled that she heard the name coming from out of the mouth of her Queen.

Glad to see a response from Anola. The Queen spoke more words.

"Anola, I need one of the cubs." Said the Queen, pointing with her paw towards one of them.

She was hoping her words would connect. Anola looked down at the cub, then back to the queen. It worked, she had understood. She gently nudged a male lion cub over to her Queen. Matiti, had been chosen. He was Keeku's son. He was the same age and size as Saharrah's. Matiti had gone out on many play adventures, with her sons, at their old territory. Not only that, but he would be the perfect size for her new mission.

The Queen, nuzzled the young cub, placing her paw on his shoulder to follow. Without words, he understood and left freely with her. The two ran back to the last hole she had left before retrieving him. She looked down at Matiti and then pointed to the hole, then back over to him. Gesturing to go in and then out. If Zarda and Meeku were inside, they would see their friend, and safely emerge. If no one were inside, then the lion would return empty-handed. For the next hour or so, the two did this task over and over again.

She first called into the hole, waiting for a noise to return. If it were clear, she would send in the cub. To her dismay, nothing was coming from this. Not even a sign they had been close. They would return, without her sons. She was grateful to Matiti for his help. To show her gratitude she gently gave his ear a lick. They walked side by side to the lion territory, to rest after the hard search. Queen Saharrah noticed the hunting group had returned, and were resting under the Acacia tree branches with full bellies. Keeku approached her Queen and her only son. She was puzzled at the sight. Queen, was freely able to speak to Keeku thankfully, and her friend able to understand her words.

" Do not fear, friend. I can see the concern on your face. I needed to borrow your son's help, to search the warthog holes. I'm too big to fit down them, and my son's would not be able to hear my calls. You and raya are the only ones who understand me now. He is safe, but no Zarda or Meeku." said the Queen, sadly.

Matiti ran to his mother and nuzzled his head against hers. She was fine with him helping the Queen. Keeku's heart, desired prince Zarda and Meeku to return home for their queen's sake. They were family, and the two cubs were Keeku's little step nephews. The lion cubs were missing, and that troubled all the prides' heart. The silence was awkward.

Queen Saharrah, walked to the edge of the tree shade and peered out into the vast Savannah landscape. Her eyes pooled with tears. She wanted desperately to piece back a portion of her heart. She wouldn't rest, until she found them. Even, if that took a lifetime. She had to be strong now. Not only for her sons, but for her pride. She needed to protect and provide for them, so her King's legacy could continue on.

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