Death’s New Pet: Love after Life -
Original Beings: Immortal, indestructible Beings that have existed since the beginning of time. The Original family are The Devil, Longing, Death, Pain, Rage, Misery, Power and a couple more (but are not mentioned in this novel).
Hellish Beings: Immortal Beings that live in Hell.
Beta beings: Immortal Beings that were born after the original beings.
Realms of Hell: Different places in Hell, separated by a variety of punishments.
Temporary death: A death that lasts only temporarily. Length lasts depending on the punishment of their crime. Only Death can put someone into a temporary death.
Death: The God of dying and removing life from all Beings.
Pain: The Goddess of pain and suffering. (Death’s ex-wife).
Longing: The Goddess of longing and desire. (Death’s mum, The Devil’s wife).
The Devil: Satan, the man who rules over all of Hell. (Death’s dad, Longing’s husband).
Misery: The Goddess of misery and depression. (Death’s sister).
Rage: The God of rage and anger. (Death’s brother).
Scarlet Gownes: Female main character (Prey Ten).
Maximo Gownes: Scarlet’s evil, abusive husband.
Leonardo Gownes: Maximo’s twin brother.
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