Collateral (Tier One #6) -
: Glossary
18-Delta—Special Forces medical technician and first responder
ACS—Aegis Combat System
AIP—Air-independent propulsion
BDU—Battle Dress Uniform
BMD—Ballistic Missile Defense
BND—Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service
Bright Falcon—Code name identifier for the Russian Zeta Operation and Training Center in Vyborg, Russia
BUD/S—Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training
CASEVAC—Casualty Evacuation
CHENG—Chief Engineer
CIA—Central Intelligence Agency
CIC—Combat Information Center, known as “Combat”
CMC—Command Master Chief
CO—Commanding Officer
COMSUBLANT—Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic
CONUS—Continental United States
CSO—Chief Staff Officer (special warfare)
CSO—Combat Systems Officer (surface warfare)
DC—Damage Control
DCS—Distributed Command System
DDG—Designation for Guided-Missile Destroyer
DILDO—Direct Input Limited Duty Officer
DNI—Director of National Intelligence
DoD—Department of Defense
DPU—Dive Propulsion Unit
DS&T—Directorate of Science and Technology
EAB—Emergency Air Breather
EBE—Emergency Breathing Equipment
EEOB—Eisenhower Executive Office Building
Ember—America’s premier black-ops counterterrorism task force
EMP—Electromagnetic pulse
FOB—Forward Operating Base
FSRU—Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
FRSS— Forward Resuscitative Surgery System
GSW—Gunshot wound
HALO—high-altitude, low opening
HUMINT—Human Intelligence
HVT—High-Value Target
IC—Intelligence Community
ISR—Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
JO—Junior Officer
JSOC—Joint Special Operations Command
JSOTF—Joint Special Operations Task Force
KIA—Killed in Action
LAN—Local Area Network
LNG—Liquefied Natural Gas
MARSOC—Marine Corps Special Operations Command
MEDEVAC—Medical Evacuation
MEU—Marine Expeditionary Unit
MK—Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base, Romania
NCTC—National Counterterrorism Center
NET-15—Preferred tactical command and control communication channel on an Arleigh Burke
NOC—Nonofficial Cover
NSA—National Security Agency
NVGs—Night Vision Goggles
ODNI—Office of the Director of National Intelligence
OGA—Other Government Agency
ONI—Office of Naval Intelligence
OOD—Officer of the Deck
OPSEC—Operational Security
OTC—Officer in Tactical Command
PJ—Parajumper/Air Force Rescue
QRF—Quick Reaction Force
RPG—Rocket-Propelled Grenade
SAD—Special Activities Division
SAPI—Small Arms Protective Insert
SBS—Special Boat Service
SCIF—Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SDV—SEAL Delivery Vehicle
SEAL—Sea, Air, and Land Teams, Naval Special Warfare
SecDef—Secretary of Defense
SIGINT—Signals Intelligence
SITREP—Situation Report
SM—Standard Missile
SOAR—Special Operations Aviation Regiment
SOCOM—Special Operations Command
SOG—Special Operations Group
SOPMOD—Special Operations Modification
SQT—SEAL Qualification Training
SSN—Designation for a fast-attack nuclear submarine
STP—Shock Trauma Platoon
TAD—Temporary Additional Duty
TAO—Tactical Action Officer
TOC—Tactical Operations Center
TOT—Tactical Operations Trailer
TMU—Tactical Mobility Unit
UAV—Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
USN—United States Navy
VEVAK—Iranian Ministry of Intelligence, analogue of the CIA
Zeta—Clandestine Russian covert action and espionage activity
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