“We have a majority vote,’ Ingus said.

"You must have a majority amongst the women,’ Kareen said.

“Unfortunately, you have violated your position.’

He pointed at Kareen, Jada Lee, Friesa and Pearl.

“That means we only have five Council members, and it is unanimous, which overrules a majority.’ “We do have more women present than men,’ Sophie said. “We agree with the Council majority. This reduced Council will determine your penalties,’ Ingus said.

Mirren snapped his fingers. Police officers streamed in from every doorway. They seized the four women and led them away.

“What about Corean?’ Natalia said.

“We have no evidence against her,” Uri said. “All infractions were done during times Corean wasn't on duty.’

“What about..." Natalia started to say.

“Hello. I have something for the lost and found.’

Everyone turned.

Harold could barely be seen over the tables.


Victoria ran down to them.


Natalia knelt down to embrace her daughter. She held her long in a tight hug. Victoria didn't fidget and seemed to not want to let go.

'I found her roaming around a park,’ Harold said. “Maybe you want her back.’

“Thanks, Harold,’ Uri said.

“Roaming around a park?’ Ingus said, looking aghast. “What was she eating?’

“Tell him what you were eating,’ Harold said.

He walked down to the table, holding Becky's hand.

“Squirrel,’ Victoria said with a big grin.

Natalia released Victoria and stood.

“May I recommend a new member for the Council? Women were slightly over represented. Perhaps another man? Harold here might be a good member. If you wouldn't mind,” she said the last words to Harold

That is up to the good wishes of the Council,’ Harold said.

“I second,’ Tia said.

'I third,” Mirren said.

“Welcome to the Council,’ Ingus said. “But six is an even number. We do need an odd number, however, I recommend we put out the call and get recommendations from the whole Viperian community for the next three members.’

“Agreed,’ Mirren said.

“We will hold off on penalties until we have a full Council,” Ingus said. “And welcome back from the dead Uri.

Thank you."

'We thank the Council for listening to our Challenge,” Sophie said. “We look forward to the upcoming changes. Our Challenge has ended.’

This meeting is adjourned,” Ingus said.

Natalia felt arms wrap around her.

“I missed you so much,’ Uri said.

He held her tight.

'I think you have some explaining to do,’ she said in a whisper.

He kissed her ear. She felt him smile.

He pulled away from her.

“Thank you so much for taking such good care of my daughter,’ he said to Harold.

"You're welcome,” Harold said. “She is very well behaved. You're doing something right, Nattie.’ “Oh, no. Not me. Credit Mag, Zena, and Kate. I'm still learning,’ Natalia said.

'Did she really catch a squirrel?” Uri said.

Natalia controlled herself, knowing this was normal.

Harold shook his head.

“She did watch an old pro.’

He jerked his head toward Becky. She smiled.

Victoria isn't fast enough, yet,’ Harold said.

“Almost,’ Victoria said.

Uri laughed and picked Victoria up.

“Are you ready to go home?’

She nodded.



The kitten jumped up onto the table.

“Up here,’ Natalia said, tapping her shoulder.

Tail made the jump.

They started moving as a group toward the door.

“We're staying in an apartment in Hell. The house is unlivable,’ Natalia said.

“So I've heard.’

They stepped outside.

The limo was there with Bonnie standing smartly. She opened the door for them.

“See you soon Harold at the next Council meeting.’

Harold smiled big

I owe you,’ Harold said.

“No, Harold. We're even. We're always even.’

He laughed.

Uri gave her a little push to get into the limo. She slid in and then took Victoria to strap her into her car seat. Tail settled into Victoria's lap.

Natalia stared at Uri as he settled in his seat.

"You look awfully good for almost dying,’ she said.

He smiled and shrugged.

“I saw a bloody corpse,’ she said, reliving the scene of Uri's body on the ground.

“It was mostly Mag’s blood,” he said. “She really took a few good hits. I see she is doing well.”

“It slowed her down quite a bit."

“Bonnie and Anpu had everything under control when I decided this was an excellent opportunity. “Were you even hurt at all?’

'Grazed on a shoulder when I was helping get Mag out of the way. Anpu has some power behind his knives. Can't believe he nailed that guy clear across the street.’

I'm not happy about all the worrying I had to do. And yeah, I know, you needed me to act appropriately.’

“Sorry. It was a spur of the moment decision. We didn’t have time to explain it to you."

“What about the Bank?’

Uri grinned.

"Your little bank idea worked beautifully. I hadn't anticipated that and that Ravi really didn't want to retire. I had some long discussions with him over the phone. I'll step up as President and rebuild the Board. We discussed a new structure that incorporates more Bank employees and expertise requirements from Board members.’

“Looked more like a good old boys club to me.’

'It was. No more.’

“What about Biffy?"

“We trumped up her charges. She'll do a little jail time. I think her husband is contemplating a divorce.’

“Was she really responsible for our house destruction?’

"Yeah. She and Rubert Finch are family. I think his niece. She pulled in his son, Ratter and his gang. He got damn lucky that night. He was the only one of the five who survived. He chickened out is why."

'I bit him."

Uri smiled.

“I heard about that. My lovely Viperian wife.’

She chuckled, then frowned.

“What about Sherri?

“I'm betting during your penalties hearing that her sentence will go back to a death sentence.’ “I'm a little confused about her trying to run off with her daughter, then turning out she’s still governing the Council in her cell.’

“They were going to hide her. She was just using her daughter as a blind. When that failed, they made sure she didn't get a death sentence and she was living a life of luxury in the cell. Still governing the Council."


"Yeah," Uri said.

The limo pulled through the gates of Hell.

“Are we ever going to stop calling this place Hell? It's getting to be rather nice.’

“A hell of place,’ he said.

Natalia smacked him on his shoulder.

“Ow. That's the bad one,’ he said, rubbing it.

I'm sure it's well healed if it was only a graze,’ she said.

He laughed.

The limo pulled up to the curb at the end of Nattie Ave. Kate's car pulled up. They all went to the front of the building.

“We're on the second floor now," Kate said.

Natalia led the way up to the third floor.

I didn’t even know there was a front door.’

She used the fob Grazie had given her to open the door.

“Nice,’ Uri said.

“No grubbies in the basement, but now it feels like home,” she said.

Victoria yawned.

“We have to find you a bedroom.’

“There's a litter box in here. And your things. This looks like your room, Victoria.’

Victoria helped go through a routing to prepare for bed. Natalia had an idea this was from her stay at Harold's. She stood on her stool to reach the sink and brushed her teeth without being told.

“I missed Tail," she said, crawling into bed.

“Thank you for sending her to me. She helped a lot.’

“I know,’ Victoria said with certainty.

“Good night, sweet girl."

She left the door open and returned to her bedroom. Uri was sitting on the bed. He rose and stepped over to her.

“I know what you're thinking,” she said.

“I bet you don't,’ he said.

He pulled her shirt off.

“I know some of what you're thinking,” she said.

He unfastened her bra.

"You're getting warmer,’ he said.

He took his shirt off. She could see his wound.

“That looks a lot worse than a graze,’ she said.

“Just a flesh wound,’ he said.

He kissed down her neck, then licked her shoulder.

Natalia waited for the bite. She hardly felt it. However, the heat she usually felt was missing. “That was a different bite,’ she said.


A chill went through her body, then she started to sweat.


“No one tells me not to breed,” he said. “We need some more Uri spawn walking.’

Her body was now heating up to match her sweat.

“We have an extra bedroom in the house. We have two more bedrooms here,’ he said. “Ovulating. You bit me with ovulating venom.

"You are only a few days away. I'm just speeding up the process."

“But Victoria is a handful."

Uri was taking off the rest of her clothing.

“If Harold says we have a well-behaved child, then we're doing something right. He would know. He heads our delinquent boys group.’

'A troublemaker knows how to handle a troublemaker.’

"Yeah," he said, pushing her onto the bed.

On Saturday, the whole block looked like a festival.

"Oh, my word,” Natalia said.

“Do you like it? We decorated it all last night, so it would be a surprise,” Lisa said.

"Uri kept me from the windows, so I suspected something, but nothing like this.”

The whole block was decorated with balloons and streamers. There were extra flower pots with colorful Chrysanthemums. Tables and chairs were in the streets with a huge red tarp that was strung from the tops of the buildings to shade the street. The sun was out and there wasn't a single cloud. “We don't start until nine. Why are all these people here?”

"A line started at eight. We opened the doors early,” Lisa said.

There was a mobile counter in the street. Wang Fang was selling sweet rolls, tea and coffee. “They aren't supposed to be operating in the street.”

“It's a grand opening. Anything goes,” Lisa said. “Grazie said he got the okay from Paul. Plus the furniture store across the way pushed up their open date and they're sharing in the publicity.” Kimi approached them at a fast walk.

“We're really busy. We need you.”

“Come on in, Nattie. Take a look," Lisa said, heading to the shop at a jog with Kimi.


Natalia turned and was surprised to see Francie, a Viperian nurse that had once been deployed by the Council to seduce Ravi.

“Francie. Thanks for coming. How's the Children’s Hospital”

“Work is good. I'm spending more time in the Children’s Hospital in A'ppollo than Viperia. And getting a little more socially active. I was really hoping your shop would help. I'm a little shorter than most.’

“This is what the shop is all about. Helping those who can't find clothes off the rack. Lisa or Kimi will help. Lisa.”

Lisa waved her over. She was surrounded by three other women.

“We're setting up appointments.”

“Lisa will help you.”

“Thanks, Nattie.”

Moralis walked in. He had a full news crew with him. Francie, his wife, was with him, holding Tazia, their daughter.

“Moralis. Francie. We have the other Francie here, too,” Natalia said, joining them

“I told her she needed to come,” Francie said. “I was hoping you would have a full house and looks like you do.”

“Undent and Viperian,' Natalia said.

Three Undent women entered. They looked upper class.

“You'll have a great turnout,” Moralis said.

“Yeah. Thanks for the mention on the news.”

"First business opening up in A Hell of A Place. We'll visit the furniture store, too,” he said. "Yiggy will appreciate that. They furnished the apartments we're using down the street.”

Uri came in carrying Victoria.


They shook hands.

"Good to see you walking,” Moralis said.

“Oh, I have a word to say to you about a pipe,’ Natalia said.

"Why don't we step outside,” Uri said to Moralis. “And let the ladies chat.”

Francie laughed while Uri pulled Moralis out.

Sophie entered.

"Morning, ladies.”

"Congrats on your promotion,” Natalia said. “The new Controller.”

“We're going to miss you at the Bank, Nattie,” Sophie said.


“Tyrone. What a surprise.”

Sophie moved off.

“I heard about your shop. I brought my niece and some of her friends.”

Three girls with skin as dark as Tyrone's were giggling behind him.

“This is my niece, Eshe.”

Eshe was using forearm crutches to support herself. One leg looked shorter than the other. Both legs were crooked.

"Hi, Eshe. So nice to meet you. Lisa is the best person to help you. She's taking appointments for fittings.”

Natalia pointed her out.

“We will get in line. Take care, Nattie,” Tyrone said.

Uri waved at her.

She headed his way and stepped outside.

“They want to do a short spiel on the new bank.”

“It's a savings and loan.”

“Semantics,” Moralis said. “You're working towards being a bank.”

"We can walk. It's a nice day and gives us a chance to see everything,” Uri said.

“I'm amazed at all the changes,” Morals said.

The camera crew followed them the couple of blocks. Natalia was pleased that the sign painter had been there. Someone had painted all the boards that were covering the windows to make them look like windows since the windows hadn’t been replaced yet.

“The Neighborhoods Savings and Loan. Nice, Nattie,” Moralis said.

She felt as if he was talking more for the cameras.

Once inside, she hardly recognized the place. No one would let her come down to take a look. Fenni would show up with checks for her to sign instead of letting her come down to sign them. “Nattie.”

Ravi waved, but didn't come over since he was helping someone.

The whole place had been painted. The counters had been repaired. There were paintings of windows hung over every single window. Every office that she could see was fully furnished. “What's your goal, Nattie?” Moralis said, playing to the cameras.

“To offer loans at good rates for the small businesses of A'ppollo that just can’t meet the strict requirements of other loan institutions. There are more small businesses in A’ppollo than there are big. As well, this helps people live here, shop here, bank here. A small community where you can walk to work. Walk to the bank. Walk to the furniture store. We're really hoping someone opens a grocery store.”

“I'm sure someone will,” Moralis said.

He led the camera crew outside.

Ravi finished with his customer and strolled over.

“Sittel will be here later this morning,” he said.

“I have Lisa on alert to get measurements,” she said.


“How are things here?” Uri said.

“Wonderful. I can't wait to hand over the reins to you and be here full time. It's exhilarating to be working with the public again. I didnt realize how much I missed it.”

“How long are we open today?” she said.

"We're staying open longer because of all the publicity. We have appointments scheduled all the way to three.”

"Wow," she said.

“You filled a niche that needed to be filled,” Ravi said. “There is a lot of demand for such a business.” "Are we running out of money, yet?”

"Hardly. If you do, we can call out to investors. We're getting calls from them as well.” “Excellent,” Uri said. “You'll become my biggest competitor.”

"Keep you on your toes,” she said with a laugh.

“I have another appointment. Have a good day, Nattie. Uri.”

Natalia thought he had an extra spring in his step.

"He's happy,” she said, following Uri outside.

"Everyone is happy,” Uri said, taking her hand.

“Me happy,” Victoria said.

“You go play in your store,” Uri said. “Harold said he might show up with Becky.”

“There they are.”

They had just turned the corner onto Nattie Ave. She also noticed people in costume juggling and dancing. Anpu was among them.

“Becky,” Victoria screamed, squirming to get out of Uri's arms.

He let her down.

“Hi, Harold.”

“Nattie. Uri. What a big celebration. Looks awesome.”


Natalia spied Tyrone talking with Lisa.

“I was hoping to get someone fitted for a party dress,” Harold said. “Her birthday is coming up. She's wants as big of a shindig as Victoria had, but with a hunt house.”

“Let them know you'll need washable fabric then,” she said.

Harold laughed and nodded.

Kimi stepped out.

"We need her back,” she said pointing to Lisa.

“Can someone help Harold and Becky?"

Natalia pointed them out to Kimi.

"You need new pants,” Kimi said to Harold. “Those look terrible.”

"Hard to find clothes...” he started to say.

“That's why we're here. Come on in. We have my sisters helping with appointments. We'll get you measured.”

“She needs a party dress..." Harold said, following Kimi while he dragged Becky with him.

Natalia let Victoria follow them.


Natalia greeted three of the Garden Party ladies and ushered them inside with a wave of her hand. Lisa came up to.

“I got a date,” she whispered to Nattie. “He says he worked with you.”



“He's a nice guy. Yeah, he works at the bank. Manager of the IT Department.”


Lisa giggled and went into the store.

Natalia stepped in. The place was now packed. The alteration area had a line. Aside from Kimi and Lisa, there were five other women doing measurements.



Behind her were four other Garden Party ladies.

“I help her,” Yiggy said, coming out of the crowd.

The women passed her into the shop.

“So, what's next?” Grazie said, stepping up beside her.

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

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