Betrayed Luna's Second Chance Alphas
Betrayed Luna’s Second Chance Alphas – Chapter 45


I walked inside to see Reid just standing there, his eyes staring vacantly at his brother. I winced as I looked at Hiran before I turned to Reid. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he looked down at me with a soft smile.

“You alright, Reid?” I said and he shook his head while his arms went around me.

“I am alright, since you are here,” he said with a deep sigh. “Don’t go anywhere, Dee,” he said again, his eyes boring into mine. My heart hitched. I had asked myself a million times if this was… a mistake. But I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop myself from making the same mistake over and over again.

I was usually a decisive person, except when it came to Reid. I had wasted two and half years being indecisive, but even though I am with him now, I have this constant niggling feeling.

“Not going anywhere…” Until you tell me to, I thought and even the thought of it was painful. I just hoped the Goddess — yes, after spending years with wolves, the Goddess had kind of become a part of my life too — wouldn’t choose to hurt me for one of her own children.

“So how are you feeling?” I asked as I rubbed his arms up and down.

“I don’t know how I am supposed to feel. I had threatened to kill him a thousand times, but when I see him like this, something feels… off.”

“He is still your brother,” I sighed with a dejected frown. This was a freaking mess. Hiran was the kind of a*s.hole a man like Reid shouldn’t have as a brother. Reid was the complete opposite of Hiran. He was kind and compassionate and considerate. It was a sick twist that Hiran was his brother.

“I don’t know why he is my brother,” he hissed. His eyes turned dark and I could sense his inner turmoil.

“Mind-link gamma Miller, and ask him to come here. He will stay with that Alpha a*s.hole. And we have to get the hell out.”

“Where? Where are we going? Riley is-“

“Riley has not one but two men who will look after her. And I want to look after you. Come on.”

“What are you going to do?” Reid whispered as I leaned closer to him and inhaled his warm scent. He smelled like summer

mornings. His body went rigid.

“Not here, Deidre. You know I can’t control myself when you do things like that.”

“Like this?” I said as I licked the base of his chin and he jerked away from me with a g***n. He pulled me away from himself, and made me stand at arms length before he turned to doctor Abel.

“Doctor Abel, Miller will be here in a minute. Will you be alright?”

“Yes, the Alph- he is sedated, Beta, and I am just cleaning his wounds. You don’t have to be here,” Doctor Abel said. Before we could walk out and escape from this torture, Miller came in. He looked tired, angry and vengeful. His eyes narrowed into slits as he looked at Hiran, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

“He deserves it for everything he has done to Riley. I can’t- I can’t believe that he was – how was I so blind, Reid?”

“I was just as blind. He was a monster, not just a slimy a*s.hole, and I had never realized that,” Reid said and the two men shared a moment of silence, as if they were mourning everything. Miller slapped Reid on his back and then smiled.

“But I suppose it is for the best. Now that you will be Alpha, I can finally be your Beta.”

“Who said I am going to choose you as my beta?” Reid winked and Miller laughed. They looked so at ease with each other.

“Now go before the Luna kills me.”

“Why would Riley kill you?” I blinked at Miller and he gave me a cheeky grin.

“Oh, I didn’t mean Riley,” he said with a wink, and I flushed. I had never felt… so speechless in my life. In fact, it was hard for anyone to shut me up, but here I am.

“You are an i***t,” Reid said as he grabbed my hand and we walked towards Reid’s room. Even though I knew Miller was only joking, I couldn’t stop the thoughts that filled my mind. No, that was stupid. I was human. No way in hell could I be a Luna to the werewolves. Of course, everyone in this pack already knew me and adored me, but I knew they wouldn’t want a human as their Luna.

“What? You have gone quiet?” Reid said as he looked at me. He closed the door to his room behind him and peered at me with blue eyes that made me want to forget everything. Those eyes were too distracting.


“Is it about what Miller said? He is an i***t. Forget about it and come closer and k**s me. You promised to console me, didn’t you?”

“Well, I did.” I walked to where he stood and pushed him down to the bed. He gave me a smile that made my heart thunder. “And I will.”



I was standing barefoot, and my heart was racing. Sweat dripped down my neck, and fear pounded in my pulse. Everything around me was dark and cold, but I wasn’t afraid for myself. I was staring at a glass room in the middle of this cold forest. There was a tiny bed inside the glass room and a little girl slept in it.


I walked inside to see Reid just standing there, his eyes staring vacantly at his brother. I winced as I looked at Hiran before I turned to Reid. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he looked down at me with a soft smile.


I walkad insida to saa Raid just standing thara, his ayas staring vacantly at his brothar. I wincad as I lookad at Hiran bafora I turnad to Raid. I laanad my haad against his shouldar and ha lookad down at ma with a soft smila.

“You alright, Raid?” I said and ha shook his haad whila his arms want around ma.

“I am alright, sinca you ara hara,” ha said with a daap sigh. “Don’t go anywhara, Daa,” ha said again, his ayas boring into mina. My haart hitchad. I had askad mysalf a million timas if this was… a mistaka. But I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop mysalf from making tha sama mistaka ovar and ovar again.

I was usually a dacisiva parson, axcapt whan it cama to Raid. I had wastad two and half yaars baing indacisiva, but avan though I am with him now, I hava this constant niggling faaling.

“Not going anywhara…” Until you tall ma to, I thought and avan tha thought of it was painful. I just hopad tha Goddass — yas, aftar spanding yaars with wolvas, tha Goddass had kind of bacoma a part of my lifa too — wouldn’t choosa to hurt ma for ona of har own childran.

“So how ara you faaling?” I askad as I rubbad his arms up and down.

“I don’t know how I am supposad to faal. I had thraatanad to kill him a thousand timas, but whan I saa him lika this, somathing faals… off.”

“Ha is still your brothar,” I sighad with a dajactad frown. This was a fraaking mass. Hiran was tha kind of a*s.hola a man lika Raid shouldn’t hava as a brothar. Raid was tha complata opposita of Hiran. Ha was kind and compassionata and considarata. It was a sick twist that Hiran was his brothar.

“I don’t know why ha is my brothar,” ha hissad. His ayas turnad dark and I could sansa his innar turmoil.

“Mind-link gamma Millar, and ask him to coma hara. Ha will stay with that Alpha a*s.hola. And wa hava to gat tha hall out.”

“Whara? Whara ara wa going? Rilay is-“

“Rilay has not ona but two man who will look aftar har. And I want to look aftar you. Coma on.”

“What ara you going to do?” Raid whisparad as I laanad closar to him and inhalad his warm scant. Ha smallad lika summar

mornings. His body want rigid.

“Not hara, Daidra. You know I can’t control mysalf whan you do things lika that.”

“Lika this?” I said as I lickad tha basa of his chin and ha jarkad away from ma with a g***n. Ha pullad ma away from himsalf, and mada ma stand at arms langth bafora ha turnad to doctor Abal.

“Doctor Abal, Millar will ba hara in a minuta. Will you ba alright?”

“Yas, tha Alph- ha is sadatad, Bata, and I am just claaning his wounds. You don’t hava to ba hara,” Doctor Abal said. Bafora wa could walk out and ascapa from this tortura, Millar cama in. Ha lookad tirad, angry and vangaful. His ayas narrowad into slits as ha lookad at Hiran, and thara was no amotion in his ayas.

“Ha dasarvas it for avarything ha has dona to Rilay. I can’t- I can’t baliava that ha was – how was I so blind, Raid?”

“I was just as blind. Ha was a monstar, not just a slimy a*s.hola, and I had navar raalizad that,” Raid said and tha two man sharad a momant of silanca, as if thay wara mourning avarything. Millar slappad Raid on his back and than smilad.

“But I supposa it is for tha bast. Now that you will ba Alpha, I can finally ba your Bata.”

“Who said I am going to choosa you as my bata?” Raid winkad and Millar laughad. Thay lookad so at aasa with aach othar.

“Now go bafora tha Luna kills ma.”

“Why would Rilay kill you?” I blinkad at Millar and ha gava ma a chaaky grin.

“Oh, I didn’t maan Rilay,” ha said with a wink, and I flushad. I had navar falt… so spaachlass in my lifa. In fact, it was hard for anyona to shut ma up, but hara I am.

“You ara an i***t,” Raid said as ha grabbad my hand and wa walkad towards Raid’s room. Evan though I knaw Millar was only joking, I couldn’t stop tha thoughts that fillad my mind. No, that was stupid. I was human. No way in hall could I ba a Luna to tha warawolvas. Of coursa, avaryona in this pack alraady knaw ma and adorad ma, but I knaw thay wouldn’t want a human as thair Luna.

“What? You hava gona quiat?” Raid said as ha lookad at ma. Ha closad tha door to his room bahind him and paarad at ma with blua ayas that mada ma want to forgat avarything. Thosa ayas wara too distracting.


“Is it about what Millar said? Ha is an i***t. Forgat about it and coma closar and k**s ma. You promisad to consola ma, didn’t you?”

“Wall, I did.” I walkad to whara ha stood and pushad him down to tha bad. Ha gava ma a smila that mada my haart thundar. “And I will.”



I was standing barafoot, and my haart was racing. Swaat drippad down my nack, and faar poundad in my pulsa. Evarything around ma was dark and cold, but I wasn’t afraid for mysalf. I was staring at a glass room in tha middla of this cold forast. Thara was a tiny bad insida tha glass room and a littla girl slapt in it.

I pounded against the glass walls, but the sound was lost. She didn’t see me. She kept sobbing into her pillows, as she was counting… one, two, three.

“Come on, look up, look up,” I whispered as I stared through the glass. She didn’t look up. She kept counting. Five, six. It went on and on.

Someone was coming.

“You have to come. We must leave now. We can’t stay here, Claire, baby, wake up. Look at me,” I screamed through the glass walls and my voice echoed around me, painfully loud, but she didn’t look up.

I heard voices talking to themselves.

“Inject her with-“

“The drug is too potent and she is only a child and-“

“Don’t worry,” a woman’s voice said. “She can take it.”

The voices faded as the footsteps neared. I had to get out of here. I couldn’t leave Claire here.

I kicked, punched, but the wall never moved, or broke. It was solid.

“Oh Claire,” I whispered and she finally looked up. Her eyes were glowing green with red and her hair looked like it was caught on fire. My eyes. My hair.

I blinked, a soft gasp stuck in my throat, and I sat up, panting as I did. It was only a dream, but it felt so vivid. The look in that girl’s eyes… Desperate. Broken. That was the kind of look you shouldn’t see in a little girl’s eyes.

“Riley? Riley?” Adrian said as he looked down at me. “Are you alright, little Red?”

“A bad dream,” I said as I gripped my blanket closer to my body, which was still shuddering.

“It is alright, take a deep breath,” Gem said in a soft voice.

“Oh, Riley,” Adrian said as he sat next to me and looked into my eyes. “What was it about?” His fingers softly ran along my spine. My body relaxed under his touch. “Tell me. Maybe it will help.”

“I think it was Claire. She was in a room. She looked different, but… I was trying to save her.”

“I am so sorry, Riley, but I promise we will save her.”

“But how can you be so sure? He is a -monster, Adrian, and he- he just doesn’t know when to stop. After what I did to him, he will surely want to hurt me and I don’t- Claire is too little and too young for all of this. Why does he have to use them in this power struggle? It is between him and me.”

“He is a cruel, cruel bastard, Riley, and men like him don’t think twice about who they are hurting as long as they get what they want,” Adrian said in a freezing voice. His face had turned into a dark stormy cloud, and my eyes widened. I had never seen him like that. It was proof of how much he hated Hiran.

“I really, really hate him,” I said again as I blinked and looked around, my eyes searching for Roman. Adrian sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.

“Roman just left. He got a call from Finn. So I stayed,” his voice was frustrated, his eyes dejected. “Should I ask him to come inside?”

I shook my head.

“Oh Adrian, I really don’t want to-“

Adrian stood up and looked at me, his eyes heated. “You said it is not pity. What is it then? Who am I? Should I stop before it hurts me further? What is the point of me staying when he will be the one you always look for when you are happy or sad?”

“Oh… why does it hurt me when I look at him like that? I want to protect him, keep him safe,” Gem said. “Even from you, Riley. I hate you right now, because you are the reason for his pain.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“What am I even doing here, Riley? I should leave,” he growled out, looking agitated. He gripped his hair in his hand and I stood up with a sigh and grasped his hand.

“Please don’t hurt yourself,” I said as he whirled around and stared at me, his eyes piercing straight into my soul. I shuddered. The pain in them was killing me. I wanted to hurt myself for hurting him. The gray eyes had gone completely dark, reminding me of the night skies when the moon was hiding behind the curtain of clouds.

“Everyone was right. I am pathetic.”

“No, you are not,” I grabbed his hand in mine and stood on my tip-toes. His hot breath caressed my lips. His lips parted and his eyes widened. My body moved closer to him on its own accord. I gripped his hair in my hand as my other hand trailed down his chest. I didn’t want to let him go. I couldn’t. It was not rational, but I couldn’t think. I only wanted to act when he looked at me with those hurt eyes.

It was primal. To never let him feel any hurt. To protect him. To hold him. To always, always make him happy.


If Roman was the one I would always choose, why did my heart feel heavy when Adrian told me he should leave? What the hell was wrong with me? I hated myself at that moment, but I didn’t want Adrian to go.


If Roman was the one I would always choose, why did my heart feel heavy when Adrian told me he should leave? What the hell was wrong with me? I hated myself at that moment, but I didn’t want Adrian to go.

How could I want them both? Why would I?

I had always been someone who wanted ONE man all to myself. But why was this happening to me now?

“Riley…” he growled out, shaking his head. “What the f**k are you-“

“Don’t go, Ad. Don’t go.” My fingers stopped just above his e******n.

“You will destroy me, Luna,” he g*****d as he tangled his fingers into my wild curls and tugged. I m****d in response. “And I am willing to be destroyed. I am willing to get hurt, to be used…”

My lips parted as his other hand cupped my throat. His fingers in my hair tugged and pulled, eliciting a g***n from me.

“K**s me, Luna. K**s me. Prove to me that I am not pathetic.”


He tugged at my hair again, making me m**n. It was as if something had changed in him. He looked powerful, dominant. He looked like he wanted to possess me. It was as if a switch was turned on. He pressed against me, and I could feel how hard he was. My h**s jerked forward, meeting his e******n.

Gem m****d.

“Why does he feel so familiar? Like I have touched him before?”

“It was nothing like what I feel for Roman.”

“Yes. When Roman touches you, you feel like you are drowning in a cyclone. When Adrian touches you, you feel like you have just come out of the cyclone, safe and sound.”

“I feel like I would explode when Roman touches me. I feel like my exploded pieces have been put back together when Adrian touches me. Why?”

I kissed him. My lips were slow, reverent. He tasted like safety. Warmth. Happiness. Home. And passion. The same feeling I felt whenever Adrian was touching me increased, until all my agitation, my hesitation, my rage melted away.

Adrian prodded my lips with his tongue before he tangled his tongue with mine. I touched his c*ck and he jerked and then pressed himself firmly against my hand. I cupped him and a long m**n left him, and I ate his m**n like a desperate b.itch that I was.

The door opened. I could already smell Roman’s scent, and I expected him to growl… but nothing like that happened. Even though I knew I should probably move, I didn’t. I gripped Adrian’s c*ck tighter as Roman walked towards us. He went to my back, pulled me against him, as Adrian continued kissing my throat, my chest.

Roman nibbled my earlobe. “Kitten, you bad, bad Kitten. You know you must be punished for this…”

“It was him,” I m****d as Adrian licked my pulse and sucked and my body trembled from the sensation of both their touches. It was too much, too good.

“I want to bite you,” Roman whispered and I g*****d. “I want to mark you.”

The three of us stilled. Adrian pulled back from me. I whirled around and stared at Roman.

Roman’s pupils were dilated as he looked at me. My lips opened in a gasp.

“You- you what?”


-The Creature-

The creature prowled the dark forest with tall, overgrown trees. He didn’t know what he was looking for or where he was going. The one next to him tilted her bald head and sniffed the air.

He growled and grunted. He was hungry. His stomach felt like someone was ripping in two.

Hungry. Hungry. B***d. B***d.

There were no other thoughts in his head, or hers, for that matter.

He looked at his white, dotted skin on his arm, his eyes a sharp slit, when he smelled it. Fresh scent of b***d. His mouth watered as his curved incisors gleamed like steel knives.

He pounced outside of the trees and his wide red eyes blinked. His pupils were only red.

He looked at the human.

The human was a blur of red and black, like a blinking, shadowy red light. The creature only saw the double focused red and black, but he smelled b***d, he smelled the human’s fear.

The human turned to run.

With an ear-splitting roar, the creature leaped, and grabbed the human. He incapacitated the human with a single s***h of his long claws. B***d gushed out. Glug. Glug.

“Ethan, Ethan, Mirabel is crying again. Can you please check on her? I am too tired.”

He let out a loud roar before his teeth plunged into the human’s empty neck. The other creature waited for a minute and he met her eyes and nodded his head, giving her permission.

She sat down on the cold ground and grabbed the human’s hand.

B***d was the sweetest. The only thing they both remembered now was b***d. Only b***d. And pain. So much pain.


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