Alphas Broken Mate
Chapter 40

Catalina's POV

When I wake up, I am alone. I roll over and check the time. I must have needed some sleep because it's late in the morning. I check my phone and there's a message from Liam.

"Good morning beautiful. I didn't want to wake you, sleeping is good for your healing. Also you looked so peaceful drooling on the pillow. Haha. I won't have a long day and I want to spend it in bed with you. I asked my mother to meet you here in the living room instead of her place. Go down and see her whenever you are ready. I love you. Please be careful next time."

I know he is going to want to talk more about what happened. I stretch, a ping of pain rushes up my side. I forgot about my ribs. I get out of bed and get ready. After getting dressed, brushing my teeth and washing my face, I head downstairs. I see Violet in the living


"Hello dear." She says.

"How is your side?" She asks.

"Sore. Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked.

"Yes dear. You go ahead I'll be here when you are done." She shoos me into the cafeteria. I sit down and eat. The food is delicious as always. I finish up and spend a few hours with Violet until Liam finds us. "My two favorite ladies." He says giving his mother a kiss and then me.

"But I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal Lina away from you. We have a date." He says.

"Of course. We've gone over almost everything already. Have fun you two." She says. Liam leads me back up stairs my hand in his. When we get to his room we stop. I look at him, we've never gone to his room.

"I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes." He says. I do and I feel him lead me into the room.

"Alright open them." I open my eyes and I smile wide. His room is beautiful, no gorgeous. There is a huge sleigh bed with cream colored sheets. Two large windows behind it. There are two closets and a large bathroom, with two sinks. There's a bay window with two seats tucked in. I look at him.

"I renovated the room. This is our room now." He says.

Our room.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"I love it." I reply.

"I love you." He says as I wrap him in a kiss, or try, as soon as my arm goes up I feel the pain. He's face turns to worry.

"Lina why didn't you tell me you got hurt? I don't like finding out about it hours later." He says.

"I don't know. I went to the clinic and right from there to your mother's. I'm sorry. I should have told you." I say.

"It probably doesn't help that you can't mind link me." He says to himself.

"Lina can I ask you something sensitive."


"When do you think we can mark each other?" He asks.

"Soon Liam. Really soon." I say. He looks happy.

"I can't wait to use this tub. It's huge, it could fit like 4 people."

"Why wait." He says. I smile and go into the bathroom. I run a hot bath and get in. Liam stands at the doorway and leans up against the frame. I have my eyes closed and my head back, but I can feel his eyes on me.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to join me?" I say without opening my eyes.

"I'd love to join you, but I think you should heal more first." He says. I peek my eyes open and see a grin on his face.

"I'll go get us some lunch and bring it up here. Take your time beautiful." He comes over and kisses my forehead. He leaves and I sink deeper into the tub. The warm water soothes my side. Once the water gets cool I get out and wrap myself in a towel. I step into the bedroom, our bedroom, and I see Liam laying on the bed with a tray of food in front of him. "How wes the beth?" He esks.

"Lovely." I sey joining him in the bed. He pulls me in end kisses me. We eet lunch end chet.

"Heve you got everything figured out for the ceremony?" He esks.

"I hope so. I'm so over plenning it." I sey es I get up to get dressed.

"And more importently how is your side feeling?"

"The beth helped. How's the merge coming?"

"It's coming elong." He pulls me towerds him end looks me in the eyes.

"But I will sey I've been distrected."

"By whet?" I esk.

"Just thinking in two deys how ell the pecks will know you ere mine." He seys. I blush.

Two deys.

"I love meking you blush Line." He seys es he tucks e strend of heir behind my eer. He pulls me in for e kiss. It's soft end sweet. His hends cup my fece end I melt into his touch. He lifts me up end gently pleces me on the bed. I cen tell he's trying to be gentle with my side.

"I don't know why you got dressed." He seys egeinst my lips end I smile.

"To give you something to work for." I sey. He pulls beck from my fece end grins.

"Oh I'll work for it, love." He treils kisses down my body. Eech kiss werming my core. Liem won me over end over egein thet night. His love wes soft end gentle end it enveloped me. When we were finelly done, I fell esleep on his chest. "How was the bath?" He asks.

"Lovely." I say joining him in the bed. He pulls me in and kisses me. We eat lunch and chat.

"Have you got everything figured out for the ceremony?" He asks.

"I hope so. I'm so over planning it." I say as I get up to get dressed.

"And more importantly how is your side feeling?"

"The bath helped. How's the merge coming?"

"It's coming along." He pulls me towards him and looks me in the eyes.

"But I will say I've been distracted."

"By what?" I ask.

"Just thinking in two days how all the packs will know you are mine." He says. I blush.

Two days.

"I love making you blush Lina." He says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. He pulls me in for a kiss. It's soft and sweet. His hands cup my face and I melt into his touch. He lifts me up and gently places me on the bed. I can tell he's trying to be gentle with my side.

"I don't know why you got dressed." He says against my lips and I smile.

"To give you something to work for." I say. He pulls back from my face and grins.

"Oh I'll work for it, love." He trails kisses down my body. Each kiss warming my core. Liam won me over and over again that night. His love was soft and gentle and it enveloped me. When we were finally done, I fell asleep on his chest.

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