Explore The Most Popular Fantasy Novels
The love of a wolf
35 Chapters -
The Soul of Scarlet's Lost Tears
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Magic by the Sea
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The Chamber of Sins
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Haven's Addiction
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A Castle Made Of Dreams
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You Think You'll Live?
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Brothers Keep Her
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Her Safe Place
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The Bridge Between Worlds
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Dark Light
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Life and other Disasters
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To Hell & Back
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At Dawn, in the Forest
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Forsaken (Book #1)
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Shadows in Light
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Winds of Aerathiea
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The Immortalized Heart (Book 2 Original version)
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Fire On Fire
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The Dimensional Rift
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The Sinuous Bargain of a Cowardly Prince (book one, The Shadowed Throne Chronicles)
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The Demon Lord's Lover
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Once Upon a Tee Time
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The Forgotten World 2: Slavery of the Wolves
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