Explore The Recently Added Fantasy Novels (Completed)
The Ragnix Circle
16 Chapters -
Fallen Thirst
38 Chapters -
From Death, A New Beginning
21 Chapters -
Impure: Godslayers
27 Chapters -
The Paragon Antaris - a secret World of magic #2
24 Chapters -
Pandora's Box
20 Chapters -
A Month of Midnights
16 Chapters -
Kingdom and Clans, King's Destiny (Book 1)
21 Chapters -
The Sea in our Veins
16 Chapters -
Embers in the Dust
44 Chapters -
The Ring of Eman Vath
26 Chapters -
The Lovenina princesses: New Beginnings (Book 1)
28 Chapters -
30 Chapters -
Five Times
29 Chapters -
Forest's Journey
29 Chapters -
Inktober 2022
32 Chapters -
Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault
51 Chapters -
Black Sun Academy: Vampire Hunter Book 3
17 Chapters -
Solstice - The Goddess Awakens
63 Chapters -
23 Chapters -
Magiana Imperial Academy - Volume 1: Path to Greatness
17 Chapters -
Angels and Demons - The First Arc
10 Chapters -
The Sugilite Prince
33 Chapters -
To Catch a King
15 Chapters