Explore The Recently Updated Novels (Completed)
Words Unspoken
32 Chapters -
15 Chapters -
The Tyrant's Trophy
41 Chapters -
Unsung Heroes
21 Chapters -
OBSIDIAN: Birth to Venus
29 Chapters -
Planet XEE
12 Chapters -
Pleas to the Pleiades
16 Chapters -
Legend of Earth
14 Chapters -
The Department of Corrections, Book One
25 Chapters -
Spiritual knight
22 Chapters -
A Machine Called Earth
43 Chapters -
15 Chapters -
Cynetic Wolf
76 Chapters -
Chronicles of the Kiridians
21 Chapters -
The Becoming
11 Chapters -
32 Chapters -
Tristan and Arianne
37 Chapters -
Excalibur ~ World from Ashes
30 Chapters -
World Apart
39 Chapters -
The Luna Destiny
40 Chapters -
At Least I Had Her
11 Chapters -
Fifth Avenue - The Replacements
24 Chapters -
The Frihet Rebellion
32 Chapters -
The Cello
20 Chapters